Sideways Lunge

…to keep both feet flat on the ground, and your weight on your heels. Try to switch sides while keeping both feet planted. Both sides count as 1 rep…

Deck Squat

…roll on your back attempting to touch your toes on the ground behind you. Pull your heels to your butt while you thrust the ball foreword and stand up.…

Plate Carry

Stack multiple plates on top of each other and clutch them to your chest as you walk the prescribed distance or time.…

Foam Roll T Spine

…aligned straight up your spine. Give yourself a big hug to get your shoulder blades out of the way and roll back and forth working on that tight tissue.…

Front Squat

…than knees. Knees travel outward in direction of toes. Drive through the heels until you stand all the way up at the top hips fully extended. Return and repeat.…

Floor Mantis

…of your head. Then follow that same motion back to the original hand starting point. The goal of this is to teach yourself how to retract your scapula.  …

Superman Hold

Lying on your stomach, raise your arms and feet up off the ground. Hold for the prescribed amount of time.…

Sandbag Clean

…to the opposite shoulder. This then constitutes one rep. So, 1x sandbag clean = 1x clean to the right shoulder, then 1x clean to the left shoulder, 2x total.…

Sandbag Jump Squats

…a movement starting at your hips. Then explode up to jump out of the position. Land with your knees bent in order to absorb the force from coming down.…

Sandbag Back Squats

…your weight in your heels and sit back. Then raise your body through pushing your hips though and straightening the legs. Once again Keeping the weight on your heels.…