i am trying to get in shape for rander school. Is there any guides you guys to get in shape for that


Here K.:

– Rob

First of all, I’d like to thank you. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and before I came, you sent me your pre-deployment workout. I can definitely say that it was the right prescription. A fellow PL here with me has had a subscription with you for a while, and I have been pretty impressed with everything we have done so far. I have been thinking about attending one of your programming courses when I get back and I am just looking for more info on it. What is your recommended experience level prior to attending (I have been engaged in crossfit/gym jones/ mil-athlete for a couple of years now)? What is the schedule for the course/courses toward the end of this year? Any other recommendations or additional info you can send my way will be much appreciated. Thanks for your time and for what you do.
– J.

The programming course is theory based. It’s recommended you know your way around the weight room and the exercises (Oly lifts, etc.), and are somewhat familiar with our programs. Your training experience (2 years) is plenty to be able to pick it up. 

No courses scheduled right now for later this year. There’s a chance I’ll offer one in late November/Early December. 

– Rob

I’m writing you because I have a physical performance problem, of which I believe, is some kind of hip imbalance, and was wondering what your thoughts were and if you could recommend some exercises to correct it. I have trouble keeping my balance during back squats, with my right knee bowing in and throwing off my form. I believe this balance issue also affects other performance areas, as I experience pain on the lower right side of my back when running and rucking. I know something is not right because after a ruck, run, or lower body workout, I feel much more soreness in my left leg than in my right.
Some background context that may help to illuminate the actual problem: I’m flatfooted and over pronate on my right foot. In addition, I’ve had three surgeries on my right knee. Since the surgeries back in high school, my right side has never caught up to my left, and my left leg is stronger and has more muscle mass than the right. I’ve had custom insoles made to help with the severe pronation—which they do—yet I still have issues squatting (right knee caves and I lose my balance, which sacrifices my form, impedes strength gains, and leaves me prone to injury)and I still experience back pain during runs and rucks.  After nearly ten years of trying to ignore the problem (likely a very stupid idea), I’ve had enough and have decided to take action. Based on some research and a talk with a chiropractor, I think I may have some sort of hip imbalance. Can you recommend a few exercises that will help to correct this issue?
Thanks for your time,
p.s. I’ve used your APFT plan with great success and am currently using the 357 plan and I love it!

Looks like you’ve got valgus occurring on that right side – this is when your knee dives in. I don’t want to get too geeky, but it could be your right butt/hip isn’t firing – and this is the root of the problem. 

During 2-leg squats, simply be conscious of the valgus, and forcing that right knee out often solves the issue here. We’ll simply tell athletes not to let their knee dive, and they think about it while squatting and successfully force it out. 

However, the danger comes when they don’t think about it – especially if they are jumping. On the landing, the knee could dive in, and tear a tendon. 

My two favorite exercises to turn this on are:
(1) 1-leg box squats with the affected side. This seems to help the athlete re-learn to activate the butt/hip. 

(2) Jane Fonda. If you haven’t done Jane Fondas, start doing so. This complex of movements targets the glute medius – which is one of the muscles in the butt/hip that helps keep the hip/knee/ankle in line. 

(3) 1-Leg Hinge Lift – this is a great exercise which not only targets the glute/hip, but also forces you to keep your knee from diving to the inside. 

Over pronation
I have the same issue and you can actually by orthotics and shoe inserts which help. I use these:

– Rob


Good afternoon!  I recently emailed you about putting on weight and
you advised me to eat more and recommended your hypertrophy program.
I took your advice and started the program and it is something else.
I am sore and I am eating according to your standards but in a whole
foods way; whole chickens, whole bags of veggies, massive amounts of
fruit etc.  It helps but man, I hurt, BAD.

My question is, my lower suspension is my issue as my legs lack mass
and power.  I hope to remedy this but I have another problem.  I have
a little extra weight around the middle, namely, my stomach.  Can I
incorporate sprints?  Possibly 4x400m sprints three times weekly?  The
Marines are picky about apperance and though I am not fat by any
means, I do have a little bit of a gut because I came off an injury
not too long ago.  My max weight at my height is 206 lbs but with the
Marines having to wear our chucks (service uniform) every friday I
dont want to continue eating this way and have my fat gain get away
from me and end up with my command saying something.  I’m a pretty
broad guy in terms of my upper body so what would be your advice?
Thanks as always.

– N.

p.s. Due to my back injury a while back I am still in physical therapy
to help with my felxability/range of motion (I am healed though).  My
shoulders are a little rounded foward so they told me to stay away
from any sort of chest exercises and bench is a huge part of this
program.  My chest has mass on it so what are your thoughts on that as
well?  Thanks!

Stomach Fat – stick with a clean diet (no carbs) and the hypertrophy plan. Ninety percent of weight loss is diet. Extra running is not recommended during the hypertrophy cycle for 2 reasons: 

1) Your legs are already hammered from the volume in the weight room.
2) Extra cardio will actually negatively affect the mass gain from the program.

Stick with the plan, then after turn to work capacity/cardio. 

