Kneeling Slasher

…10x Kneeling Slashers = 10x to the right, then 10x to the left, 20x total. This exercise can be complete with either a kettlebell, as shown, or a dumbbell.…

Turkish Get Up

…side. Execution Stand up while keeping arm with dumbbell straight and vertical. Assist by using free arm, pushing off into floor. Return Reverse movement by lying down on floor.…

Hang Power Snatch

Starting from the hang position with a wide grip on the bar. Jump the bar up dropping into a quarter squat (or anything above parallel) with the bar overhead.…

Squat Clean

…about shoulder width apart, overhand grip just outside legs. Jump and shrug the bar up. Catch in a full squat with elbows high in the rack position. Stand up.…

GHD Sit Up

…movement by firing your legs. As you get more comfortable try to touch the ground behind you on the bottom and come all the way up to the top.…

Overhead Squats

…are fully bent or until thighs are just past parallel to floor. Knees travel in direction of toes. Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Return and repeat.…

Broad Jump

…as possible. Be sure to land with your feet underneatch you to cushion your landing and set up your next jump. Each jump and landing counts as 1 rep…

Farmers Carry

This exercise can also be completed 1-Arm at a time – this is called a 1-Arm Farmer’s Carry. See the second video.…

Bench Press

…oblique overhand grip. Execution Inhale deeply and push against your breath as you hold it. Lower weight to mid-chest. Press bar upward until arms are extended. Exhale fully. Repeat.…

Elevated Plank Walk Up

…are doing to the walk ups, keep stomach tight and pelvis tilted underneath you. 5x Elevated Plank Walk Up = 5x Left Arm and 5x Right Arm, 10x Total…