Kudos from Our Athletes 10-16-2014

What our athletes say…

First off, I want to thank you for such awesome and innovative programing. It has throttled me into a whole other world of fitness that I never thought I could attain. From being an airborne infantryman to my current status as an Officer Candidate and full time Criminal Analyst in the Massachusetts Arm National Guard tasked out to the US Marshals Service, your programming has kept me ahead of the curve. Let’s just say my TACs’ smoke sessions are a piece of cake thanks to you.


Thank you for the Big Game Hunting program, after completing this I went on my mountain goat hunt put on over 44 miles in the most ruged terrain that Montana has to offer and didn’t even notice it, even when we packed camp and the goat out (in the same load).  I will be doing this every year before hunting season for the rest of my life.


I’ve been doing the operator sessions for the past … 6-8 months. This past Thursday I participated in a large search for a missing hiker in the mountains just east of Seattle. During the search I traversed 12-13 miles of very difficult terrain, most of it off trail. Thanks in no small part to your training program, I was able to be an effective searcher throughout the day and not be limited by physical fatigue. Further I was able to recover overnight such that I was back in the gym the next day.


I’ll keep it brief. I’ve been in the fire service for 22 years. I’ve always focused on fitness and I’ve been training professionals in my field for over a decade. Your LE/ Fire Rescue Advanced Programming Course is, by far, the best job specific fitness training I’ve ever seen. I found your approach to tactical athletic performance to to be practical, realistic and easy to follow. I am very excited to be on the ground floor of this phase in your work and I look forward to implementing what I’ve learned in my own department.


I recently finished up the Big 24 Strength Plan and it was dead on. I made substatial gains in all the lifts involved, and the weighted calistenics always challenged me. I doubled up the Big 24 with the Core Strength 1 plan and the two really seemed to work well with each other. I have done the Core Strength plan twice now and have always enjoyed it. Each time I complete it, I can definitely feel the strength carry over to everything else that I do.
I am currently heading into the second week of the 369 plan, and I’m finding it to be a real smoker. Its reminded me how much my work capacity has taken a hit in the last few months. Its turning out to be exactly what I need. I would also like to state, that the transition from Big 24 into 369 has been very smooth. The two programs are terrific complements to each other.

Thanks for all the programming and always answering my questions,


Note:  This is an update after Savannah tore her bicep tendon.

20140828-_MG_4096I’ve been climbing the past 4 days, really the first time in 5 months since I’ve sport climbed (since the injury).  Yesterday I was feeling a lot better, mentally and physically, every 5.10a I got on I climbed clean. There was this 5.11a  route that I tried it a few times this spring and couldn’t get it, went back a few weekends later tried it again and still couldn’t get it clean. I hopped on it yesterday thinking that I would probably struggle up it and I did it clean the first try, no falls, no takes! 5 months without climbing and I climb a 5.11a, everyone said “oh you’ll come back stronger” and I thought it was bullshit. I want to thank you, Matt, and Jordan for having the patience to let me come in and train with my injury and helping me come back stronger then I was before. Thanks again.



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