By Rob Shaul BLUF This 3.5 week, 3-day/week Mini-Study compared the effectiveness of two progression methodologies (Density and Grease the Groove) to improve 75-second max rep Hand Release Push Ups and Pull Ups (no time limit). The results found that the Grease the Groove progression (Group B) out-performed the Density progression (Group A) in both […]
Mini Study: Mixed Pacing Equals Intervals Only for 6-Mile Run Improvement
By Rob Shaul BLUF This 4-week Mini-Study compared the programming effectiveness of (1) threshold-only running and (2) multi-paced running (threshold, moderate, easy) to improve 6-mile running times. The results found both programming approaches improved average 6-mile run times 7-8%, with no significant difference between the programming approaches. BACKGROUND & STUDY DESIGN For years, MTI […]
United States and NATO Military Services Re-enlistment Rate Comparisons and Findings
By Tyler Sylvia, 1stLT, USMC Background This paper provides information on the re-enlistment rates of the U.S. and NATO allies’ military services. It also examines the reasons and factors that contribute to why re-enlistment rates may be relatively high or low. Key Findings Highest re-enlistment rate: Coast Guard ~68% Lowest re-enlistment rate: […]
Mini-Study: 3 Weeks of a Hybrid Big 24/Density Progression Leads to 9.5% Gain in a 3RM Trap Bar Dead Lift
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF We conducted a 3.5-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to test the effectiveness of a hybrid Big 24/Density progression to increase 3RM (3 Repetition Max) Trap Bar Deadlift Strength. Study participants saw an average 9.58% gain in 3RM Trap Bar Dead Lift strength over the course of the study period. […]
Mini Study Results: Rat 6 Narrowly Beats Big 24 and Grizzly Pyramid in Bench Press Progression Mini-Study
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF We conducted a 3.5-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to compare the effectiveness of three MTI strength progressions to increase 1RM (1 Repetition Max) Bench Press Strength. Specifically, we compared MTI’s Rat 6, Big 24 and Grizzly Pyramid strength progressions. RESULTS All three groups saw an average increase in Bench […]
Mini Study Results: 2/3 the Volume Programming Achieves the Same Fitness Improvements as a High Volume Programming for a Multi-Modal Training Cycle
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF We conducted a 4-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to test the effect of training volume across three training measurables: Strength (barbell and bodyweight), Sprint-Based Work Capacity, and Endurance (3-Mile run Performance). Specifically, we were interested to see if we could reach the same strength and conditioning results by training […]
Mini-Study: Density Strength Beats Super Squat Strength, Hinge Lift Beats Swings, Loaded vs. Unloaded Running Inconclusive
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF We conducted a 3.5-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to test: (1) Density Strength Progression vs. Super Squat Progression for 1RM Increase in the Back Squat and Bench Press (2) Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings vs a Hinge Lift Progression to improve Hinge Lift 1RM Strength (3) Loaded vs. Unloaded Running to Improve […]
Mini Study: Disappointing Results from Explosive Power “Geek Cycle”
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF A 3-Week training cycle designed specifically to train explosive power significantly improved assessed performance in just one of the four events assessed. The well-trained subjects in the study improved in the Backwards Medicine Ball toss an average of 10%, but improvement in the other three events, Broad Jump, 10-yard […]
Lab Rat “Geek Cycle” Explores Training “Explosive Power”
By Rob Shaul This week MTI Lab Rats began a 4-week “geek cycle” designed to test both “explosive power” assessments and training progressions. By “Explosive Power” we mean explosive power demonstrated in a single explosive movement or short-duration series of the same movements. In the strength and conditioning world, another way to consider power is […]
Mini Study: Stress Decreases Archery Accuracy 23%
By Rob Shaul BLUF This mini-study investigated the effect of stress on archery accuracy and found that a simple stress event which applied a small fitness demand and shot time limit decreased archery accuracy by an overall average of 23% for two subjects. BACKGROUND & STUDY DESIGN Previously, MTI has done extensive work on […]