Q&As 7/17

…fat-loss program, running improvement, body weight i, and rookie training packet. My question is, I found the running improvement to lack the strength / calisthenics I need and the body…


…up and fix your running form – youtube/search/amazon ‘Chi Running” or “POSE” running – good form makes a huge difference.   2) Be sure to get in some good strength…

Q&A 8-28-14

…currently wear an Asics cross-trainer built on a running shoe last, but it’s not good for running. My Asics running shoes don’t have the support necessary for lifting. Are the…

Q&A 7.19.18

KUDOS ON THE RUNNING IMPROVEMENT PLAN “Hey, just wanted to say what a great program the running improvement program is. I’ve dropped 3 minutes in about 5 weeks and am…

Q&A 1/16/15

…a good resource is McMillan Running: http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/ You can purchase a plan there specifically based upon the 5 mile and your current running time. Stress fractures: I’m not a doctor…

Q&A 1/31/15

…Add some programming direction to your running – don’t just “run” – I’d recommend our Running Improvement Training Plan (http://mtntactical.com/shop/run-improvement-plan/) or another structured plan to add some focus to your…

Q&A 3/20/15

…smart, and didn’t push the loading, it might work. Perhaps best would be to pull out of the gym for a while and do the Running Improvement Training Plan: http://mtntactical.com/?s=running+improvement

Q&A 4/23/15

…you need to start doing some serious running, and cutting mass. I’d recommend you stop LE OnRamp and complete the 4-Week Running Improvement Training Plan now: http://strongswiftdurable.com/shop/run-improvement-plan/ After 4-weeks, re-start…

Q&A 4/9/15

…plan is 1 month long. Follow it up with Big 24 Strength (http://strongswiftdurable.com/shop/big-24-strength-training-program-v3/) plus the Running Improvement Training Plan (http://strongswiftdurable.com/shop/run-improvement-plan/). You’ll lift in the AM (Big 24) and run in…