Q&A 1.25.18

…pair of 15# dumbbells, pull up bar, stopwatch and foam roller. Following Running Improvement, I’d recommend you move on to the Ultra Pre-Season Training Plan. For your husband, I’d recommend…

Q&A 8.2.18

Pre-Season I’d recommend our Wildland Firefighter Pre-Season Training Plan. In-Season I’d recommend Fortitude. – Rob QUESTION I’m about to finish the Bodyweight Foundation program and I’m looking for my next…


…and expertise!   – S   ANSWER We’ve actually built a Mountain Guide Pre-Season Training Plan (http://mountainathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=56&&cart_ID=77) we use with our guides in preparation of the Teton’s guiding season here…

Q&A 11.23.17

…thank you for helping me accomplish my goal once again. Last year, I used your preseason ultra/50 mile ultra plans for my first 50 mile race in Vermont, and I…

Q&A 4.29.16

…If you want to move in this direction, from our stuff, I’d recommend the Ultra Pre-Season Training Plan (http://mtntactical.com/shop/ultra-running-preseason-training-program/) and the ketogenic diet – which will greatly reduce your protein…

Q&A 10.25.18

…me 6-8 weeks of preseason before the good snow and ice (hopefully!) in December. What plan(s) do you recommend for pre-season and for in-season? ANSWER I don’t have a perfect…

Q&A 3.3.22

…and endurance to get into ultra running. I was wondering what you thought about me doing the rucking improvement plan and then role into the running improvement plan for my…

Q&A 4.29.23

…to perform well this year at the race. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for time. ANSWER Do weeks 4-9 of the Ultra Pre-Season Training Plan. –…

Q&A 9.16.21

…girls soccer prep training? ANSWER Running Improvement to start. Combine with BJJ? Depends on your fitness and the Running Session for that day. If it’s just running or intervals, you…

Q&A 7.28.22

…3 plans from the Greek Heroine Training Packet. Helen Artimes Danae Big 3 Strength + 5 Mile Run Training Plan Ultra Pre-Season 50-Mile Ultra Training Plan – Rob QUESTION Does…



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