Hi Rob,
I’m a new subscriber to Military Athlete and I love it!  Thank you for all you do.  I’ve been doing a lot of reading and I may have more questions than answers, so I’d like to run a few things by you.
I’m 40 years old, 6’ 0” tall,  and 212.6 lbs.  Two weeks ago I took an APFT and got my worst score ever, 238 (75 PU, 47 SU, 17:10 2 Mile Run).  Not great.  I was 226 lbs on the day of the APFT but my poor performance was a wake-up call, so I got into Paleo and started on your 6 Week APFT Training Program.  It’s working.
My first goal is to get down to 190-195 and max the APFT by July 20.  I completed Ranger School in 2010, so I’m no stranger to hard work.
My second goal is to transfer over to the 5/19th Special Warfare Training Detachment (SWTD) and get Selected as a Special Forces Officer.  I will be submitting my application in August and I should have my first training session with them in September or October.  I don’t need to be “selection ready” by then, however, I do need to make a good impression during my first session.  It will be an assessment to see if I am worth the effort of training and sending to selection.  Selection will be either November or March, depending on my performance at SWTD.  The technical stuff should be a walk in the park.  It’s the physical stuff that I need to master.
July 20th is my first day of annual training and APFT Max day!  Realistically, I will be able to start a new training program on Monday, August 5th.  My preliminary plan is to start in on operator sessions at that time.  I was thinking I should start with a day like 4.29.13 so I can benchmark Operator Ugly, and work from there. 
These are my questions:
1.       Are the operator sessions the best training program you have in preparation for SFAS?
2.       Where in the program would heavy distance ruck training fit best?
3.       I live in Greeley, CO.  Is there a Military Athlete Affiliate Gym anywhere in Northern Colorado?
4.       What else should I be thinking about?
Again, thank you very much for all you do.  I have no doubt that your efforts are having a direct impact on the lives of many, many people.
– B.

Recommendations B. – 

1) Cancel your subscription to the Operator Sessions and purchase complete the APFT Plan:
This is best to prepare you for your July APFT.

2) Fix your diet. See the FAQ on the website for our dietary recommendation:
 Losing 10# would improve your APFT score on everything. 

3) After your APFT, rejoin and complete the Operator Sessions until 8 weeks out from your selection date for SFAS. Use the Operator Sessions, plus additional rucking for your SWTD sessions. Then cancel your subscription and purchase/complete the Ruck Based Selection Program as your specific preparation for SFAS:
Several have used this successfully for SFAS. 

Sorry – no gym in Northern CO.

– Rob


I have been doing the Operator Sessions for 3 months now and can not say enough. As I have told you in previous emails, your programming, philosophy and motivation is industry leading.

Unfortunately I have sustained an injury to my left arm (not working out) and am having difficulty doing a lot of movements. At 41 my mind still goes at the 21 year old speed but the recovery is taking longer than I want. As much as did not want to I had to cancel my subscription in Paypal, but will be back.

Do you still have the program for individuals that have sustained an arm injury? I can not afford to be to stagnant.

Again, thanks for what you do.

– C.

Sorry about your injury C. Here’s our Arm Injury program:

– Rob

I have seen a lot of questions on the page about how to get guys stronger, and familiar with the Olympic lifts. I have a suggestion that I don’t think you’ve mentioned.
Start with squad pt. I didn’t know what a power clean was until I started your squad sessions almost 2 years ago. The squad pt sessions allowed me to learn the lifts at a light weight, learn your programming (so less time spent searching for exercise descriptions) and get used to the straight grind your training requires. Then almost a year later I went to 357, and although was weak, was able to complete the sessions fluidly ( since your strength sessions all focus around the same exercises).  I also worked PVC pipe lifting on the unload days, to continue practicing. One of my personal examples is the OHS. Could not do it properly. Took me months of your training and mobility exercises. But I’m pretty good now, light weight still, but I can complete the movement. Thanks again.

– M.

Thanks for the note M. Awesome idea

– Rob

Hey Rob,

Since I see you’re answering so many questions about bodyweight, what would you say the max weight for a guy 6’3"-6’4" should be around? 210-220?


– P.

Exactly Pete. I’d want you at 210-220 pounds. – Rob


I recently had a major ankle reconstruction surgery to repair multiple prolonged injuries due to the nature of my job .  I am currently still in the recovery phase and am unable to do anything besides lay down with my foot elevated for six weeks before I can even put pressure on the ankle.  I have a long road (about six months according to the doc) before I’ll be back to running and the normal routine.  I have used many of your programs/routines here and over at MTNathelete and have loved them all.  I was wondering if you had a recommendation on where to start when I first get back in the gym four to five weeks from now?  I have looked over your program for your leg injuries, but I know my capabilities will be greatly decreased.  Should I just suck it up and scale it to me, or go in another direction?  I’ll continue to push your product an philosophy on all I meet, I have used your tools to try and change the leaders around me and their mindset on what makes an all around premium fighting soldier and I credit your philosophy with helping with that, thanks.

– B
We’ve had ankle reconstructs in the gym and began putting them through the 1-leg injury program before they could weight bare. They did a lot of hopping around the gym and also moved with crutches – but were able to make do. They had to be careful, of course, but they were. I’d encourage this option for you. 

When you come back, you’ll likely want to stick to easy bodyweight exercises until you get up the strength to load and hop. I hope to design a bodyweight-only plan soon, which should do the trick. 

What we’ve found when working with injured people is the gym training helps their head and spirit immensely through the recovery.

Here’s the link to the 1-leg plan:

– Rob
Good Afternoon,
I am inquiring about the  6 week APFT PREP Program. I was told this program was free to military personnel. I work at the Non-commissioned Officer Academy, I would like to pass this information on to our future Army leaders.  Thank you in advance for your time.
Very Respectfully,
– J.

Sorry J., the plan hasn’t been free for several years. Here’s a link to the plan on the website store:

– Rob

I read an online article about the incredible results that a guy obtained by working hard and using your program. 

I am civilian that was pre-screened at MEPS and DEP/PST meetings and qualified for a chance at the draft for a Navy SEAL contract. However, I have not been selected because my PST scores are not competitive enough.

PR for PST : 8:17 500yd swim, 70 pushups, 78 situps, 15 pullups, 10:25 1.5mile run. 

Goal scores: 8:00 500 yard CSS/100 Pushups/100 Situps/ 20+ pullups/ sub 9:00 1.5 mile run.

My workout background is "high rep" endurance workouts with my old beach patrol and 12 weeks of CrossFit. Sadly, my PST scores lowered substantially after doing CF and I even failed my run. 
After doing CF I decided to do all 4 phases of OPT training with a local trainer. I feel stronger and much more durable!!!

I just started this new program:

Mon- Upper body Lift and run
Tue- swim/run and evening do back squats and lunges
Wed- recovery day and Yoga
Thur- Upper body Lift and run
Fri-Swim/run and evening do deadlifts and KB swings
Sat- Swim/run
Sun- recovery and yoga

Appreciate your time!

– T.

We just published a plan specifically to improve PST scores. It’s 6 weeks long, and I recommend you do this plan. It’s laser-focused on the PST and it’s events. 

Here’s the link to the plan:

– Rob

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