CDQC (Combat Diver) Training Plan
• 6 week training plan, 5-6 days/week
• Preparation for Combat Dive Qualification Course
• Includes mini-events
• This training plan is one of the 182+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
This program is intended to be done the 6 weeks prior to starting CDQC. You will take fitness assessments during Weeks 1 and 4. You will train 6 times a week during Weeks 2, 3, and 5, and 5 days a week during 1, 4, and 6. You will use the results from the assessments in subsequent training sessions.
These assessments are how the plan scales to your ability. Always record your reps/times and always use the results from the most recent assessments. In Weeks 1, 2, and 3, you’ll use the results from Week 1’s assessments. In Weeks 4, 5, and 6, you’ll use the results from Week 4’s assessments.
This is a very intense training program. It includes assessments designed to be performed at your physical limit, demanding pool and open water training, high intensity runs, pool PT, and training sessions that last up to 4 hours.
The end of Weeks 2, 3, and 5 contain physically and mentally demanding “mini-events” that range in duration from 2 to 4 hours. You must prepare your equipment and nutrition ahead of time to complete these events. Never train beyond the prescribed duration of the event, even if you haven’t completed all of the evolutions.
Overall, this program has a sharp focus on improving your run and fin ability and your confidence/comfortability in the water, especially while hypoxic.
Program Schedule:
Assessment Weeks (1 and 4)
- Monday : CDQC PFT Assessment
- Tuesday : 5-mile Run Assessment
- Wednesday : 3000m Fin Assessment*
- Thursday : PFT Work + Swim/Hypoxic Training
- Friday : Long Run + Long Fin
- *This assessment can be done in a pool, but open water if you can.
Weeks 2, 3, 5, and 6
- Monday : PFT Work + Swim/Hypoxic Training
- Tuesday : Fin Intervals
- Wednesday : 5-mile Run Intervals + Pool PT
- Thursday : Long Run + Long Fin
- Friday : Fin Intervals
- Saturday : Mini-Events (duration increases from 2 hours up to 4 hours)
What if I miss a day?
Begin where you left off when you return to training. This program is progressed – each session builds upon the prior session – so don’t skip a session or skip around. Follow the training sessions in order, regardless.
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE. The Run/Ruck Calculator is listed as an exercise.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
Can I see sample training?
Yes. Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming.
How do I access the plan?
Access is online, via username and password. You can log in either through our website or through our app (Mtn Tactical Fitness) available for IOS and Android.
Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes – you can print a week of programming at a time.
More Questions? Email:
Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health. Physical training contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, muscle strains, tears, physical and bodily injury up to and including death. This training program is not meant to provide medical advice; you should obtain medical advice from your private health care practitioner. If you are unable to assume these risks then you should not engage in this training program. No liability is assumed by Mountain Tactical Institute, Inc, its owners or employees, and you train at your own risk. Mountain Tactical Institute makes no warranty, express or implied, of any kind in connection with this training program.
Required Equipment
- 1. PT shirt and shorts*
- 2. Boots
- 3. Shoes*
- 4. Fin Booties*
- 5. Fins*
- 6. Facemask*
- 7. Weight (dive) Belt*
- 8. Stopwatch*
- 9. Pull-up Bar
- 10. Course or track of known distance and intervals*
- 11. Pool or open water training area*
- 12. Stopwatch (minimum) or GPS watch (preferred, though not necessary)*
- *Required for each mini-event
Sample Training
Objective: CDQC PFT Assessment
Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
- Run 200m
- 8x Push-ups
- 8x Air Squats
- 2x Pull-ups
- Instep Stretch
- Max Reps Push-Ups - in 2 minutes
- Rest 4 minutes
- Record Results
- Max Sit-Ups in 2 minutes
- Rest 4 minutes
- Record Results
- Max rep forward grip dead hang Pull-Ups
- Rest 4 minutes
- Record Results
- Run 2 miles for time
- Record Results
2 Rounds in PT Swim Gear:
- 50m Swim
- 10x Air Squats
- Lat + Pec Stretch
2 Rounds in PT Swim Gear:
- 25m Underwater Swim
- Rest 3 Minutes
- Swim 50m for completion in ACU and Boots - if you touch the wall or bottom of pool before completing 50m, you fail the test.
Objective: 5-Mile Run Assessment
Warm Up:
4 Rounds:
- Run 200m - push a little faster each round
- 5x Jump Lunges
- 10x Push-Ups
- 10x Seated Russian Twists - unloaded
- Run 5 miles for time
- Record Results
Objective: Long Fin Assessment
Warm Up:
- Pool or Open Water:
- 250m Fin - easy to moderate pace
- Fin 3000m for time - Combat Side Stroke
- Rest 4-5 minutes
- Record Results
- Tread water for 2 minutes with hands out of water and without fins.
Objective: PFT Work + Swim/Hypoxic Training
Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
- 8x Push-ups
- 5x Toes to Sky
- 4x Pull-ups
- 4x Walking Lunges
- Run 200m
- Instep Stretch
6 Rounds every 75 Seconds:
- 30% Max Reps Push Ups
Complete the assigned reps (30% x Your Reps from SESSION 1) as quickly as possible, then rest with whatever time is remaining in the round.
6 Rounds every 75 Seconds:
- 30% Max Reps Sit Ups
6 Rounds every 75 Seconds:
- 30% Max Reps Pull Ups
4 Rounds:
- 800m Intervals - At goal pace using the Running Calculator and SESSION 1, 2-Mile Run Assessment Time
- Rest 3 minutes between intervals
- Running Calculator
- Swim 550m - Combat Side Stroke - Uniform: ACUs, no boots
3 Rounds:
- 30 sec. Tread
- 30 sec. Tread Right arm out
- 30 sec. Tread Left arm out
- 30 sec. Tread Both arms out
50m Combat Side Stroke Hypoxic Ladder:
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 2 strokes
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 3 strokes
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 4 strokes
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 5 strokes
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 6 strokes
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 5 strokes
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 4 strokes
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 3 strokes
- 1x50m - 1 breath every 2 strokes
Rest as needed between each 50m
Objective: Long Run + Long Fin
Swim in open water if possible. If not, use a pool. If in open water, approximate distances using landmarks. Use wetsuit if necessary.
Warm Up:
- Run 8 miles @ Moderate Pace
- Moderate Pace = Comfortable, but not easy
Transition as quickly as possible, then...
- Fin 1000m - Combat Side Stroke @ threshold pace (an 8-10 effort on a scale of 10)
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