Sandbag Front Squats

…chest out. Lower your body, starting with a hip movement back. Staying back on the heels squat down and then push back through your heels to stand back up.…

Sandbag Bulgarian Split Squats

…below, push back through the heel on the floor raising you back to the starting position. It is important that you keep the same form the Bulgarian Split Squat.…

Ring Rows

…ground instead of lying flat. In order to make the exercise harder, place your feet on a box, raising the feet bringing you closer to parallel to the ground.…

Sandbag Box Squat

…forward throughout the entire lift. Sit totally down on the box, relieving the weight from your feet. After unloading your legs quickly stand back up in proper squatting motion.…

Hippity Hops

…on the ground. Jump into the air and switch your foot placement on the bench. One jump on each leg = 1 Rep Use a 14-16″ Bench or Box…

4-Square Drill

…direction Repeat the pattern again with your left and right feet seperately. Jumping the pattern with both feet and each foot individualy = 1 rep   4-Square Drill to…

Ab Bridge Complex

A front, side and opposite side bridge for the prescribed time each.…

Box Drill

…sprint backwards to the forth cone, touch it, shuttle sideways back to the first cone, touch it. Continue for the alotted interval – generally 15 seconds – or reps.…

Handstand Push Ups

…on a chair or bench with your back as vertical as you can get it and touch your head to the ground and press out from the piked position.…

Shoulder Hold Lunges

…shoulder and lunge foreword and backwards with the opposite leg. Foreward + Backwards = 1 Rep. Switch shoulders and legs, doing an equal number of reps on each leg.…