Dear Sir,

I am currently in the Q-course and have a month long breeak coming up before my next course with an APFT at the beginning of that course. I was thinking of taking the pushup/sit up workout from your APFT plan and doing them in addition to the Operator Sessions. Im pretty good at PT but my weakness is pushups. I like the way the APFT plan look but I want to keep the benefits of durability and strength that continuing to do the operator sessions offers. Do you think adding those workouts to the operator sessions is feasible? If so how should I put them together? If not what alternatives would you recommend?


Yes that would work … but the pushups progression from the APFT plan needs to take precedent over the upper body pressing work in the Operator Sessions – so if both are prescribed for the same day, skip the Operator Sessions pressing (bench, KB floor press, whatever…) 




I just graduated Ranger school and my mass and mobility are gone. My unit is deployed so I have some unadulterated me time. I am going to take the Long Walk this fall and have roughly four months to get ready for the event.

Can you make a recommedation as to which packages you have that will afford me the best potential to gain back strength, endurance, and capacity so as to have the greatest chance of success in the mountains come September?

Thanks much,



We have two options for SFOD-D, 9.5 month packet: Week Sport Specific SFOD-D Selection Plan:

The 10-week plan is also the final plan in the packet. 

– Rob



I need some insight for a question that was asked to me.. My CO asked me what he should do for programming- hes doing an Ironman in mid-November, then Best Ranger in April 2015, then he is going to SFOD-D Selection/ OTC next year as well… I am not sure where the transition points for base to sport specific programming should be for him and which programs I should suggest for him to buy. What are your thoughts?


Each of these is a huge event which demands he train sport specifically for them. 

He should train now for the Ironman (I don't have a plan for this). 

Following the Ironman he's going to be weak, and should complete our Rat 6 Strength Plan( ….. 

and follow it up with our Best Ranger Plan ( directly before Best Ranger. Multiple teams who've followed the plan have finished best ranger.

Following Best Ranger he needs to take some time off, then repeat Rat 6, then train sport specifically for SFOD-D using our SFOD-D Selection Training Plan:

– Rob



 I just recently purchased your Ruck Based Selection Training Packet. I have a few questions on the best way to implement the training course. I have just recently recovered from a muscle injury to my lower lumbar area. I am fully functional now, and can train without any back pain. But my cardiovascular conditioning and work capacity are just not in such a state where I can run four or five consecutive miles yet. I've been using interval training to bring my cardio back up. What do you recommend so I can reach the 4, 4.5, or 5 mile runs in sessions 5, 10, etc? And even the 8 milers in the run improvement program?

And my second concern is during the transitions between programs- what cardio do you recommend? I tend to lose my running cardio if I'm not a regular practitioner. Thanks for your time.


Stick with the programming as prescribed. Run/walk the distance runs if needed. Just keep grinding. The rest weeks in the plan are super important. Honor them – you're cardio will be fine.  

– Rob




I have contacted you on two other occassions.  Once to ask about a good program when I was on deployment while in the Navy.  You recommended that I do the squad PT.  I followed it and the one other guy that stuck with it with me got in phenomenal shape while everyone else that made excuses played X-box and got out of shape.  The other time I contacted you I purchased a max out the APFT program from you, again the guy that did it with me had great results.  And we were maxing the APFT when we tested ourselves because of your programming.


I am no longer in the military but a year ago I had a stroke and I have made a full recovery.  Although it is great that I have made a full recovery I also lost a great amount of strength, weight, and had a general decline in fitness over the last year.  I have lost fifteen pounds since the stroke.  I am a thin guy and dont need to be losing any weight!  I had such great success before from your programming could you make a recommendation about what program of yours I should follow?  I would eventually like to work up to the operator pt but right now I am nowhere close.  I have no physical or cognitive limitations from the stroke, just a skinny weak body.  

Any direction you can point me in would be great.  I want to make it clear that I am looking to purchase one of your programs and not expecting some sort of handout.  

