No hype – just hard core

“Thanks for all you do. Been a customer now for 2 years or so. In that time I did the Cpat training program, smoked the Cpat and got Pro Firefighter certifications back.  I also completed police academy (whereupon at age 44 I was in the fasted run/pt group among mostly 20 year olds). I need […]

Fuck you Rob, and I mean that in the best possible way.

First off, thanks for always taking the time to look for feedback and ways to improve your programming.  I became an Operator Sessions devotee a long time ago around the time I was actually ending my career as an 18B in 10th Group.  As I have aged and physical fitness and life demands have changed, […]

I was selected

I wanted to reach out and thank you all for the exceptional training plans. I recently completed SFAS and am thankful to say I was selected. I followed a handful of training plans with the lead up time I had, including Humility, Fortitude, Valor and the Ruck-based plan. I think they all prepared me well […]

MTI got me through Ranger School

“Really love the website and training plans. I used the Ranger School prep plan and it got me through RAP week and the school straight through. I was very impressed how physically prepared I was by just following your plan and eating well. I use a combination of your plans now to make the PT […]

MTI has deployed with me to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, on ships and across the world! 

“I’ve been following your site and methodology since 2008, when I discovered Military Athlete.Its deployed with me to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, on ships and across the world!  I’m a USMC Infantry Officer and love how much your program and site has developed over time. I cancelled my subscription because I tore my ACL skiing this […]

I’ve been using MTI since I was a cadet at West Point

Thanks for all your work with MTI. I’ve been using it for years since I was a cadet at West Point, in preparation for Ranger School in 2015, and for RASP II in 2018. Also used it to run multiple 50k races and a couple marathons. Also used parts of your plan inconsistently while forward […]

We were on an operation when one of our two MH-47’s went down.

“As I told you before, I am with a Marine Special Operations Team. We were on an operation when one of our two MH-47’s went down. The 47 I was on went back in, and we started carrying guys to the medevac bird. My workout buddy, who is my corpsman, started working on guys and […]

Just used your Air Assault Program to prepare my driver for the Air Assault Course

“Coach, good morning from Grafenwoehr Germany. Just read your latest article under the quiet professionals series. You have penned some great comments here that I constantly attempt to drum into our young Soldiers minds as they go about building their careers in the Army. I really appreciate what you have said regarding “putting your ladder […]

I am 66 years old and completed the “Peak Bagger” program

PEAK BAGGER TRAINING PLAN “I just finished a Grand Canyon Hike (down to the river in one day and back up in two days) with a 25 lb pack.  I am 66 years old and completed the “Peak Bagger” program prior to the trip.  This is the 10th consecutive year for the trip and the […]

I used your plan to train for a climb on Mt. Rainier

RAINIER TRAINING PLAN “Sitting here in the airport waiting to head back to NYC. I just wanted to say thank you. I used your plan to train for a climb on Mt. Rainier. While we did not summit due to conditions on our route, we made it to the top of disappointment cleaver just over […]



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