Plan Focus: Hypertrophy For Skinny Guys

…doing valor again next then restarting the 3 over again in order. Thanks again coach!”   “I am one week away from completing my third military athlete program and am…

Q&A 7.6.17

…put it on the list for a future plan. From what we do have, I’d recommend Valor. – Rob QUESTION I am enlisting into the Marine Corps. I leave for…

Q&A 7.20.17

…roughly at 170#. Any plans you would recommend right away for someone after my goals? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Appreciate all you do man! ANSWER I’d recommend Valor….

Q&A 8.31.17

…Plan 1-4 Operator Pentathlon 5-11 Valor 12-15 Big 24 + Swim Improvement 17-24 USAF CCT/PJ/CRO Selection Training Plan – Rob QUESTION I have purchased several of your programs and have…

Q&A 9.28.17

…run, increasing work capacity, and maintaining or gaining strength. ANSWER I’d recommend Humility, followed by Valor. Both plans are included in the Virtues Packet. – Rob QUESTION A while back,…

Q&A 10.5.17

…now) would be good for me at this point (also rehabbing a shoulder so can’t go crazy overhead with heavy jerks/snatches anyways). ANSWER I’d recommend Valor. You can sub in…

Q&A 10.26.17

…Training Plan directly before selection. Prior you’ll want to do Resilience. Prior to Resilience, Valor, etc. You may need to complete only part of one plan … say 4 weeks…

Q&A 11.2.17

Valor – but you’d need to find someplace (laps or treadmill) to run and ruck run 3 miles. Many downrange have run/rucked in circles around the compound or used a…