Thanks again,



I'd probably recommend you begin with the OnRamp Plan:

And follow it up with the Bodyweight Plan:

Glad you're recovered and on your way back.




Dear Rob

I've looked over a couple of your sites mainly military athlete and I'm considering starting. However I was hospitalized for 2 months and lost most pretty much all my strength(was a Marine with a 270 pft). Where should I start with ma. Or should I start with a different program? Currently I'm using Greg Plitt website to get back in shape. Any advice would be welcome since I want to return to active duty. Also my girlfriend is trying to get into law enforcement however she isn't the most fit. Should she start off with the things I'm doing with Plitt's site or can she start off with leathlete?

Respectfully signed,



I'd recommend you both begin with the OnRamp Plan:

– Rob




I am in the process of cross flowing into the TACP Officer career field and was reviewing your plans and site to prepare for the assessment to be selected. I noticed some comments on Ruck-Based Selection Training Program and noticed a TACP individual said they used that with great results. I wanted to make sure I choose the most applicable one as well as the timing of when to start the plan in reference to the assessment date. I've been referred to military athlete by many friends in the Army and they have had great results. I appreciate your help and time greatly.

Very Respectfully,



Yes – the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan:

– Rob



Hey Rob, Hope all is well! I've started the goruck program that I got from you and it's great so far.  A friend of mine advised me to train with a heavier pack than I'll do the event with.  Can you offer any advice on how much heavier or if I should do this at all? The sandbag getups are killer! Thanks, JJ



Pls use the prescribed loading. 

Our aim is to send you to selection fit and healthy, not broken down or injured. 

– Rob



Hi Rob,

I am currently preparing to head to the FBI Academy and was looking for your FBI training plans in your online store but no longer see them. I already downloaded the 6 week training program but wanted to share the link with FBI recruiter so others could purchase the plan as well. I am also interested in your HRT training plan as that is my ultimate goal once I leave the academy.





We started programming specifically for Law Enforcement Athletes at – and we moved our LE-related plans there. 

Here's the link:

– Rob



Hello Rob,

I have a couple of questions, I have purchased Bodyweight, Hypotrophy and 8 week kettlebell programmes.

I’m looking forward to starting soon.

1) My girlfriend is wanting to start with me but has not been training for a long time and is unfit, i was thinking  of using the Run  improvement plan before Bodyweight and just practicing upper body calisthenics until she is better equipped to complete the intensity involved in the  programming (she struggles with push ups and pull ups at the moment) in your opinion is this a good idea?

2) I’m interested in planning ahead and would like to have your opinion on how best to schedule the plans I already have and if you think i should add any others to achieve the best results with the programming for the future?

3) My girlfriend and I don’t have any experience with Olympic lifts do you think we need to learn these to complete a strength plan in the future?

4) Is the Kettlebell Strength programme included in the 8 week plan or is it different?

5) in case you suggest the Sandbag and Vest plan, do you ship sandbags to the UK?

Thanks for your time and the inspiration

kind regards


1) Yes – or greatly scale back the bodyweight plan reps for her. The Bodyweight Plan ( is no joke. Another option would be to have to take the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and then follow the appropriate Army Basic Training Plan based on her APFT Score. Here's the link to our Army BCT Plans:

2) Bodyweight, then Hypertrophy, then Kettlebell. 

4) Some of our plans use Oly Lifts, but fewer and fewer. Plus – you can teach yourself these lifts…. I did. Don't be scared off by that. Rat 6 would be the first strength plan I'd recommend for you:

4) It's different, though the 8-Week Kettlebell Program does include strength sessions:

5) Sorry, no.

