Mini Study: Grease the Groove Beats Density for Push Up & Pull Up Improvement

By Rob Shaul BLUF This 3.5 week, 3-day/week Mini-Study compared the effectiveness of two progression methodologies (Density and Grease the Groove) to improve 75-second max rep Hand Release Push Ups and Pull Ups (no time limit). The results found that the Grease the Groove progression (Group B) out-performed the Density progression (Group A) in both […]

Mini Study: Mixed Pacing Equals Intervals Only for 6-Mile Run Improvement

By Rob Shaul BLUF This 4-week Mini-Study compared the programming effectiveness of (1) threshold-only running and (2)  multi-paced running (threshold, moderate, easy) to improve 6-mile running times. The results found both programming approaches improved average 6-mile run times 7-8%, with no significant difference between the programming approaches.   BACKGROUND & STUDY DESIGN For years, MTI […]

United States and NATO Military Services Re-enlistment Rate Comparisons and Findings

  By Tyler Sylvia, 1stLT, USMC   Background This paper provides information on the re-enlistment rates of the U.S. and NATO allies’ military services. It also examines the reasons and factors that contribute to why re-enlistment rates may be relatively high or low.   Key Findings Highest re-enlistment rate: Coast Guard ~68% Lowest re-enlistment rate: […]

Mini Study Results: 2/3 the Volume Programming Achieves the Same Fitness Improvements as a High Volume Programming for a Multi-Modal Training Cycle

By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF We conducted a 4-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to test the effect of training volume across three training measurables: Strength (barbell and bodyweight), Sprint-Based Work Capacity, and Endurance (3-Mile run Performance). Specifically, we were interested to see if we could reach the same strength and conditioning results by training […]

Mini Study: Disappointing Results from Explosive Power “Geek Cycle”

By Rob Shaul, Founder   BLUF A 3-Week training cycle designed specifically to train explosive power significantly improved assessed performance in just one of the four events assessed. The well-trained subjects in the study improved in the Backwards Medicine Ball toss an average of 10%, but improvement in the other three events, Broad Jump, 10-yard […]

Lab Rat “Geek Cycle” Explores Training “Explosive Power”

By Rob Shaul This week MTI Lab Rats began a 4-week “geek cycle” designed to test both “explosive power” assessments and training progressions. By “Explosive Power” we mean explosive power demonstrated in a single explosive movement or short-duration series of the same movements. In the strength and conditioning world, another way to consider power is […]

Mini Study: Stress Decreases Archery Accuracy 23%

By Rob Shaul BLUF This mini-study investigated the effect of stress on archery accuracy and found that a simple stress event which applied a small fitness demand and shot time limit decreased archery accuracy by an overall average of 23% for two subjects.   BACKGROUND & STUDY DESIGN Previously, MTI has done extensive work on […]



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