Mr Shaul,

I am about to finish up your 357 Strength program. I have loved the progress I have made during it. I would like to do two more months of strength periodization before I return to your operator sessions during my last month here in the Stan. My question to you is, would you recommend cycling the 357 again or to do another one of your programs?


– J.

I’d recommend trying another strength plan – just to change things up – The Rat 6 Plan was super successful for us lab rats, and is 8 weeks long:

– Rob


I just purchased your on-ramp training and was wondering what effect it would have on my results if I did not do full rest days. I just transferred to a new unit and they do "pt" every day of the work week and I am on an offset cycle, as in my first day of the workout week is Wednesday so I have more likelihood of not missing my workout if I only have to plan around 3 possibly late days. Is there anything I can do to keep participating in unit pt sessions without sacrificing improvements from the in-ramp workouts?  Thanks for your advice in advance.

– J

I can’t give you any specific advice here except to listen to your body, Jason. Unit PT isn’t a option, so if you need to postpose an OnRamp session, do so. No big deal.

– Rob

Hey Rob,

I’m an AF Reservist and an ROTC cadet.  I heard about your program while in Afghanistan and have been following for about 2 years now.  This summer I had a chance to attend a Special Tactics Officer Professional Development Training program.  ROTC cadets who attended got a first hand look at the ST world and what it would take to meet those challenges of becoming a STO/CRO.  A few Operators there were also promoting your site.  Kudos to your hard work!

I’m 2 years away from applying for a selection course. 

My plan for the next two years is to use the Op Sessions as my base and 6 weeks out from PT tests use that program.  I was then thinking next summer going through your USAF selection training plan and then would use that again if selected. 

What would you recommend over the next 2 years?  How would you work in pool sessions and rucking during the year?

Thank you for providing an awesome resource. 


Your plan below is solid over the next couple years. The Operator Sessions include rucking so you’re covered there. Swimming? – Couple options …. – First, swap out some Operator Session rucking and running for swimming. Second, purchase the USAF PAST Training Plan, and use it as another cycle. The PAST Plan includes swimming. 

– Rob

I had a previous email exchange with you regarding footwear and you highly recommend an actual Oly Shoe over others. I am looking for my first pair and am curious of the significance between 1/2" and 3/4" heel.


– C.

We use and like the Rogue brand lifting shoes that Rogue Fitness sells. Ours have a 3/4 inch heel.

– Rob

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