Q&A 7-31-14


I bought your ruck based training plan for sfas and its pretty legit. I made my own sandbags but keep seeing yours in the back corner of your gym in videos when I have to look up an exercise.

I used a duffel bag for the outside of the bag, but what do you use for filler? Couldn’t help but notice your bags have more surface area to grip and look more cumbersome to work with because of their size.

I just had to ask.


It somewhat depends upon the size of your bag. For our bags, best is rubber mulch made from ground up tires. We use wood pellets made for pellet-burning stoves.



I need back strengthening and core.  Which one of your programs hits both areas well?

Also interested in your Busy Operator and Busy Operator 2 programs.  Can you give me some more info on those two?  Like type of lifts etc?  Your feedback will help me decide to purchase one or both.


Back Strengthening and Core – Start with our Core Strength I Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=120

Busy Operator Plans – You’ll need a fully equipped functional weightroom – exercises include all the classic barbell lifts – bench, push press, front/back squats, lunges, etc, plus some MA -specific such as Curtis P’s. These plans also include core strength training, running, sprinting, rucking, etc. If you want one, start with Busy Operator I: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=112

You’ll not want to double up – do both the Core Strength plan and Busy Operator at the same time.



Hey Rob, I was shown to your website by a friend I met at the pool. I’m currently taking Navy PST’s for the SEAL program. I’m interested in what your programs have to offer.


Best to visit our training plan store, here: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101

Swimming specific ….. –

US Navy PST Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=95

BUD/s Selection Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=57

4-Week Swim Improvement Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=106



I am currently following your Ruck Based Selection Packet. Unfortunately due to time constraints I have been unable to double up RAT 6 with the Ruck Improvement Plan. Im half way through week 6 of RAT 6 (seeing great progress!) and am now looking at what to do following it. I leave for 1 month of mountain warfare training at the end of September, so I am looking at doing the Ruck Improvement Plan following completion of RAT 6. If I did that it would place me finishing it 1 week before departing.

With the ruck plan only being 3 days a week (with the exception of week 1 with 4 training days) I am wondering what should I do on the off days? I have considered doing some workouts from either RAT 6 or the Sandbag/Weight Vest/Dumbbell plan. What would you recommend? I am able to work out up to 6 days a week, one time a day. I feel like if I just rested on the non training days of the ruck plan Id be wasting valuable time to prepare for the mountain warfare package.


On the off days for the Ruck Plan, do strength from Rat 6. You may or may not want to follow the progressions, more important is to not do a lot of volume (reps) – so heavy sets of strength, few reps, – 8×3, 6×4, etc. One leg and one upper body strength exercise each session, and finish with some core.



Thanks for getting back to me. I have your run improvement program now so we shall see how it works out.

If I may trouble you with one more question. I was doing your programming for about 2 years and then switched duty stations recently and fell off the wagon (it’s really hard to find any place that has the kind of work out space and/or equipment one needs for the workouts).

I think I’ve come up with a solution and on that note I wanted to ask your advice about how best to ease my self into squats. I have never had a knee injury per say but I do seem to have a knee that very readily gets pushed to its limit when i try heavy squatting and particularly front squats. It’s normally something that leaves me sore for a day and then it is fine but I always end up just sand bagging the squat routines because I am afraid to aggravate whatever it is when it occurs

I know you have a leg injury routine but I am not quite sure if that is for what I have going on. Any advice on what I might do to build up my knees or ease more methodically into a work out?


I don’t have a solution for you here. If it was both knees, I’d tell you to push through, but because it’s just one knee, It seems you may have a lingering injury/issue and I’m not a doctor.

In general, I expect athletes to train injured but not hurt. The difference? If you’re injured, training won’t make it worse. If you’re hurt, training will make it worse. I’m not sure your situation.

One thing you can think about is avoiding the exercises which aggravate it – do back squats instead of front squats, etc.



