The MTI Push-Up improvement packet consists of three, 6-week training plans, each utilizing a different progression methodology to improve overall push up performance.
We’ve tested and studied multiple varieties of push-up progression methodology over the years, and found no one methodology significantly better than other for all athletes.
With this packet, the individual athlete can chose the progression which best fits his/her individual goals, or simply change up your routine to continue to improve on your push up assessments.
Note: These are not total-body training plans. Rather, each is focused solely on push up improvement. These plans can be completed stand alone program, or in conjunction with any of our 200+ training plans. If your current plan has push ups programmed, replace it with the progressions outlined in this plan.
One common characteristic of each of these plans, however, is each is assessment-based. Athletes will complete a push up assessment at the beginning, middle and end of each plan. In this way each plan automatically “scales” to the individual athlete’s incoming push up performance and continues to push the athlete as his/her push up fitness improves.
This training packet has 3 plans:
This plan uses an assessment and percentage based density format for push ups 2x/week, as well as a muscular endurance based Bench Press progression to complement and improve push up performance. The athlete will assess max push-ups and 1RM Bench Press 3x (beginning, middle, end) in this six-week cycle, training 4x/week. Are your max push ups less than 20 reps? Start with this plan.
Weekly Schedule
- Mon: Density Push Up Progression
- Tues: Bench Press Progression
- Wed: Rest
- Thurs: Density Push Up Progression
- Fri: Bench Press Progression
Required Equipment:
- Barbell, Weights, Rack, and Bench for Bench Press
- PVC Pipe
- Pull Up Bar
The density progression is our most implemented method for improving push up performance in tactical physical fitness tests. The progressions utilize percentages of the athlete’s 2-minute max push up effort on a running clock in order to automatically scale to the athlete’s level of fitness. A single training session only takes 8 minutes and has proven to be a effective method of improving push ups for the Lab Rats. The athlete will assess max push ups 3x (beginning, middle, end) in this cycle, and train 4x/week in this 6-week plan. Crunched for time? Start with this plan.
Weekly Schedule
- Mon: Density Push Up Progression
- Tues: Density Push Up Progression
- Wed: Rest
- Thurs: Density Push Up Progression
- Fri: Density Push Up Progression
Required Equipment:
- PVC Pipe
The volume progression employs a much higher total number of push-ups conducted on a weekly basis compared to the other two plans. Similar to the Density and Hybrid progressions, the athlete will conduct a 2-minute max push up assessment 3x (beginning, middle, end) during the 6 week plan. Due to the high volume, the athlete will only train push up’s 3x/week in this plan. Hit a plateau in your push up results? Start with this plan
Weekly Schedule
- Mon: Volume Push Up Progression
- Tues: Rest
- Wed: Volume Push Up Progression
- Thurs: Rest
- Fri: Volume Push Up Progression
Required Equipment:
- PVC Pipe
Do I get access to all 3 plans with this packet purchase?
How long do the training sessions last?
15-30 minutes. Each training session includes a short warm up, and a single push up progression circuit based on your most recent assessment results. These are not total-body strength and conditioning programs – but rather are laser focused on push up improvement.
Can I complete these plans in conjunction with other training?
Yes – just be smart. Replace the upper body pressing and push up work in another program with the push progressions in this program. Don’t double up.
Can I complete all 3 Training Plans? If so, what order?
Yes – just not at the same time! Complete one plan at a time in the following order: Hybrid, Density, Volume.
Can I see sample training?
Yes – click the “Sample Training” tab above to see training sessions from each plan.
What if I miss a training day?
Ideally, you will train 5 days in a row, and take 2 full days off for rest. If for some reason miss a session, do not skip ahead. Start again where you left off and complete the sessions in order throughout the plan.
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE. The Run Calculator is listed as an exercise.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
What if I can’t do the whole session?
If you don’t have enough time to complete the whole session, you can split the session into two.
How do I access the plan? Pdf? Online?
Plan access is online, via username and password.
Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes – you can print a week of programming at a time.
What if I have more questions?
Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health. Physical training contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, muscle strains, tears, physical and bodily injury up to and including death. This training program is not meant to provide medical advice; you should obtain medical advice from your private health care practitioner. If you are unable to assume these risks then you should not engage in this training program. No liability is assumed by Mountain Tactical Institute, Inc, its owners or employees, and you train at your own risk. Mountain Tactical Institute makes no warranty, express or implied, of any kind in connection with this training program.