Q&A 12.9.23


Morning, quick question about the wildland fire daily stream: every other chassis integrity session does not prescribe sandbag weight (cf. sessions 7 and 12). i plan to use 60# since i’m a male. just wanted to be sure since the other CI sessions prescribe 45#.


Yes 60# will work for all sandbag exercises unless the weight is otherwise prescribed


Hello, what’s a good program for someone training for SFAS from beginner stage? 18 min two mile run and almost 2hr road ruckmarch for 5 miles with 40 pounds 


The best place to start will be our Military On-Ramp plan.


Hi – I have a question about what plan I should be following. I recently finished up a marathon training, which means that my upper body strength has greatly diminished. I was looking into the general fitness daily subscription, but it seems like I’m probably going to need to build up into being able to do that. I’m not military or LE, so is there a particular on-ramp program you would recommend (with the goal of being able to hop to the general daily feed one day)?


Efficient Strength would be a great place to start: https://mtntactical.com/shop/efficient-strength-training-plan/


I have completed the Big 24, and I am about 3 weeks from finishing The Big 36. I have been browsing which program to start next, and was wonder if you have any recommendations? A little about myself that may help determine what program to choose next. I am 57 male 6’0 188lbs. I was able to complete the Big 24 & Big 36 in my home gym. I am more interested in strength and functional training than muscle hypertrophy. The 2 I Am thinking about is the Eccentric Strength and the Ultimate Meathead Cycle. 


I would go with the TLU Strength (https://mtntactical.com/shop/tlu-strength-training-plan/). It focuses on relative strength, (strength relative to bodyweight) with a bit of work capacity and endurance worked in for maintenance. It’s one of our most efficient strength plans and is a good balance in terms of exercise selection coming off of Big 36.


Hello, I am looking for a new program and unsure which will be the best fit. Sorry I sent that before finishing! I would like a program that mixes stength and hypertrophy work with lots of conditioning and the odd ruck etc. All your programs look epic but can’t decide which to do first, or would you recommend your daily operator subscription? Thanks for your help. I also usually only have time to train once a day.


Best recommendation would be Apollo (https://mtntactical.com/shop/operator-apollo/) or the Daily Operator Sessions. However, the Daily Operator Sessions are generally balanced (equal parts strength, work cap, endurance), while Apollo does have a slight strength focus.


Hey I just wanted to say that you guys are awesome. I’m doing the navy pst and am so impressed with all the workouts and exercises. I’d definitely recommend you guys to basically everyone I know who’s into fitness. One observation I had was that it was harder to find the run interval calculator than the swim interval. Including where to find these in the instructions would be helpful. Thank you for making such an amazing program!


Appreciate the kind words! 100% agreed on the interval calculator. We’re in the midst of a total app overhaul that will integrate all of the calculators to populate your assigned interval or pace automatically based on your assessment. Hoping to launch it in March/April!


Hey, i have a simple question, but with little experience, no answer. Say i do one of the selection programs, would it be ok to repeat again and again? or would i be better off starting with a basic program until i know when my selection is


No I wouldn’t recommend that. Start with a basic program (Virtue Series plans in order is best: https://mtntactical.com/shop/virtue-series-packet/?highlight=virtue%20packet). Once you know your selection date, then pick the appropriate plan and knock it out prior to the date.


Hi there. I’m wondering if the Daily General Fitness Training Subscription includes the strength/hypertrophy workouts?


The subscription is one program, with monthly cycles. We always train strength, whether focused for imrpovement or as a secovndary priority for maintenance.


I was going to get the monthly athlete … I am not sure – I was just thinking that 3-4 of us our getting products. My husband just explained that it may be more effective to buy the individual programs and you just conducted a survey. My bad. Sorry to jump in late. I am a runner who needs to add more weight training consistently. We live in the mountains of MT and have icy snot conditions – have a home gym- treadmill- rower- bike. Just want an organized way to workout again. I used to use Gym Jones. That changed and i would like to use what you offer. Thank you for your time.


The best option for you would be the General Fitness Daily Programming subscription. We have a deal going now if you subscribe to that, you can pick as many individual plans as you’d like to buy, with a automatic 20% discount. Sounds like that might be the best move.



Hey guys, I am planning on running Speedgoat 50k next July. I currently am running about 8-10 miles a week, I have ran two 50ks both with over 10000 feet of elevation gain, but that was over two years ago, and I did not care for the training plan I followed. I have been looking through your training plans trying to find a good lead up plan(s) to Speedgoat. I have 33 weeks until the race. Any recommendation on what plan or plans to do to prepare? Thanks!


Here’s what to go with based on your timeline: Run Improvement – First eleven weeks of this plan, then one week rest (https://mtntactical.com/shop/run-improvement-plan/) Ultra Running Preseaon – 9 Weeks (https://mtntactical.com/shop/ultra-running-preseason-training-program/) 50k Ultra – 12 weeks (https://mtntactical.com/shop/50k-ultra-training-plan/)


I’m planning climb 6000+ mountain in Nepal (Mera Pick). What plan is more suitable for me?


The Big Climbing Training Plan is going to be your best bet! https://mtntactical.com/shop/big-mountain-training-program/?highlight=big%20mountain%20training%20plan


What training plan would you recommend for preparing to through hike the Appalachian Trail?


We have a specific thru-hike plan: https://mtntactical.com/shop/thru-hike-training-plan/


Hi, where can I find an updated version of the SFRE training program? I am going in 10 weeks and I noticed they do not test for situps and the push ups are now hand release pushups…… Thanks for your help


Here’s the link to the plan, which does test for sit ups, push ups, and the other APFT+ events: https://mtntactical.com/shop/sfre-training-plan/?highlight=sfre. Substitute push ups with hand release push ups for the assessment and all follow-on progressions in the plan. 


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