Q&A 9.12.19


I purchased the AFSOC PT Prep program and have a question.
There is no weight lifting in the 6 week plan. I am a little concerned about losing strength gains during the program. Is it better to just focus on the PSAT requirements and ignore any losses in strength?


The fitness demands of selection are those trained in the plan. Selection is not a strength event – it’s an endurance/stamina event and this plan focused on these.
Don’t worry about strength and focus on improvements and performance in your run, ruck, swim, calisthenics, tread, water con, etc. you’ll face at selection. Plenty of time to lift after getting selected.
Eye on the ball….
– Rob


Just signed back up for you program. I’ve been using some of your mountain plans to prepare for climbs. Coming up in March I am planning to participate in the Bataan march. I will be doing the civilian heavy which is 26.2 miles carrying a 35 pound. I wanted some advice on which programs you would recommend to do now and which program to use directly before the race?
Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


By my count there are 29 weeks between now and March 1, 2020 … here’s what I recommend:
Weeks      Plan

1-5            1st 5 Weeks of the Ruck Improvement Training Plan – Use 35# for your ruck weight

6-12          Fortitude
13-17        Weeks 6-10 of the Ruck Improvement Training Plan – Use 35# for your ruck weight
18-20        Valor – 1st 3 Weeks
21             Total Rest
22-29        Bataan Death March Training Plan. Use 35# for your ruck load for the rucks in the plan.
– Rob


My son is racing u14 slalom and GS and I’m looking to get him more ski fit and stronger. We live in Ireland so can’t ski on snow as much as we’d like. I was looking at the dryland but he’s currently mid summer season with races/training most weekends so it might be a bit much. Any advice would be appreciated.


30-Min Per Day Dryland Ski Training Plan – this is a streamlined version of our dryland plan and should be manageable.
– Rob


I have an assessed 12 mi ruck @ 35lb full kit with rifle in 9 weeks and an assessed 5 mi run in 7 weeks. Which plan do you recommend?


The Q Course Training Plan includes 12 mile ruck and 5-mile run training.
– Rob


Im hoping that someone would be able to help point me in the direction of a training plan. I do quite a bit of hiking, and mountaineering (soon to be high altitude) but am also looking for weight/bulk gain and strength gaining. I know they don’t really coincide, but I’m hoping you can direct me to one or two plans that I might be able to start working with.


Jedediah Smith from our Wilderness Packet includes both strength training 2 days/week, and focused alpine endurance work including running and a step up progression.
– Rob


Actually I am thinking about 2 Plans.
The first is as a gift for a friend he is just about 18 heavyset (6’2″  240-lbs) and thinking he wants to go into the Air Force,  talked to a recruiter and is targeting going in January 2020, he will have a private pilot license by then, already graduated from high school.  Just hanging out spinning his wheels. What would you suggest?
The second would be for me, I am 59 and out of shape, 5’10” 240-lbs) Retired Engineer.  Want to get back into shape.  Like walking (but don’t do it enough) and have lots of home equipment that never use.  What would you suggest?


You: Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan – run/walk the running in the plan as needed, but try to run.
– Rob


I am going to start the Half Marathon plan today in order to train for the Army 10 Miler on October, 9 weeks from today. Do you recommend I do Weeks 1 and 2 twice and then proceed with 3-7 right up to the 10 miler? Or do you recommend repeating two other weeks (ie 3&4 or 5&6) twice?


Repeat weeks 5&6
– Rob


I’ve just taken 6 months off from gym exercise due to surgery. My doctor and physical therapist just cleared me for unrestricted return to activity. I’m looking to get back in to the gym and rebuild my strength, running, and pull ups while concurrently training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Basically I’m seeking an on ramp back  into the gym and need an assist on which plan is most suitable. What do you recommend?


– Rob


I am training on your Selection Prep program and am almost through Fortitude. I sprained my bicep a couple days ago and want to remain in as good as shape as possible over the next ~4wks as I recover. Any recommendations? Should I just run, ruck, and squat alternating days?


Yep, and do one-arm movements for everything else. 1-arm bench press for push ups, 1-arm DB rows for pull ups, sandbag getups on one side, etc.
Stay in the fight.
– Rob


For the named programs, is there a way to see the output of the lab rats so I can gauge where I’m at in a relative sense? Not trying to get into the sport of fitness, but it would be helpful to know after a particularly miserable 45min Grind session that I’m not the only one who got smoked…

Maybe Rob could add a general goal for reps or rounds similar to the scoring for operator ugly?


Sorry no. Just assume some hippy pro skier is kicking your but, and work harder!!
– Rob


I’m about to complete the Military On Ramp Plan, love the work outs and the variety of it. I felt as if some workouts were too easy/not enough days during the week, and I barley made changes to my pull up, box jump, and hand release pull ups max’s. Im currently TAD for about another month and want to take advantage of gym time here to get stronger all around and increase pull ups (my weakness). Are there any plan in particular that could increase pull ups, overall strength, and still maintain a fast 3-mile time?
Thank you for your time and effort.


