By Rob Shaul BLUF This 4-week Mini-Study investigated the total-body strength-building capacity of the MTI Barbell Complex. The Barbell Complex is a complex of six exercises, six reps each, completed in succession, without putting the barbell down. The Barbell Complex is choreographed in a way such the barbell begins in front of the body […]
Using Time Under Tension as a Basis for Rock and Ice Climb Program Design
By Rob Shaul A decade ago when I began programming for climbers I bought every book on climbing training in print, read like crazy, and tried to apply the programming other coaches described. It was a disaster. Vague terms like “power,” “power endurance,” “strength,” and “endurance” were defined around a hard to quantify measurement tool […]
Mini Study: Leg Blasters vs. Quadzilla Complex for Strength Gains
By Rob Shaul BLUF This 3-week mini-study compared the strength-building abilities of two well-known MTI leg strength complexes: Leg Blasters and Quadzilla Complexes. Six veteran MTI athletes were split into two groups – the Leg Blaster Group and the Quadzilla Group. Pre and post-cycle, both groups complete a 1 repetition maximum (1RM) Front Squat […]
Mini-Study Bench Press Progression: Classic Pyramid vs. Modified Big 24 Results Inconclusive
By Rob Shaul BLUF MTI frequently tests progressions against each other in an effort to identify the most effective programming. In this mini-study, six experienced MTI Lab Rats were broken into two groups, and each put through a different 3-week bench press progression: (1) Classic Pyramid, and (2) Modified Big 24 Pre-and Post-study all […]
Mini-Study: Running Transfers to Rowing Slightly Better than Rowing Transfers to Running
By Rob Shaul BLUF We conducted a short, 4-Week Mini-Study to test the cross transferability of two modes of endurance training: Running to Rowing, and Rowing to Running. Results found assessment improvement in both modes, but the transfer of rowing to running was twice as great. Background Does swimming make you a better runner? […]
Mini Study: 3 Weeks of MTI’s “Super Squat” Progression Leads to 4.9% Strength Gains
By Rob Shaul BLUF Experienced MTI Lab Rats showed an average 4.9% strength gain over two strength exercises following MTI’s “Super Squat” strength progression for 3 weeks within a multi-modal fluid periodization training cycle. Background MTI’s “Super Squat” progression is our implementation of the famous book, “Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds […]
Mini Study: 3-Week Volume-Based Bodyweight Strength Progression Realizes 17.4% Average Assessment Improvement
By Rob Shaul BLUF A volume-based progression which per session dictated 240%, 300%, and 360% of assessment reps realized an average 17.4% assessment improvement across three exercises – Hand Release Push Ups, In-Place Lunges and Pull Ups. Background Over the past 12 years, MTI has developed multiple bodyweight strength progressions. These were initially driven […]
Mini Study: 3 Weeks of Big 24 Progression Leads to an average of 8% Strength Gains across 3 Exercises
By Rob Shaul BLUF Experienced MTI Lab Rats showed nearly 10% strength gain over 3 strength exercises following Big 24 strength progression for 3 weeks. Men gained more strength than women during the short cycle. Background I’m frequently asked by athletes how much strength gain they can expect completing one of our strength-focused […]
Mini Study: 8 Second Dead Hang Work Intervals “May” Outperform 4 Second Dead Hang Work Intervals for Increasing Finger Strength
By Rob Shaul BLUF We conducted a 4-Week Mini study comparing the effectiveness of two hang board dead hang duration intervals (4 seconds vs. 8 seconds) to increase finger strength assessed by a dead hang for time. Results “seem” to indicate the 8-second intervals were more effective, but they are suspect because the 4-second […]
Mini-Study: Endurance Training Doing Step Ups Does Transfer To Running, but Only Half As Well
By Rob Shaul BLUF We conducted a short, 4-Week Mini-Study to test the transferability of one mode of endurance training (step ups) to another (running). Results found assessment improvement in both modes, but the improvement in step ups was twice as great. Background Does swimming make you a better runner? Does running make […]