Hey simple questions I’m on week 2 of Rat 6 when I get to Week 5 would I be

over doing it by doing Rat 6 and your 4 week run improvement program?


No. Lift in the AM, run in the PM.



I’ve been using your operator sessions in the Marine Corps since 2009, and am now a civilian again. I’m currently following the strength packet you provide. How would you recommend I prepare for a 12-14 mile Spartan Race in 14 weeks? Thanks.


We’ve built a plan for “Spartan Sprint Races” (http://mountainathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=85&&cart_ID=56) which we understand are designed to be completed in 45 minutes or less.

I don’t have a perfect plan for the longer races. From what I do have, I’d recommend one of these plans ….

1) Ultra Running Pre-Season Training Plan (http://mountainathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=85&&cart_ID=65)  8 weeks long, this plan closest  – it includes one day of strength training, one day of bodyweight training, and 3-4 days/week of running progression with peaks with an 18-mile run.

2) FBI HRT Training Plan: http://store.strongswiftdurable.com/collections/le-athlete/products/fbi-hrt-selection-training-plan. 9 weeks long, more intense strength/bodyweight work, and not quite as much running, but does include a 10 mile running assessment and progressions. Also includes a 5 mile ruck run assessment. This plan would be more fun to complete.

Between now and beginning one of these plans (your next 5-6 weeks), I’d recommend the 369 Work Capacity Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=134).



I just purchased your Go Ruck Challenge program and will be doing my 8-mile GRC weight ruck tomorrow.   (Someone actually gave me a copy of your plan, but it didn’t feel right to me to use someone else’s intellectual property without paying for it.  I would also like access to your advice.)

Anyway, I have a question or two about the upcoming week’s workouts I’m hoping you can answer:

* Are there explanations of all these exercises on your site?  (If so, where do I find them?)

* Would a stick be a good replacement for a foam roller?

* I need to be careful about some exercises because of bone loss in my spine — e.g., I’m not supposed to do sit-ups or crunches.  Is it ok to substitute?  If I send over those exercises my docs don’t want me doing, can you suggest alternatives?

Thanks.  I’ve heard great things about your program and look forward to starting it.  I used the GORUCK 6-week plan for my Light in March, but felt I needed something more intensive for the Challenge.


1) Click the “Exercises” button on the website front page for unfamiliar exercises: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=30

2) No

3) Bridges – front and side.



I am currently working on my SFAS packet and trying to get a selection date in the very near future. I was recommended to this site by 2 of my previous LT’s who one was selected and the other will be leaving in a few months. Just curious what the main differences are between the SFAS prep program and the training packet. Which one do you believe to be more beneficial. I am leaning towards the packet, since I would like to attended SFAS around this time next year or a little sooner than that.


The Ruck Based Selection Training Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=45) is the plan I recommend directly before SFAS, and is the last plan in the Training Packet.

We put together the Training Packet (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=122) after getting several questions from guys like you several months out from SFAS and wanting a road map to prepare.

The Ruck Based Selection Training Plan is very intense – and unfit guys won’t be able to complete it. For this reason I generally recommend guys unfamiliar with our stuff to either subscribe to and complete the Operator Sessions or purchase and complete the Ruck Based Selection Packet – prior to doing this plan.



Myself and my wife have been doing the operator sessions for  some months now.  We really enjoy the workload and planning compared to other sites. One quick question, do you have any information on nutrition to pair with the program?


Our recommendations on nutrition – on our FAQ: http://militaryathlete.com/subpage_details.php?subpage_ID=1906&page_ID=34



I will be attending SFAS the beginning of January, and just recently bought your training packet. We are going to JRTC in September, so that will be close to four weeks of little to no PT and the wonderful diet of MREs, do you have any recommendations on what parts of the program I should cut out?


Cut 4 weeks from the Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Training Plan.



