Q&A 6.24.23


I was wondering if the BJJ Tactical Hero programs could be used as time constrined training programs, even if I dont practice BJJ?

Specifically the limitied equipment versions Frank Dux and Riggs are interesting to me, short intense and simple.

But my questions is, would something be missing without the BJJ, or are they more about maintaining then training to focus on BJJ?

I am a part time firefighter in Denmark, we have no fitness room or equipment avaible, and with a fulltime job on top, family and kids I struggle to find time to train with continuity and with good progression, I end up shuffling around different training types/programs and intensity.


These plans aren’t designed for Bjj-only practitioners …. rather they are designed for tactical athletes who practice BJJ on the side, 2-3 days/week. So each plan trains first for the tactical athletes job, and second for BJJ. What this means is that each plan includes one element that has direct BJJ carryover.
For example, the work capacity programming in Frank Dux is all 5-7 minutes long, and has upper body explosive and shuttle sprint repeat efforts – and is designed to transfer to BJJ match conditioning.
Will this transfer to your job? Sure.
So, do the programs as prescribed.
– Rob


Quick question.  Going through busy dad full gym 2 if I have extra time was thinking about throwing in barbell complex on the three strength days.  Just seeing what you thought about that.


Hard to go wrong with the Barbell Complex!
You could do it as a warm up – start at like 65#, then go 75, 85 … or you could do it at the end when you’re warmed up and start heavier.
– Rob


I am currently a member and have the athletes package. I was looking for the gun series (Glock, beretta) workouts and couldn’t find it in my packet.I am getting ready for federal SWAT tryouts in 5/6 months from now and in the meantime want to get something going.
Please advise if there’s any other workouts other than the SWAT workouts you’d recommend, of course other than the gun series. I have finished the Ultimate Capacity twice.


Now? Yes on the Gun Maker Plans, starting with Ruger. These are under the “Law Enforcement” tab on the app. See attached.
Then, 7 weeks out, complete the SWAT Selection Training Plan.
– Rob


I had a guy recently recommend the SFOD-D (Delta) Selection Packet training plan to me. He went through the program and was selected. I am recovering from a couple of injuries that have kept me from doing much running or rucking for about 8 months, and I was told to ease back into running but I just got medically cleared a couple of weeks ago so I should be fully recovered. Will this plan build me from the ground up, or should I start training myself before starting the plan? Thank you in advance.
No … you don’t want to jump into the selection plan having not run/rucked for a while.
If you have 12 months out from selection, I’d recommend the plans/order in the SFOD-D Selection Training Packet.
At a minimum, you’ll want to complete SFOD-D Build prior to completing the SFOD-D Selection Training Plan.
– Rob


I’m a 41 one year old busy Dad trying to build some fitness and muscle mass. I 6’2.5” and weigh 185 but probably 20-22% body fat.

Used to do a ton of cycling now not so much.  Would love to improve my muscle tone and build. Essentially losing 10-15 lbs of fat and adding 10-15 lbs of muscle.

Was thinking starting with Body Weight Foundation or your SF 40 or Busy Dad programs.  Thoughts?


Also – fix your diet. HERE are our recommendations.
– Rob


I’m still waiting on an academy date for USMS. I am currently working through the “Ruger” plan. In Week 2, I was able to work through the Monday strength session at a reasonable pace. However, by Thursday my legs were buckling under the front squat. My max was 285# and my working 80% was 230#. I tried going up to 85% the next week as prescribed and could not complete the sets.
What do you recommend as far as lowering the weight in order to complete the sets in the Density format? What would you recommend for when my recovery has not allowed me to complete sets as prescribed by any program?


Try eliminating interval. If this doesn’t work, then drop the load by 10#.
Many have done this progression, so it could simply be you are still accommodating to programming (increasing fitness) or you had an off day.
– Rob


I hope you are doing well. I heard about your group from a friend who has been using your programs for a decade. I am preparing for the Navy PFT and was wondering if you had an updated plan for preparing for it. Particularly as my background consists of mainly  very slow half marathon training .

If you don’t have a new program, is there one you would recommend? I have a full gym at the office but do work long days.


