US Army

Showing all 18 results

    Air Assault School Training Plan

    • 6 Week Plan
    • Focused APFT Work
    • Preparation for the 6 and 12 Mile Rucks at School
    • Upper Body Strength for the O-Course
    • This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.


    Airborne School Training Plan

    • 5-Week Training Plan
    • Includes Focused APFT Work
    • This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.


    Army OCS Training Plan

    • 7-Week, 5x day/week Training Plan specific to prepare you for the US Army OCS (Officer Candidate School)
    • Includes specific training for the ACFT as well as distance running, rucking, and work capacity events
    • Assessment-based traininag plan that automatically scales to your initial level of fitness
    • This training plan is one of the 250+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription

    CDQC (Combat Diver) Training Plan

    • 6 week training plan, 5-6 days/week
    • Preparation for Combat Dive Qualification Course
    • Includes mini-events
    • This training plan is one of the 182+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.


    Civil Affairs Q-Course

    • 6-Week, 5 day/week sport-specifically designed to prepare athletes for the fitness demands of the Civil Affairs Qualification Course.
    • Intense often 2x/day training program with high levels of volume and stress.
    • This plan is “sport specific” to the specific fitness demands you’ll face at the Civil Affairs Q-Course – and includes specific programming for the fitness “gates” at the course – APFT, 10-Mile Ruck and 5-Mile Run
    • This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Expert Field Medical Badge Training Plan

    • 7 week, 5 day/week training plan specifically designed to prepare soldiers for fitness demands Expert Field Medical Badge including specific programing for the EFMB PFA and 12-mile Ruck.
    • Plan includes 1 taper week and should be completed 7 weeks directly before the scheduled assessment.
    • Deploys multiple assessments and scales to the incoming fitness of each athlete’s individual fitness.
    • This training plan is one of the 300+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Expert Infantryman Badge Training Plan

    • 7 week, 5 day/week training plan specifically designed to prepare soldiers for the Expert Infantry Badge.
    • Plan includes 1 taper week and should be completed 7 weeks directly before the scheduled assessment.
    • Deploys multiple assessments and scales to the incoming fitness of each athlete’s individual fitness.
    • This training plan is one of the 250+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Expert Soldier Badge Training Plan

    • 7 week, 5 day/week training plan specifically designed to prepare soldiers for the Expert Soldier Badge.
    • Plan includes 1 taper week and should be completed 7 weeks directly before the scheduled assessment.
    • Deploys multiple assessments and scales to the incoming fitness of each athlete’s individual fitness.
    • This training plan is one of the 250+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Jungle Warfare School Training Plan

    • 6-Week, 5 day/week training program designed to prepare athletes for the US Army and US Marine Corps Jungle Warfare School
    • The plan is designed to be completed the 6 weeks directly prior to the Jungle Warfare School report date.
    • This training plan is one of the 250+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Mountain Warfare School Training Plan

    • 6-Week, 5 Day/week Training Plan specifically designed to prepare athletes for the US Army and USMC Mountain Warfare Schools
    • Train legs, lungs and chassis for loaded uphill and downhill movements under load
    • Includes Focused PFT Work (Both Army and USMC)
    • This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.



    Potential Royal Marine Course Training Plan

    • 6-week, 6 days/week Training Plan specifically designed to prepare candidates for the Potential Royal Marine Course (PRMC)
    • Plan includes assessed, focused programming for the Day 1 PRMC graded events, as well as the Day 2 field events (Assault Course, Endurance Course, etc.)
    • This training plan is one of the 190+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Ranger School Recovery Plan

    • 5 Week Training Plan Specifically designed for Ranger School Graduates
    • 4-5 day/week training plan with a strength emphasis. Work capacity, Chassis Integrity, and Endurance are also trained.
    • Complete this plan the 1-2 weeks after Ranger School Graduation
    • This training plan is one of the 250 Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Ranger School Training Plan

    • 8-Week, 6x day/week plan designed to prepare you for the rigors of Ranger School
    • Assessment-based plan automatically scales to your incoming fitness level
    • Includes specific, focused training for RAP week including specific RPA and 12-Mile Ruck training efforts
    • Complete this plan the 8 weeks directly before Ranger School
    • This training plan is one of the 250+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Sapper Leaders Course Training Plan

    • 8 Week, 6 day/week Training Plan, with multiple 2-a-days
    • Ruck and Run Intensive
    • Includes focused SPFT work, 12-mile Ruck Work, distance running and long Saturday “mini events”
    • Short (10-20 minute) mulit-modal work capacity events
    • Intense core, mobility, and stabilzer strength training for durability
    • This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    SERE Course Training Plan

    • 4-week plan, 5 days/week
    • Laser focused to prepare you for the fitness demands of SERE – esp. mountain endurance and chassis integrity
    • This training plan is one of the 400+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    Special Forces Qualification Course Training Plan

    • 7 Week, 6x day/week specifically for the Special Forces Qualification Course, especially Phase I
    • Includes specific ACFT work, as well as running and rucking assessments and work capacity efforts
    • Assessment-based plan will automatically scale to your initial fitness level
    • This training plan is one of the 250+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    US Army IBOLC Training Plan

    • 6-Week, 5x day/week Training Plan specific to US Army IBOLC (Infantry Basic Officer Leadership Course)
    • Plan includes specific training for the ACFT, 5-Mile run assessment, rucking work and specific work capacity events for the course
    • Assessment-based plan automatically scales to the initial fitness level of the individual
    • This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription

    US Army Warrant Officer Candidate School Training Plan

    • 7-Week, 5x day/week Training Plan specific to US Army Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS)
    • Plan includes specific training and the main events of the ACFT, as well as distance running, rucking and multi-modal work capacity
    • Assessment-based plan automatically scales to the initial fitness level of the individual
    • This training plan is one of the 250+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription