Leveraging a Packraft To Access Hard-to-Get-To Places

By Brandon Sanders, MTI Contributor As I kissed my wife goodbye and pulled my Alpacka Mule into the river, my buddy looked over at me with an eyebrow raised. “How far have you gone in that thing?” he asked, insinuating that my tried and true packraft wasn’t up for floating the lazy 95 miles down […]

Personal Takeaways from a Severe Under-ride Extrication with Impalement and Equipment Failure

By Jim Spengler, MTI Contributor  Significance  Heavy vehicle under-rides are not rarities. Response to these incidents by extrication capable units should be well ingrained to crew’s muscle memories. But, in this case, the amount of intrusion and entanglement between the vehicles lead to an extended extrication with deviation from the standard response. Also, simultaneous equipment […]

Go to Bed Angry: Better Advice to Resolve Family Arguments

By Matt Lensing, MTI Contributor   On our wedding day my wife and I received the advice for a happy marriage to never go to bed angry. After nearly 15 years of marriage I adamantly disagree with that commonly recited line. Too often I forced resolutions to disagreements before I had time to process what […]

Arete 12.1.22

Military Russian Soldiers Are Freezing To Death In Eastern Ukraine, Forbes UK researches new, affordable precision munition, with Ukraine in mind Breaking Defense Why Ukraine Won’t Quit, Small Wars Journal Ukraine Just Killed Iranians Helping Russia with Drone Attacks, 1945 Is the Ukraine War Turning Into World War I?, 1945 ‘I Am Vanessa Guillen’ Is a […]

Arete 11.24.22

Military Ukraine’s Drone Boats Are Winning The Black Sea Naval War, Forbes What it Takes to Survive a Winter War, Outside The Age of Uncrewed Surface Vessels, RAND Audie Murphy: To hell and back, over and over again, We Are the Mighty Why Wait to Promote Potential? Because It Will Make the Air Force Better, […]

Attempting to break the female GWR (Guinness World Record) marathon carrying a 40# backpack. The training plan. The training failure. Reminders and lessons learned. 

By Tammy Kovaluk, MTI Contributor Prior to the 12 and 24hr “chest to ground pushup burpee” GWRs, I started looking for others to try for. Any GWR attempt would need to both challenging and inspirational. Burpees resonated the most, but those were done. Pushups were attractive, and a few events carrying a backpack (aka rucking) […]

Why The Army’s Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) Will Fail

By Matt Lensing, MTI Contributor In 2020 the U.S. Army unveiled its updated fitness manual FM 7-22 titled Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) replacing the old Physical Readiness Training (PRT) program. The Army’s new approach to fitness aims to look at the “whole Soldier,” which includes both physical and non-physical related components of readiness: sleep, […]

Intermittent Fasting Shows Mixed Results on Exercise Performance Outcomes

Ali McGowan, MS, RD, LDN, MTI Contributor Disclaimer: The information presented herein is for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice.  What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting (IF) is a type of eating pattern that alternates between periods of voluntary fasting and eating. IF does not specify what […]

How a Deadlifting Injury Forced Me To Stop “Ego Lifting” 

By Piers Edlund-Field, MTI Contributor   Three weeks into a heavy powerlifting cycle, I tested my 1 rep maxes and was pleasantly surprised. All those hours grinding away under the bar had paid off: I’d made big gains on bench and weighted pullups, capitalizing on “newbie gains” after some time spent in the field. My […]



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