PT and staying away from Bench. 
Yeah, I’d ignore the PT’s, and keep lifting. The plan’s pressing is balanced with pulling. 

– Rob



I remember a few months back, or it seems that way, that you referenced a number of different books/references, that influence the ROM/Patterning/Mobility that we do throughout the program.  I’m looking to pick those up for some further reading, and if you could send me the right way with some titles, that would be great!

Also, just a suggestion to put those things on the site so others can look into picking them up as well.  

I really appreciate the effort put into the program, as it’s paved the way for my success thus far in the Q Course.  Only a few more months left to go, and feeling strong (despite the lack of strength and energy after SERE).  

Thanks again!

— M.

Overall I’ve been significantly disappointed with the work coming out of the PT/rehab community concerning mobility’s affect on durability. Regardless, by far the most influential thinker in this world right now is Gray Cook. Pick up his book, "Movement." 

Cook advocates the "patterning" fix to mobility issues. One huge problem with his approach, however, is he says the athlete cannot learn the proper patterning if there is any pain going into the movement – and honestly, not many of us who’ve led active lives aren’t a little creaky. 

Regardless, we’ve had some success with Cook’s work, in particular, his squat to stand, exercise. 

– Rob


My name is S. and I am planning on joining the Royal Marines in August from South Africa and  was wondering if you can help me out. I am looking for a good exercise plan to get me extremely fit. I was given this email from a friend in the British Army as he said that you may be able to help me.

Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance

– S.

A good place to start would be our APFT Plan, S. "APFT" stands for Army Physical Fitness Test – and this plan focuses on basic body weight calisthenics and running. Here’s the link:

Graduate from this plan to our Squad PT Plan

This plan is more sport specific for deployment. You’ll need a weight vest, sandbag, pull up bar, and pair of 25# dumbbells.  
It’s low tech, but no joke: 

– Rob

Mr. Shaul,

I’m expecting to take a fitness test in the next 6 to 10 months for a federal law enforcement agency that includes push ups, sit ups, pull ups, and 1.5 mile run.  I have completed your APFT plan some time ago and also your patrol plan recently, now working back on Olympic lifts.  I was wondering what your advice would be to ace this test and which plan have would be the best to accomplish it or simply signing up for operator sessions or combination of both.  Thanks for all you and your crew do.

– S.

Do the USAF PAST plan we just published. You can ignore the swimming, but follow along with the run and calisthenic exercises – it includes a 1.5 mile run, push ups, pull ups, and sit-ups.

– Rob


I’m getting orders to USMC MTN Warfare school and looking for a program to prep me for training. I have a copy of your Afghan deployment program that I did prior to deploying that I was thinking could work well for the course, but I also saw the ranger/recon prep on your site. What do you think? 

– M

No need ponying up for the Ranger plan. The Afghan plan you’ve got will work. 

– Rob

I am looking to subscribe to your Operator Sessions program but would like to know what kind exercise they approach, where would be the place to find this out before I commit ?

You probably get this type of question all the time, so apologies !


– S.

STart with the free Operator Sessions available on the website. Here’s the link:

– Rob


Thanks. I notice you have moved from version 3 of the APFT workout to version 4. How dramatic are the changes? Should I also move to version 4? I am 5’9" and currently weigh 146 lbs. I’ve seen from the FAQs you often are willing to tell people the weight you think best for them. If you could do the same for me I would be very grateful. I have always been on the skinny side and struggle with push ups. My current plan is to do the hypertrophy program followed by the apft program. Is this a good idea, or should I be starting with something else like the on-ramp program?


– F.

I feel the new version of the APFT plan is a significant upgrade F. It’s up to you if you want to pay for the new version. Here’s the link to V4:

At 5’9", you’re way too light. I’d like to see you at 170-175.  Your plan on doing the Hypertrophy plan first is solid. 

– Rob
I have a few quick questions for you if you don’t mind.  I am heading into the Q-Course in late July.  I am in the last week of the 357 Plan.  It was definitely a challenging program, that had me begging for the end of each of the sessions.  Also, I must say the biggest difference that I noticed was in my core.  I really felt like this added to my strength gains during the program.  Anyway, I am looking to fill at least the next two months prior to starting the Q-Course.  Do you think that the Operator Sessions would be the best next step for me?  Or would there be a better option?  I have gained a good amount of strength over the past 2-3 months and I want to see this continue, but I really want to make sure that I am well balanced in my fitness before starting the Q course. 
Also,  I am currently 6’1" and 185-190lbs.  I was carrying a little extra fat from before selection (and the post selection pig out), but for the most part that has gone away.  Is this about where I need to be?  If not do you have any other recommendations?  Thanks again for your time.  Military Athlete is highly respected and greatly appreciated by many of us in the military who are attempting to improve every day and who want to do it without losing our minds out of boredom.  Thanks for the help in this.
– T.

Pre Q-Course – I’d recommend the Afghan Pre-Deployment Training plan or the Squad PT Plan. You need to spend some dedicated time walking around with a heavy ruck, doing some sandbag getups, and bunches of step ups. Here are the links: 

Afghan Plan:
Squad PT:

Your weight seems about right to me. 

– Rob


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