– Rob



Hi Rob,

I have 16 weeks until Army SF selection. I just scored a 290 on my APFT, and I'm now starting Rat 6. After that, I plan on doing the ruck-based selection plan. My problem is this. I'm naturally skinny, and it's hard for me to put on weight. I've been deployed for 9 months now, and I'm finally up to 205# (I'm 6"4). I'm trying to gain another 10-15# while I complete Rat 6. I'm worried that I'm going to lose weight/muscle as I complete the ruck-based plan. I'm naturally good at running. Do you think I could cut some of the running out of the ruck-based plan, and add some heavy weight lifting? If so, what weight training would be safe to keep doing, and roughly when should I do it? After Rat 6, I should finally just about meet your strength standards, and I'd hate to lose that strength going into selection. Thanks for any guidance. Love your site and plan on being a long-term customer. 


You're going to lose barbell strength during both the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan ( and SFAS. Don't worry about it. 

SFAS isn't a strength event – it's a stamina event. The reason I want you to go in strong is for durability. Strength gives you great durability. 

You'll "use" your strength during selection, not lose. When you start training again, your strength will come back rapidly. 

Bodyweight …. I'd like to see you at 220-225#, but you're not going to get there before selection. I'm not sure this will affect your SFAS performance, being light could be a great advantage – as long as you're not super skinny – you'll lose weight at SFAS and I don't want you to eat too much muscle on your way through

A good plan to consider after SFAS is our Hypertrophy Plan for Skinny Guys:

– Rob




BLUF: I'm out of shape, and committed to doing the GORUCK Challenge ABSOC East on 18 July, Virginia Beach with a friend.  At 5'10'' I weigh 237; I can reliably accomplish 1 pull-up and 40 pushups; I can ruck with Challenge weight for my weight at an average of 3.5 mph for as long as I need to move at that speed, 10 miles is the longest ruck I've maintained that speed recently. 

-I've bought some training plans over time from you and would like your opinion on what I should do to get ready; I've got the Big 24, Bodyweight I, Challenge Plan, Afghan Pre-Deployment Plan, and the On-Ramp plan.

-I'm down approximately 10 pounds in 2 months from changing my diet away from sugar with no real plan other than the "is that really healthy", or "do I really need to eat that" test.  I watched your video and am attempting to implement, starting last Monday.


Start with the OnRamp Plan ( 

Then complete the Goruck Challenge Plan (  the 5 weeks directly before the event. 

– Rob



Hey Rob,

I was looking at your On-Ramp Training Plan. I was wondering what equipment that would entail.




You need a fully equipped weightroom for the OnRamp Plan:

– Rob



Greetings Mr. Shaul, hope everything is well.

First, thank you for the great dedication, programing and assistance. I am very close to landing a new job for the goverment, and your

programs have undoubtley put the edge on the selection process. My overall fitness, mental toughness and well being has improved

dramitacally. I have various of your programs, like BW 1, Patrol Officer, and the SWAT/SRT Sessions.

With selection coming up I want to maintain a high standard of fitness for future positions in the agency. Work hours will probably be 10-12 long and

workout of 90-120 minutes will affect day to day performance. After putting your programs into use, consulting you by email some times I have come with a condensed program for LE Officers, never going more than 50 minutes and still keeping a standard of high durability. This is a template as I have schedule and plan to use on my sessions just to test drive them. the basic requisite is that althought training can be done on consecutive days, the main idea is to use one Strength/Mass/Power session followed by a day of Conditioning. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.



Overall looks good. One change I'd make is to do front squats instead of leg blasters, day 3. Also – use "hard but doable" for loading (bench/curls/front squats). 

– Rob




A friend of mine who is recovering from knee surgery on her ACL just got cleared to use the elliptical again. Would she need to be able to run to use the post-leg injury rehab plan? I'm sure yes, but just wanted to confirm.


The Post Rehab Leg Plan is strength focused, but does include a short 1-mile run and step ups 1x/week. She could sub the elliptical for the run. 

Link to the plan:

– Rob



Rob , I have a 3 day hiking/ navigation course coming up . Some days full load . Others just navigation and movement all day . Going from sea level to 2500 / 3000 . Would pre-afgan deployment plan be best to get the legs / lungs in shape or would recommend something else ? Thanks D


Yes, I'd recommend the Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Plan:

– Rob

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