The best option is going to be SF50 Training Packet (specifically designed for 50-55 age range). There are three plans within the packet, and you can pick and choose one to try out. We’ve received a lot of great feedback on these. Like all of our other daily programming and plans, it’s available via the Athlete Subscription as well. Feel free if you have any questions.
The best option is going to be the Big Cat Training Packet, which consists of 5 training plans over 35 weeks. These are Fire/Rescue base fitness plans that will help build the foundation until you jump into the Smoke Diver Training Plan prior to attending. Since you’re still a year out, you’ll likely need to repeat one of the plans in the packet. Feel free if you have any questions.
I’m currently training for Delta selection in the spring. I have about 30 weeks until selection. I was looking at some of your plans that you guys have and was wondering if you had any recommendations for which plans to do given my time frame.
I appreciate any and all advice!
Based on your timeline, this is going to be the best order of plans to prep for selection. Best of luck!
(1) Fortitude – Gym based strength, distance running and rucking
(2) Valor – Gym based work capacity, short, intense running and rucking intervals
(3) SFOD-D Build – Endurance focus and purpose-built to prepare athletes for the running and rucking volume in the final plan
(4) SFOD-D Selection Training Plan
I’m 5’6 180# in decent shape from this MTB season. I have roughly 48 weeks to get ready for the Leadville 100 MTB, but I don’t want to miss out on/mess up my back country ski season. Any tips on how to get Race ready without risking injury or missing out on skiing?
As the season winds down I have some quick questions for the hotshot offseason. I own the shot prep plan and base cycle wildland plans. The prep plan really helped my endurance on the line (of course nothing really preps you for 16 hours indirect line cut). I added some pushup and pullup pyramids to prepare for the crew goals. I came in the top 5-6 for general fitness on my crew, and they claimed it was the fittest crew in the history of the crew, so thank you for the plans. My goal for the offseason is continue to make endurance gains but make significant strength gains and simultaneously improve speed. Current bodyweight around 150, goal is 155 per MTI’s tactical athlete standard. I also want to come in in good shape for critical training, which includes events as short as 40 yd and 400m sprints, pushup/pullup max, and plenty of 3-4 mile hill events. What plan or combo of plans would you reccomend I do in the offseason to achieve better hiking speed, mile time, sprint speed, callenstenic strength (pushup/pullup), and overall strength and muscle gains (Mostly for injury prevention). I plan to also do a ATG program (Ben Patrick) for bulletproofing my knees. I understand its difficult to maximize all of these but I think it’s possible with the right training.
I am starting you Big 3 + 5-mile Run Training Plan but I want to increase my pushups and pull-ups as well. I am going to incorporate either the Grease the Groove Push Up / Pull Up or you’re 3-week Push Up & Pull Up Improvement Training Plan. Which schedule would be best in conjunction with the Big 3 plan? The Daily of the Grease and Groove or the 3-week Push & Pull Plan?
In terms of plan selection, I’d recommend the Grease the Groove Push Up/Pull Up as we found it beat some of our other progressions in terms of overall improvement.
Integrating into the Big + 5 Mile Plan…. Do the Push Up/Pull Up progressions before the runs on Tues/Thursday, and after the strength work on Mon/Wed/Fri.