Foam Roll Lower Back

…to work out knots and tight muscles in your back until they relax. If you feel any shooting pain immediately stop massaging that area and move on to another.…

Single Leg Hinge Lift with Barbell

…other leg straight behind you. Try to hinge foreword all the way until the barbell touches the ground. Try to keep only a slight bend in your planted foot.…

Cork Screw

Start with plate touching the ground on one side and bring it up and across your body so it is over your opposite shoulder.…

Ride it Down

…to create distance between your legs and spend a few seconds getting comfortable in the bottom of the squat. When comfortable set down the kettlebell and stand back up without…

Kneeling Curl to Press

On your knees, curl kettlebells or dumbbells up to shoulder and then press them out overhead.…

Ab Wheel

…ab wheel or barbell as far as you can and then pull it back to the start. Keep your midline tight and don’t let your back or hips break.…

Hamstring Hell

…= 1 round. So 25x Hamstring Hell = 25x Poor Mans Leg Curls + 25x Donkey Kicks on the same leg. Repeat on the other leg for 1 round.…

Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

…upper chest against the anchor to stretch your upper back area. Do not actually attempt to pick up the anchor. Your shoulders are in a very vulnerable position here.…

Elevated Instep

…are stretching is elevated on a bench or box. If you don’t have a high enough bench you can drop to your knees and do it on a chair.…