Daily Mountain Pursuit
- Year-round, day-to-day strength and conditioning programming for committed, backcountry big game mountain hunters
- Build and maintain a high level of Backcountry Hunting specific fitness
- Full Gym Training
- Tested and verified by MTI staff.
- Includes two monthly training mesocycles – current and previous month
- $25/Month, Cancel Anytime
The Mountain Pursuit stream is year-round, day-to-day strength and conditioning programming for committed, backcountry big game mountain hunters.
This programming is specifically designed for hunters and hunting guides who endeavor on multi-week, self-supported or guided backcountry big game hunting trips in the Rocky Mountain West, Canada, New Zealand, Alaska, Russia, Mongolia and similar hunting grounds – hunters who pursue game in steep, rocky terrain, covering long distances, and carrying heavy loads.
Big game, backcountry mountain hunting is a unique activity with a hybrid mix of specific fitness demands:
1) Mountain Endurance: Legs and Lungs for uphill hiking under load
Backcountry big game hunters carry their weapon and camp on their back. Some establish spike camps, and day trip from there. Others carry their camp with them at all times and often camp high on mountain ridges. Pack weights range from ultra-light 30 pounds to 60 pounds. Often travel is off-trail, and it always includes vertical gain.
The fitness demands of this “Mountain Endurance” involve leg and mid-section strength, and mode-specific aerobic conditioning (lungs).
2) Eccentric Leg Strength for Downhill Hiking Under Load
Hiking downhill under load is significantly more intense on an athlete’s leg musculature than hiking uphill. Downhill movement demands “eccentric” leg strength as gravity tries to force the athlete into the mountain and he/she must absorb this impact with each downhill step.
3) Load Carriage Strength and Endurance for the Pack Out
The work really begins when the animal is down. Often loads for the pack out can reach beyond 100 pounds and distances extend past 5 miles.
4) Chassis Integrity: Functional Mid-Section Strength and Strength Endurance
Loaded movement, and long, heavy rucks demand functional mid-section strength and strength endurance. On top of the loaded step ups and heavy rucks you’ll complete, this training plan deploys MTI’s Chassis Integrity mid-section strength programming methodology via extended mid-section strength training circuits with target total mid-section strength, rotational strength, anti-rotational strength, and extension/low back strength.
5) Mountain Stamina: Fitness for long days, and multiple long days over a multi-day trip
Stamina and mental fitness are a key characteristic of successful backcountry hunting trips. This is the physical and mental fitness to not only go long and hard for one day, but to do this multiple days in a row.
6) High Relative Strength.
Relative strength is strength per bodyweight. Backcountry Hunters are not competing power lifters or olympic lifters. Strength is key to performance and durability, but too much strength at the expense of endurance negatively effects mountain performance. Likewise, backcountry hunters are not bodybuilders. Excess upper body mass slows mountain movement because it is unused dead weight the hunter has to carry. This programming has a significant strength component, but it’s focus is always on outide performance, not gym numbers or appearance.
7) Short, Multi-Modal Work Capacty
Backcountry hunting is a dynamic activity, often with unpredictible fitness demands. Mulit-modal and shuttle-sprint emphasis, short, work capacity conditioning can fill in the gaps between strength and endurance programming and prepare hunters for the unpredictible.
This Daily Stream is designed to intensly prepare backcounty big game hunters for the specific in-season fitness demands of the September-November mountain hunting season, build back strength and fitness after the season, maintain and build base fitness in the off seasion, and start the cycle again in the late Spring and Summer with an intense train up for the September 1 opening day.
Required Equipment
- Fully Equipped Functional Fitness Gym including squat rack, barbell, bumper plates, plyo box (20×24″), dumbbells and/or kettlebells, open space (can be outside) for shuttle sprints.
- Backpack with loading up to 100# for rucking
- Sandbag (40/60# females, 60/80# maless’
- Pull-up bar
- 16-18″ box or bench (for step-ups)
Common Questions
Who is this plan appropriate for?
This plan is not appropriate for severely de-conditioned athletes. If you’re out of shape or fitness is suspect, email rob@mtntactical.com for guidance.
How many days of week is the programming?
5 days/week most months, but some months this pushes to 6 days/week to add an endurance day. In the direct pre-season (July, August) training is usually 6 days/week.
How long should the training sessions take?
45-90 minutes for the Monday-Friday. Saturday’s endurance programming can push to 4 hours in the pre-season months (July-August)
What does “4/8x” mean? How about “15/25#”?
First number is for women, second is for men, both for reps, and loading. Examples:
4/8x Push Ups = Women do 4x, Men do 8x
15/25# = Women us 15#, Men us 25#.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
What if I can’t keep up the Monday to Saturday Training Schedule?