I’m a 51 year old female physician who is in the process of joining the Army. (It’s a long story but includes feeling that I should do my part to help provide good care to service members and their families). I’m in reasonable shape but not as strong or as fast as I think I should be. I run, I swim and I do some weight training. I’ve done two GORUCK heavies but under the new guidelines was the weakest/slowest person; I did the APFT for practice and will likely score 300 (35 push-ups, 68 sit-ups and a 16 min 2 mile run). I’m 5ft 4 in and 130 lbs. I’d like to be in better shape for BOLUC in January. I’ve got about 6 months to prep if it all works out. Which plans should I get?


Here’s what I’d recommend. 6 months = 24 weeks

Weeks    Plan

1-6          APFT Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=30

7-12       Bodyweight Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=96

13          Total Rest

14-17     Core Strength 1 (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=120) Plus 4-Week Ruck Improvement (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=110)

18-23     Army OCS Training Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=131)



I am going to finish my last year in college and subsequently my last year of competitive ice hockey. I am looking To join he military out of college, which means I am trying to train more for the military now but also keep hockey as a main focus. Is there an app of website or page that I can go to for good workout routines that can be conducive to both hockey and military training? Hope to hear back from you soon.



Focus on hockey until your season is over. One thing at a time.

Immediately after the season, I’d recommend the Ultimate Meathead Strength Cycle (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=79) We work with a couple pro hockey players here and we’ve found their upper bodies have been weak. Plus, coming off your season, a solid strength plan will increase your durability.

After the Ultimate Meathead Cycle, a great plan to give you a taste of military training is the Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Cycle: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=83



I’m on the last week of the RAT 6 strength program and have seen some great results. I have gained about 10lbs and each one of my lifts has increased significantly. I feel stronger than ever and it is definitely due to the smart, intense programming of Military Athlete.

My question is where should I go from here? I have 4 weeks until I report to my Basic Officer Course and I want to be in the best possible shape when I get there. What program would you suggest next?



I’d recommend the Army (OCS) Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=131



I’m leaving for OSUT with an option 40 contract in the end of october, so a little over 3 months. I’ve been doing crossfit for about a year, and have been an athlete my whole life. I’m curious to know what programs I can utilize with the time I have. I will do the RASP program the last 6 weeks, but I would like to use another short program prior to it to best help me prepare for that program. (My running is probably my weakness at this point.)


I’d recommend the Rat 6 Strength Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=84) supplemented with the 4-Week Running Improvement Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=104) prior to beginning the RASP plan.



I’ve searched for a specific answer to my question online, and I’m sure you’ve answered it before. So I’d like to apologize beforehand if you’ve already covered this. I’m an 18x-ray shipping out in a few months, and my rucking is what needs to improve most. I want to use your program for SFAS, but my dilemma is that I’m way more than 8 weeks from selection. So I’m not sure how much it would benefit me. I would use the 9 month train up you have for sale also, but as I will be in osut/jump school etc, this will not be doable.

Should I still do the 8 week rucking train up even though it won’t be the 2 months immediately before selection?


Short answer is yes. The Ruck plan will not only prepare you, but get you mentally accustomed to the events – esp. rucking.

If you have the time to dedicate to train now, and won’t later. Do the Ruck Plan and then in your schools prior to SFAS, do your best to maintain fitness.



Here is my situation: I’m currently on a joint law enforcement task force that has me conducting missions 1-3 days a week that are essentially air assaults and/or short range patrols. The foot movement distances are usually very short- 1-8 miles max, sometimes punctuated by short runs, w/ vest and plates, weapon, and a backpack or ruck, 30-60 pounds all told depending on the day. It’s all rural, moving over very dense, rough, relatively steep terrain. Days are usually around 8-10 hours, but we do overnights on surveillance sometimes. So it’s intense work, but generally pretty short lived. Hopefully that’s enough info to get across the kind of work load I’m under. My non-mission day workouts are pretty varied right now- I really haven’t been focusing lately, which hasn’t been helped by the fact that I don’t have a proper gym at my office anymore. Definitely “working out” as opposed to “training”. Now, I have SFRE hopefully followed by SFAS coming up near the end of the year (no specific timeline details yet unfortunately).

