Barbell Bent Over Row

…so your chest is over the bar and back is flat. Pull bar up to belly, keeping your core tight and squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top.…

Rob Shaul Exercise

…a sandbag. “Bodyweight Rob Shauls” are a separate exercise, done with bodyweight only. 1x Bodyweight Rob Shaul = 2x Walking Lunges (4x steps total) + 2x Burpees. Click HERE…

Mutant Maker

Hang squat clean into a thruster

Sandbag Complex

…sandbag for the 6x Hand Release Push Ups. Note – the video below does not show the Hand Release Push Ups …. but do them anyway!    …

Kettlebell Single Arm Single Leg Deadlift

…the kettlebell touches the ground and then stand up, opening up your hips at the top. During the decent, shoot the opposite leg back behind you as a counterbalance.…

Kettlebell Alternating Military Press

…each hand, clean them to your shoulders and then alternating arms press the kettlebells up to the ceiling keeping core tight. Press right + press left = 1 rep.…

Kettlebell Horizontal Row

With back flat, feet a little wider than shoulder width for a good stance, and core tight, pull the kettlebell up to shoulder/chest squeezing your shoulder blades together.…