This program is “progressive” – difficulty increases as you work through the plan. Don’t skip ahead. Start again where you left off.
If I use trekking poles while hunting, may I use them for the rucking in this plan?
Can I substitute a stair master for the step ups?
No. Please do step ups as prescribed.
Step ups suck! They are boring! Pure Drudgery! Can’t I do something else?
I don’t have a 16” bench or box for step ups. Can I use a 12” box?
Nope. Be resourceful.
Can I see sample training?
Yes. Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming.
How do I access the plan?
Access is online, via username and password. You can log in either through our website or through our app (Mtn Tactical Fitness) available for IOS and Android.
Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes – you can print a week of programming at a time.
More Questions? Email: rob@mtntactical.com
Required Equipment
A fully equipped gym, or a standard gym that also has the following equipment will work:- Barbell (with enough weight to find 1RM)
- Dumbells or kettlebells (A range of weights)
- 25# dumbbells
- Space to run (25m minimum)
- Sandbag
- Pull-up bar
- 16" box or bench (for step-ups)
See our recommendation for a garage gym here. Questions? Email coach@mtntactical.com
Sample Training
Session 1
OBJ: Strength, Work Capacity
Warm Up:
- 4 Rounds:
- 8x Back Squat - start light and increase load each warm up round
- 3x Scotty Bob - 25#
- 2x Prone To Sprint
- Instep Stretch
- Lat + Pec Stretch
- 6 Rounds:
- 3x Back Squat - Increase load rapidly until 3x is hard, but doable (HBD). Aim to reach your HBD load by round 4 and use your HBD load across rounds 4-6.
- 3rd World Squat Stretch
- 5 Rounds:
- 5x Bench Press - Increase load rapidly each round until 6x is hard, but doable (HBD). Aim to reach your HBD load by round 4.
- 5x Walking Lunge - Increase load rapidly each round until 6x is hard, but doable (HBD).
- Hip Flexor Stretch
- 20 Rounds, Every 30-Seconds:
- Suicide Sprint
- 2 Rounds:
- Pigeon Stretch
- 5x Shoulder Dislocates
Session 2
OBJ: Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity
Warm Up:
- 3 Rounds:
- 8x Hinge Lift - 65/95#
- 5x Hand Release Push-Ups
- 10x Step-Ups - 16-18” Box
- Hip Flexor Stretch
- Instep Stretch
- 20 Minute Grind:
- 8x Hinge Lift - 90/135#
- 40x Step-Ups - 16-18” Bench
Note: “Grind” = work steadily not frantically for the prescribed time or rounds. Pace yourself, but don’t stop to rest.
- 4 Round Grind:
- 5x Sandbag Clean + Press - 40/60#
- 50 Second Sandbag Bear Hug Carry - Start at 45/55# and increase load rapidly each round until 60 seconds is hard, but doable.
- 2 Rounds:
- HUG - Hip Mobility Drill
- 5x Shoulder Dislocates
Session 3
OBJ: Endurance - Recovery Run
Warm Up:
- None
- Recovery Run:
- Run 40 minutes, Easy Pace
Note: “Easy” = You can speak in full sentences while moving.
- 1 Round:
- Foam Roll Quads, Hamstrings and Low Back
Session 4
OBJ: Strength, Chassis Integrity
Warm Up:
- 4 Rounds:
- 8x Bench Press - start light and increase load each warm-up round
- Lat + Pec Stretch
- 8x Hinge Lift - Dumbbell/Kettlebell - start light and increase load each warm-up round
- Hip Flexor Stretch
- 6 Rounds:
- 3x Bench Press - Increase load rapidly until 3x is hard, but doable (HBD). Aim to reach your HBD load by round 4 and use your HBD load across rounds 4-6.
- 3rd World Squat Stretch
- 5 Rounds:
- 5x Hinge Lift - Increase load rapidly until 6x is hard, but doable (HBD).
- 3/5x Pull Up
- Pigeon Stretch
- 4 Round Grind:
- 5x Sandbag Getup - 40/60# (Alternate shoulders each round)
- 5x Sandbag Keg Lift - 40/60#
- 50 Second Sandbag Bear Hug Walk - 40/60#
Note: “Grind” = work steadily not frantically through the exercises in this circuit for the prescribed rounds or time. Pace yourself, but don’t stop to rest.
- 2 Rounds:
- Pigeon Stretch
- 5x Shoulder Dislocates
Session 5
OBJ: Endurance - Heavy Ruck
Warm Up:
- None
- Heavy Ruck:
- Ruck 30 Minutes @ 75# - Moderate Pace
Note: Moderate = comfortable, but not easy. Fast walk.
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