Q&A 5.23.24


I’m in my early fifties and will be heading to FLETC sometime this year to hopefully begin my journey to be a DSS Special Agent. I’m decently fit, 6’00” 205 pounds, but with some spinal back issues that have kept me from the big lifts or sandbag work like get ups. I’ve been using mostly kettlebells (front squats, presses), TRX, or body weight moves (lunges, split squats, push ups) for strength, but I am looking for programming first to help strengthen my back and yet also prepare for FLETC and what comes after. I’ve considered getting the Athlete’s Subscription and start with the Low Back Fitness Program. However, I need to prep along with that for the pipeline training, such as running. Does the Low Back Fitness Program need to be finished before doing other things? Can I continue my running along with the Low Back Fitness Program? What program do you suggest afterwards?


A couple of different recommendations based on when you will go to FLETC:
If you go in July, I recommend you go with our Low Back Training Plan V3.  It will be incredibly important to approach that training with a solid back/core. If you want to put on more miles due to FLETC requirements, you can swap out the Ruck Run/ Step work (within the Low Back program) with running.  This would be implemented on Tuesday and Thursday.  You would want to get a baseline 1.5-mile assessment and apply the below 
Tuesday/ Thursday  
  • 6 Rounds
  • 400m Run @ Interval Pace using the results from your 1.5-mile baseline test and the MTI Running Calculator
  • rest 2 minutes between efforts
Also- here a link to our injury substitution list.
October or later option: 

followed by

This will put you in the first week of August.  Give us a shout once you get here.


Daily 45+ was spot on for a recommendation. I’ve been able to progress steadily and make tweaks (subs) as needed. Thank you.
What is a good non-running sub for 3x probe to sprint in session 5?
  1. 30-Minute Grind

    “Grind” = work steadily, not frantically, through the exercises in this circuit again and again for the prescribed time.

If it’s not too much trouble, what would the substitute be using the modes below? Not sure how the body will be feeling/what equipment will be available…want to be adequately prepared.
– Spin bike
– Rower
– Air bike
– Step ups (weighted is fine if that transfers best…whatever the best option is for this as a sub)


Glad to hear it! You could use any of the three below in place of the sprint. Sprint pace on the bike/rower for 30 seconds, then right back to the Getups.
– Spin bike
– Rower
– Air bike


Can you tell me, for daily subscription, do I have to “jump in” as with crossfit, or do I get a plan that starts somewhere and builds from that point?
I also saw reference to purchasing a packet rather than a plan. Can you tell me about that?
Thanks for your help.


The daily subscriptions are released one month at a time, and they are all geared toward baseline fitness for a particular field (i.e. Mountain, Firefighter, SWAT, etc.), usually with a different emphasis on fitness each month. For you, it would be best to start on week one because there is generally an assessment involved that helps drive future training. Let me know if you have a particular one in mind and have questions.
Packet vs Plan
Buying a packet vs. a plan can be a way to save money. For example, if you know you want to do the Greek Hero series, which consists of 6 plans, buying the packet ($299) is cheaper than individually, which is $59 for each plan.


I’m currently following the training plan “Max Effort Marathon” in preparation for the 25 mile option for the CIA/OSS 50 miler/25 miler race that’s on 8 June. My next race is a 50km trail race on 17 August (MD Heat Trail Race).
What plan would you recommend between the two races?


Nothing lines up perfectly between your two races, though this is a good option because you already have a good volume base from the Max Effort Marathon program.
June 10th: Begin our 50k Ultra training plan on week 3 (the volume for the overall week will start at 25 miles and have a 9k assessment that will be important for future intervals).
Starting on this day and week will put you at a nice taper rolling into game day (17 August). I highly recommend using trails if they are available.


My goal is to make the FBI SWAT team. Selection has not been announced yet but it is usually Fall and Spring.

With that said, I bought the Daily LE/SWAT program as a baseline and plan to hit the FBI SWAT specific program several weeks prior to selection day.

Is this the best course of action?


Yes, you are on the right path!  Continue with Daily LE/SWAT until seven weeks from selection.  Then transition to our FBI SWAT Selection Training Plan.


I have bought several of your mountain plans previously. I noticed that you guys have a lot of plans for sale for Millitary and Fire.

I wonder if you have ever considered making one specific to HEMS. We have had a functional assessment done by a physiotherapist for us at work. Basically, our teams have trouble being in cramped spaces with seats that put their knees above pelvis’s with heavy helmets.

Most the physical issues end up being weak and tight hip flexors and psoas tightness as well as siatic type pains and low back/knee pain.

I was wondering if you’d maybe consider making a Helicopter EMS Plan. There are quire a few HEMS programs across the US and Canada and I think there is some value there


I recommend trying our Chassis Integrity Training Plan. This will address many of the below-the-neck issues that are being experienced.


I’ll finish AIT around the end of 2025, I just finished BCT. I will volunteer for RASP at the end of AIT (therefore probably start around January 2026 aka 19 months). I’m not at a great level right now, with a 16 minute 2 mile, 41 HRPUs in 2 minutes, 0 pullups and 2 chinups, and only a 475 ACFT total.
I’m not clear on the timeline exactly. I’ve just finished BCT and I’ve just started AIT, it just happens to be very long, so I will end AIT around December 2025 (so, a year and 7 months or so). I don’t know exactly when the screening but I can make assumptions that it’d be around January or February 2026. I want to do all I can to prepare between now and then.
Which programs would you suggest I follow from now until then? For example, I was looking at the SFOD-D prep program pack that is a total of 52 weeks. It includes chronological programs to best build on each other. Would you suggest something similar in my situation?


The best option for you, given your lengthy timeline to RASP, is the following:


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