My question is; What would you suggest for me to begin prepping specifically for that without compromising my performance on my current mission set? FYSA, my initial thought was to follow Ruck Based Selection, and simply take a rest day before a mission and stretch the plan out accordingly. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.



The fitness demands of your job, and your job performance, have to take priority. I’m afraid the full Ruck Based Selection Program would be too intense/demanding, and could impact your job performance.

My recommendation would to think short term, SFRE first, and let the job missions help prepare you for the rucking you’ll see there.

You’re job won’t prepare you for the APFT – and you’ll want to smoke it at SFRE.

So I’d recommend purchasing the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=45) but skipping the rucking component and focusing only on the APFT+ assessment and progressions into SFRE.

If you make it through SFRE, you can then begin and complete the entire plan to prepare for SFAS.



I have a couple of questions on the GR Selection program. I hope this isn’t too much to ask. Please let me know if it is.

– I’m tall and am weak on bench, so I can only do my body weight (205) 3 or 4 times. Should I drop weight for the 90sec rounds or do just 1 rep (35% max) as prescribed?

– Selection is now a FL beach-based event. Given that, should the step-ups still be a focus? Would you suggest any modification to the existing plan based on location?

– I’ve been doing the 5 round 60sec 35% sit-up/push-up part of the plan for quite a while now. I made great gains at first (I’m at 85 for 2 min for both), but I’ve seemed to have plateaued. Any suggestions? Add weight?

– would you recommend adding any days from your run program (eg hills or 400/800m intervals)?



1) Drop 10 pounds and re-test the bench.

2) Beach Rucks –  if you can, or any sand.

3) You do 5x progressions of the bodyweight reps, and only two are at 35%. You should be moving on to 40% soon – unless you’re not following the plan as prescribed. If that’s the case, I can’t help you. Look for increases with the assessments.



Sorry to bother you, I am sure you are asked ridiculous questions daily. I have a few for you and hopefully you can give some insight.

1. I have the Ruck Based Packet that I just began the body weight portion this week. I have been out of the ARMY for 2 years now, and found myself loosing touch with fitness. I am having to adjust the amount of cycles during exercised due my current lack of capability. For example, the Leg Blasters. I can only manage half of the rounds that is prescribed. I am also cutting the running portions almost in half. Should I repeat the 4-week body weight session once I am completed before moving on since I can not complete all reps/rounds?

2. I do not seem to be getting anything out of the cool down/stretches. 90% of the stretching exercises I have never done before, and do not really feel any benefits. Can I use the ARMY post PT stretching instead?


1) The bodyweight program is no joke. You may not be ready for it and need to start with the OnRamp Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=129

2) Sure



So I’m putting together my packet for Psychological Operations and I’m hoping to go to selection in November. I’m not 100% sure what to expect just yet.

I’m 21 and on my last PT test I got a 298. I can usually do about 51 push-ups and 79 sit-ups. Best I’ve ever run was a 15:44, that’s about 9 seconds shy of maxing for me.

Not gonna lie I kind of suck at rucking.

So I’ve got three months to improve. Which of your programs would you suggest I use?



Three months = 12 weeks. Here’s what I’d recommend:

Weeks 1-4: Bodyweight Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=96, doubled up with the 4-Week Run Improvement Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=104

Week 5: Rest

Week 6-12: Either the Army (OCS) Training Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=131) or the Ranger School Training Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=60)

I’m thinking the OCS plan is about right, but am fairly sure the Ranger Plan will have you covered.



Rob, I didn’t see the FBI PFT training program on your site, is that still an option?  I have a friend who’s preparing for the test


We moved the FBI Plan to the LE Athlete. The plan is here: http://store.strongswiftdurable.com/collections/le-athlete/products/fbi-special-agent-pft-6-week-prep-program

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