Q&A 4.11.24


I just got done hiking 800k and need direction on what program from MTI I should start doing to recomp and gain strength back for my security job. Size isn’t really important just a good strength to weight ratio.


Got it. Go with the Big 24 Strength Plan.


44 years old
6″0 height
220lbs weight
ACFT last December:
DL: 310
SPT: 8.8
SDC: 1:49
Plank: 2:12
2 mile: 15:58
Total: 527
I just purchased you ACFT full equipment plan to prep for my next record ACFT in June.
I’m  already up to 335×3 on my DLs. At my age 8 sets of 3 reps three times a week is too much deadlifting, I think.
Question: how would you modify the DL rep/sets and frequency in your plan to accommodate an old lifter who’s already close to “maxing out.”
Question 2: would you recommend trap bar or Olympic bar or a mix of both for the DLs? I have access to both.


Thanks for reaching out. Cut the Deadlift to 3 Rounds at your working weight. So it will still be 6 Rounds …. 3 rounds working up, then 3 rounds at the prescribed loading. Since you’re maxing out that event already, you could cut one of the day’s per week as well in addition to the 6 round adjustment.

Train with the trap bar for ACFT prep.



I’m a 57 year old patrol supervisor and will soon be transferring over to a street crime position.
I’ve been using your programming for the last decade after looking for something that was similar to CrossFit, but more thoughtful.
A couple of years ago I started using your Great Plains programming and love the fact I can work out at home or my backyard with my sandbags, kettle bells and dumbbells.
Any chance you are developing some 40+ limited equipment programs for those of us that have a few miles on us?
Thank you for what you do, I recommend your programs to the hard chargers in my organization all the time.


I’ve developed over-40 programming in 5-year categories … SF40, SF45, SF50, SF55 and SF60.
The SF55 Packet has three plans, and Bravo and Charlie are limited equipment … and you can easily make Alpha limited as well.
– Rob


I am currently working through Big 24 V4 and I was wondering what the suggested rest interval between sets is. I have read conflicting theories online and what I’ve been using is roughly 2:30 rest in between sets. What would you recommend?
Thank you in advance.


2-3 minutes is about right. You can take a bit longer, particularly when that progression gets to the -5 of your assessment.


I recently bought the OnRamp LE program and it’s hard to admit but I can’t finish the first workout, let alone the 1st week. Do you suggest a different program I can purchase to build up to it? I want to eventually build up to being able to complete the above program and move on to the SWAT selection program. Any guidance you could provide would be appreciated! The new app is great btw.


Complete Bodyweight Beginner, then go back to the LE OnRamp plan.
– Rob


I am reaching out with a couple questions. I have just purchased a subscription to the Daily Mountain Elite program. As I have started in the middle of a month/year, should I pick the workouts up at the current date or start at January and work as if this week was January 1st? Should I complete the alpinist fitness assessment first?


Start at the beginning of a cycle. So Week 1 of April would be a great starting point.


Do you have any training plans that help you increase the number of pullups you can do?


We do. You can check out the Pull Up Improvement Packet (https://mtntactical.com/shop/pull-improvement-training-packet/) and 3-Week Push Up/ Pull Up Improvement plan (https://mtntactical.com/shop/3-week-push-pull-improvement-training-plan/)






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