– Rob


I found your website through some friends of mine who are mil/leo and through doing some googling.
A small background on me:
Short military service. I shattered my lower back in my 12th week of marine corps boot camp.
3 herniated discs. A displaced vertebrae L3. And a stair stepping neck now. Some nerve pinches and damage here and there.
I’m actually pretty squared away and healed up for the most part, and am now heading to law enforcement. I start the academy in 2 weeks. I am doing night classes so I can work on my business at the same time, so I have ample time before class to workout and eat.
Where I need help with finding the right plan is almost starting from scratch. I lost a bunch of weight in the two years since I was discharged. I’m down to 145 from 170. Lost a lot of muscle mass and endurance. I’m a classic hardgainer too.
What programs or plans do you have that can help me to not injure my lower back again, pack on weight over the course of the next year while I’m in the academy, gain the most functional strength and mass, and endurance too.
Any information is super appreciated.
Looking forward to hearing back from you and stating a program with the right information.


I’d recommend starting our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan and following it up with the Low Back Training Plan, then move into the Spirits Packet which is designed as day to day training for full time LE Patrol/Detective.
– Rob


I don’t have sandbag at my gym. Just wondering any way to use other equipment for sandbag workout?


There’s no good substitute for a sandbag. Others build their own and bring it to the gym with them. Be resourceful.
– Rob


I’m currently recovering from severe shin splints that flare up during sprint workouts. Do you recommend me doing another form of cardio in the mean time?


The issue with another form of cardio is it won’t transfer to the run and there’s a reason you’re doing this plan – to do your best on the test. Better would be to change shoes/running form/ice, ect. to fix the shin splint issue. If this isn’t possible, spinning/biking would be the next best … but don’t expect transfer to your run time.
– Rob


What do you suggest for percentages on the lifts like bench and squat and so forth when it says to do 6 rounds of 5 and to go until it’s heavy? Have you found a percentage of 1RM that’s helpful for this?


The benefit of the “Hard but Doable” is it adjusts to your strength that day. The idea is too increase load “rapidly” until 3x is hard but doable, and ideally be at the “hard but doable” load by round 3 or 4. My max bench press is currently 245#. Here’s how’d I’d likely work through 6×5 of Hard but Doable:
Round   Load
1            135
2            165
3            195
4-6         205
– Rob


I am trying to find the right plan. I want to improve my run time, which is my top goal, but I also don’t want to lose too much muscle. What progrma would be the best? I am looking at the running improvement, and 2-mile improvement. I like the look of the work capacity one, but I do not have access to full funticional fitness gym. Is there any other plans that might be better? Thanks for the help again.


– Rob


Just writing to find out some information about your athlete subscription. If I am to subscribe I would be able to access all the training programs?

I’m a 30 year old Marine veteran getting ready to go back in the service for some difficult training and obviously have to kick my ass back into shape. I got your 8 week intensive ruck program from a GB buddy and figured I get a subscription to do a few program before I go in.

I’m curious as to how the subscription plan works and how it differs from me buying and individual program?

I hope that makes sense to you and appreciate your feedback.


Yes – with a subsc. you get access to all the plans.

What is the difference between purchasing an individual training plan, packet of plans or an Athlete’s Subscription?

  • Plan – Like purchasing the DVD of the first Star Wars movie. You own it forever, including any updates we make to the plan.
  • Packet – Like purchasing the DVD’s of all the Star Wars movies. You own them forever, including any updates we make to the plans.
  • Athlete’s Subscription – Like subscribing to Netflix. You get access to all 200+ plans in our library, but lose access if you unsubscribe.

Can I cancel anytime?

Do I have to contact MTI to cancel or can I do it myself?
You can do it yourself. Instructions HERE.

– Rob


Im a Police Officer with the San Diego Police Dept. I recently enlisted into the AIR GUARD with a TACP contract from the 116th ASOS out in WA.

Im currently in the first WEEK of the program.

My question is concerning the downtime after I finish the workouts.

Are there certain motions like deadlifts, rowing etc that you would recommend to add to the day?


No – you can add stuff if you want, but if you are not making the progressions in the plan, pull back. The TACP course is not a strength event – it’s an endurance/stamina event.
– Rob


Recent word from OCS graduates is that the rucks are slow – about 2.8 – 3mph. However, the running continues to be intense including trail runs.
My rucking ability seems to exceed this pace quite easily. However, my running ability continues to be at the bottom of the totem pole despite some improvement.
Would you prescribe extra mileage for running? Whether it be an additional interval or easy aerobic run session to help improve my running time and more readily ensure induction into OCS?


You could certainly add a long, easy to moderate paced run on Saturdays – 5-10 miles, however, cut it back if you’re not making the progressions in the plan.
– Rob


Any substitute for normal BW squats in training due to an ongoing hip issue aggravated by the movement?


Hard to find a squatting movement less impactful than the bodyweight squat. You could decrease the range of movement and see if that helps.
– Rob

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