Off-Season Strength for Endurance Athletes
• 6 weeks, 5 days/week
• Designed specifically for endurance athletes to generate more power, build a stronger midsection, and increase durability for an injury-free season
• Best completed in the off-season with no, or little, endurance work
• This training plan is one of the 182+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
This training program is designed to strengthen and prepare endurance athletes for the rigors of their training and racing season. This program is designed to be done in the off-season with a full significant break from your endurance activity – running, swimming, biking or whatever. This is an intense strength training program, designed to be completed alone, without any additional training.
Program Goals:
- Build relative strength for power generation, durability and overall longevity in your sport.
- Build the eccentric strength and strength endurance in your legs to prepare you for the eccentric loading which occurs during long-distance training and descending on runs.
- Build the lactate tolerance and recovery in your legs so you can train harder longer, and recover quicker during breaks.
- Build your core/midsection strength and overall strength to add stability during training and increase overall durability.
- Build your glute medius strength, hamstring strength, and landing mechanics to help protect your knees from injury during the racing season.
- Build your legs and lungs and reduce the impact on your joints.
- Build durability and functional movement, that teaches your body how to move effectively to reduce the chance of injury and increase strength
This is a progressive, intense, 6-week, gym-based strength training program. You will train 5 days/week for a total of 30 training sessions. The intention is that Monday through Friday are training days. Saturday and Sunday are total rest days.
This training program is designed to be completed in any commercial gym, with basic equipment. None of the exercises or routines described here are complicated, nor are they easy.
The program is built around these exercises:
Full and Mini Leg Blasters – An intense complex of body weight, lower body exercises, leg blasters build eccentric strength, lactate tolerance and lactate recovery,
Full Leg Blaster =
20x air squats +
20x in-place lunges (10x each leg) +
20x jumping lunges (10x each leg) +
10x squat jumps
Mini Leg Blaster =
10x air squats +
10x in-place lunges (5x each leg) +
10x jumping lunges (5x each leg) +
5x squat jumps
4 Square and Jump Rope – Basic jumping designed to train landing mechanic,s pro-perception and protect knees.
Touch/Jump/Touch Intervals– Designed to build lactate tolerance, leg power for lateral movement, recovery,
Hippity Hops– Designed to build explosivity in the legs and also eccentrically absorb impact.
Hamstring Hell– Designed to strengthen the hamstring and protect the knees and lower back through a long racing season
Jane Fonda– Designed to strengthen glute medias and protect knees through a long racing season.
- Monday – Total Body Strength
- Tuesday – Core, Durability, Work Capacity
- Wednesday – Total Body Strength Training,
- Thursday – Gym Based Recovery, Durability
- Friday – Total Body Strength Training, Leg Blasters
How long should the training sessions take?
Each session should take around 60-75 minutes. Unless indicated, the circuits aren’t “for time.” Work briskly, not frantically, through the sessions.
What if I miss a day?
Begin where you left off when you return to training. This program is progressed – each session builds upon the prior session – so don’t skip a session or skip around. Follow the training sessions in order, regardless.
What if I can’t complete the exercises using the prescribed loads?
Drop, or “scale” the load or weight as necessary to meet the prescribed number of reps. For example, if the training session calls for 10x weighted sit ups with 45# and this is too, heavy, drop down to 35# or 25#, – whatever is required, to get 10 reps.
What if I’ve never trained in a gym before?
This training program is going to be quite an adventure in athletic training for you! The strength sessions are built primarily around classic barbell exercises like the power clean and push press. These are not complicated exercises, but they can be awkward at first. If needed, you can seek exercise instruction from a local coach or personal trainer. You can also teach yourself these exercises by being patient, using lighter weights, and sticking with it. Practice helps! There are many web-based sites and resources to find information on performing these common exercises. You’re not helpless. Be resourceful.
Isn’t taking a 6-week break going to make me weaker at my sport when I come back?
Sport specifically yes, you will likely lose some endurance activity (run, bike, swim) fitness during this program.
We believe you will regain your sport-specific fitness quickly. What this program will give you is a chance to recharge mentally, and rebuild physically. Endurance athletes often suffer from overuse injuries caused by dangerous muscle imbalances. This program is aimed at rebuilding you physically and making you more durable going into your endurance training and racing season. It is also aimed at improving and increasing your endurance sport longevity.
Can I see sample training?
Yes. Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming.
How do I access the plan?
You can access the plan via username and password either through our website or through our app (Mtn Tactical Fitness) available for IOS and Android.
Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes – you can print a week of programming at a time
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE. The Run/Ruck Calculator is listed as an exercise.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
More Questions?
Required Equipment
- Fully equipped weigh room. This training plan can be completed in any commercial gym
- Stopwatch with interval timer
Sample Training
Obj: Strength
Warm up:
3 Rounds
5x Hinge Lift @ 65#/45#
10x Push ups
10x Air Squats
5x Jump Squats
Pigeon Stretch
(1) 6 Rounds
5x Hinge Lift (increase weight each round until 5x is hard but doable), the immediately...
2x Squat Jumps
5x Y+L @ 2.5#
(2) 6 Rounds
5x Standing Kettlebell or Dumbbell Military Press (increase weight each round until 5x is hard but doable)
5x Renegade Row each arm @ 25#/15#
Instep Stretch
(3) 6 Rounds
3x Mr. Spectacular @ 25#/15# Dumbbells or 12kg/8kg Kettlebells, then immediately
2x Broad Jumps
Foam Roll Lower Back
(4) 4 Rounds
10/10/10 Low Back Complex
10/10 Low Back Lunge
10/10 Kneeling Founder
10x Face Down Back Extensions
(5) 2 Rounds
20 Sec Jane Fonda
Obj: Strength
Warm up:
5 Rounds
3x Scotty Bob @ 25#/15#
10x Goblet Squats @ 25#/15# Dumbbell or 12kg/8kg Kettlebell
10x Sit ups
3rd World Stretch
(1) 6 Rounds For Time:
8x Dumbbell Thruster @ 25#/15#
Run 200m
(2) 4 Rounds
8x Weighted Sit ups @ 25#/15#
60 Sec Front Bridge
5x Russian Twists each way @ 35#/25#
8x Poor Man’s Reverse Hyper
(3) 2 Rounds
15x Hamstring Hell
3x Floor Slide
3x Floor Mantis
Warm up:
3 Rounds
30 sec Touch Jump Touch
10x Push ups
HUG Hip Mobility
(1) 10 Rounds
Mini Leg Blaster
45 Sec Rest
(2) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ladder of:
Pull ups
Push ups x 2
Round 1 = 1x Pull up, 2x Push ups
Round 2 = 2x Pull ups, 4x Push ups
Round 3 = 3x Pull ups, 6x Push ups...
(3) 4 Rounds
10/10/10 Low Back Complex
10/10 Low Back Lunge
10/10 Kneeling Founder
10x Face Down Back Extensions
(4) 2 Rounds
20 Sec Jane Fonda
Obj: Work Capacity/Core
Warm up:
2 Rounds
400m Run
5x Burpees
Instep Stretch
(1) 3 Rounds, every 2:45
300m Shuttle Run
(2) 4 Rounds
6x Ankles To Bar
20/20 Sec Side Bridge
5x Plate Halfmoons each way @ 25#/15#
10x GHD Back Extensions unloaded
(3) 2 Rounds
15x Hamstring Hell
5x PVC Shoulder Dislocates
3x Shoulder Sweep
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