– Rob


I am planning to do a 70.3 Ironman in 6 months. What programming should I do? Obviously I would like to complete your 70.3 at the end. But what should I do leading up to starting the 70.3 plan. Thanks


6 months is 26 weeks. Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks     Plan
1-5           Johnny – Weeks 1-4 (first 4 weeks)
15            Total Rest
– Rob


Hi Coach, I’m currently in OSUT, recently I took the ACFT and score an overall, of 513. As and OSUT trainee we have an opportunity to volunteer for an 18X contract, and I volunteer for that… recently the PFT gate for selection change as for RASP not confirmed but is rumoring about that…OSUT is not the best place to improve fitness. In my case I need to improve my running(18:37) SDC and Plank for the ACFT…but for selection need to improve the pull up rucking and running for long distances. I still have your old running improvements program Valor, Ranger school program an old version of the Ruck Base Selection.
I not sure how much time I have until selection. Hold over is common here. I also have to go to Airborne school.
Is recommended to do Valor and RBSP with the running improvements? Or any other recommended program in specific order?


Lots to consider here – esp. what time you’ll have to train and your required PT while at OSUT, Airborne, etc.
For those with 18x contracts, I actually recommend they complete the RBSTP prior to Basic – because of the issues with training time.
So … for you now, I’m assuming you have limited training time. It’s hard to get more bang for your buck then Valor in terms of time … so do Valor now. Email back when you get more clarity on your schedule/schools.
Good luck.
– Rob


I am looking to attend a National Guard SFRE in 14 weeks and would appreciate your guidance as to what programming to follow next. Here is the catch: I currently don’t have access to a gym (just a track and pull-up bar), so I am restricted to BW workouts until the 12th of June. So far, I have completed your Bodyweight Foundations program and just finished the first week of Bodyweight Build this morning. There are a few different plans that I’ve been looking at (Humility, Big 3 + 5 Mile, Military On Ramp, etc.), for when I have access to a gym/ruck/vest, but I’d really appreciate a more discerning eye here. SFRE seems to change a bit depending on the unit, but from what I can tell, it will likely consist of push-ups (hand-release?), sit-ups, pull-ups, a 5-mile run, and a 12-mile ruck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


You’ve got 14 weeks until SFRE.
Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks        Plan
1-7             Humility
8-14           SFRE Training Plan.
Our SFRE Plan includes push up, pull up, sit up, ruck and 5-mile run training.
– Rob


I am looking to try out for my departments SWAT team soon.  Does this plan from your team account for a specific fitness test from our policy or does it just focus on fitness?

We have a two part tryout for our team.
     The department Physical Readiness Test:
1.5 mile run in 12:24 for my age group
Situps 36 in one minute
One-rep bench max (.93 for my age group) – we use the Cooper Institute for our Department test, which the bench formula is pretty confusing trying to estimate what I need to pass.
     Once you pass the above test and qualify on pistol, you get another day to do a practical assessment.  The SWAT PRT: attached Toney PFA – time is around 20 min to complete and be competitive.  I would assume there is some obstacle course, team building type stuff but those on the team are not supposed to share specifics of what you do.
I’m happy to purchase the program, just want to know if it can be tailored to a specific test like this.


I’d recommend the SWAT Selection Training Plan with the following changes:
– Replace the Tuesday Rest Day for weeks 1, 4 & 7 with the Toney Test
– Replace the Thursday, Part (1) Work Capacity event with the Toney Test
The plan already includes focused assessment and programming for sit ups, 1.5 mile run and 1RM Back Squat, as well as prep for an O-Course, Team events, etc.
Ideally, you’ll complete the plan 7 weeks out from your tryouts.
Also- the “Toney PFA” is a new one I haven’t seen. Is that for your department only, or is it used elsewhere?
– Rob


I just finished the 6-week low back program, and (despite being a bit sore right now) I haven’t been this pain-free and flexible in years. Thank you for that.

I’m a LE patrol guy and looking at your LE packet next, and most of the program looks doable except the pull-ups. I’m working on fixing my diet and dropping some weight, should I look at something else or how can I modify the pulls/chins/weighted pulls as I progress through the packet?


Good on your low back!
Yes on the modifies … best would be 3-5x negative pull ups when the plans call for pull ups.
– Rob

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