Using Time Under Tension as a Basis for Rock and Ice Climb Program Design

By Rob Shaul A decade ago when I began programming for climbers I bought every book on climbing training in print, read like crazy, and tried to apply the programming other coaches described. It was a disaster. Vague terms like “power,” “power endurance,” “strength,” and “endurance” were defined around a hard to quantify measurement tool […]

Mini Study: Leg Blasters vs. Quadzilla Complex for Strength Gains

By Rob Shaul   BLUF This 3-week mini-study compared the strength-building abilities of two well-known MTI leg strength complexes: Leg Blasters and Quadzilla Complexes. Six veteran MTI athletes were split into two groups – the Leg Blaster Group and the Quadzilla Group. Pre and post-cycle, both groups complete a 1 repetition maximum (1RM) Front Squat […]

Mini Study: 3 Weeks of MTI’s “Super Squat” Progression Leads to 4.9% Strength Gains

By Rob Shaul   BLUF Experienced MTI Lab Rats showed an average 4.9% strength gain over two strength exercises following MTI’s “Super Squat” strength progression for 3 weeks within a multi-modal fluid periodization training cycle.   Background MTI’s “Super Squat” progression is our implementation of the famous book, “Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds […]



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