By Rob Shaul Last week we asked MTI newsletter subscribers age 40-60 who have trained 20+ years for medical history of non-contact injuries and significant degenerative issues. We had hoped to learn if there was any differentiation in these health issues between how these athletes have completed the bulk (2/3+) of their fitness training, and […]
Help Needed From Older Athletes in Assessing Fitness Training Impact on Durability
By Rob Shaul We’re interested in assessing the impact of training on long term durability and are asking older athletes to help. Specifically, we want to know if there are any differences in long term non-contact injury rates, and common degenerative issues, based on long-term fitness training types with the following emphasis: Strength Endurance […]
Mini Study Results: High Rep Kettlebell Snatches Maintain General Strength, Increase Work Capacity
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF Three weeks of high rep kettlebell snatches maintained general strength and increased sprint-based work capacity. Background and Study Design We conducted a 3.5-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to test the transferability of high repetition kettlebell snatches to max effort strength, strength endurance, and sprint-based work capacity. One group […]
Lab Rats Needed to Test MTI’s “357 Strength” Programming Theory
Sorry – Applications Closed – We have all the Lab Rats needed for this study. By Rob Shaul MTI is calling for remote lab rats for an upcoming, narrow and focused, 3.5 weeks, 5-day/week Mini-Study testing the effectiveness of MTI’s “357 Strength” Programming Methodology. This mini-study will begin next week, Monday, January 4, […]
Mini-Study Results: Max effort strength training improves sandbag strength endurance more than sandbag strength endurance training improves max effort strength
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF Max effort strength training improves Sandbag Strength Endurance more than Sandbag Strength Endurance training improves Max Effort Strength. We conducted a 4-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to cross-test the effect of Max Effort barbell strength training to improve Sandbag Strength endurance, and the effect of Sandbag Strength Endurance […]
Mini-Study Results: Fully Equipped Beats Limited Equipment Programming for ACFT Improvement
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF MTI has two training plans specifically designed to train for the Army Combat Fitness Test, the Fully Equipped Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) Training Plan, and the Limited Equipment ACFT Training Plan. We conducted a 4-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to test the effectiveness of each training plan to […]
MINI STUDY RESULTS: Hybrid Strength Training Emphasis vs. Running Emphasis to Improve 2-Mile Run Performance Proves Indecisive
By Jeff Sonderegger BLUF This 3-week mini-study compared the improvements in 2-mile run times between individuals training with a run-emphasis and those training with a strength-emphasis program. Lab rats, all of whom are currently serving in the United States Army, were broken into two groups, with Group A performing a plan focused on running […]
MINI STUDY RESULTS: Fewer and shorter (45-minute) training sessions achieved similar results for strength, work capacity, and endurance improvement as more and longer (60-minute) training sessions
By Rob Shaul, Founder BLUF Fewer and shorter (45-minute) training sessions achieved similar results for strength, work capacity, and endurance improvement as more and longer (60-minute) training sessions. We conducted a 4-week Mini-Study using remote lab rats to test the effect of training volume across three training measurables: Strength (barbell and bodyweight), Sprint-Based Work Capacity, […]
Mini Study: Strength Emphasis and Hybrid Programming Beat Endurance Emphasis to Improve Ruck Performance
By Rob Shaul BLUF This 5-week Mini-Study compared three programming methodologies to increase rucking speed. Lab Rats were be broken into three groups. All groups performed a Strength Assessment, 6-Mile Ruck for Time @ 45 pounds, and 6-Mile Run Assessment during Week 1 of the mini-study, and repeated these assessments on Week 5 of the […]
Mini Study: Biking Has Little Transfer to Uphill Movement Under Load
By Rob Shaul BLUF This 3.5-week Mini-Study investigated the transfer of biking/cycling/spinning to uphill movement under load. Anecdotally we have heard that biking/spinning improved uphill movement, and designed this mini-study to test this theory. Remote, volunteer athletes were divided into two groups, A and B. At the beginning of the cycle, both groups completed […]