Q&A 4/9/15

…to me. Answer Start with the US NAVY PST Training Plan (http://strongswiftdurable.com/shop/us-navy-pst-training-plan/). Next, see our nutritional advice to clean up your diet in general: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUiTR_zJV0cB8l8qSBYya-eg&v=VGs2tnMQJlc But take the next step,…

Veterans Wanted for Wildland Firefighting

…most beautiful landscape in the country. You will certainly work hard, but you’ll stand alongside like-minded individuals in a dangerous and rewarding job. Good luck! Sources http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/impacts/infographic-wildfires-climate-change.html#.WAkOiZMrJcA www.wildfirex.com www.federalpay.org  …


…C-   The strength plans have a strength focus. Each has a work cap component, but the emphasis is on strength.   You should be completing the Ruck Based Selection…


…follow these until 13 weeks out from the Comp, then ……   Third – complete the Best Ranger Comp Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=54&cart_ID=72   – Rob     ************* QUESTION Sir,   First…


…subscribe there are a couple options using our training plans: 1) Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=56&&cart_ID=103 2) Sandhurst Competition Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=54&&cart_ID=107 3) Squad PT Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=56&&cart_ID=65 – Rob ******************* QUESTION Hey Rob, I’ve…

Q&A 9.30.16

…LE, here is our LE Athlete Fitness Assessment: http://mtntactical.com/fitness/le-athlete-fitness-assessment/ … and here is the link to the Training Plan http://mtntactical.com/shop/le-athlete-fitness-assessment-training-plan/. If you’d rather not complete one of these plans, I’d…

Q&A 11.17.16

…(for leg exercises) you won’t hit all of the muscles that compose each muscle group (I.e.- unless you do tri push downs with palms up, in, and down, you won’t…

Q&A 2.5.16

…for the military community. Answer Combining all those different programs is just too complicated. I’d recommend the Air Assault School Training Plan (http://mtntactical.com/shop/air-assault-school-training-plan/) This plan includes specific training for the…

Q&A 12.8.16

…“tactical” program for firefighters. We’ve got 2 plans built after F/R Tactical I which I’d recommend next for you: – Fire/Rescue Jaguar: http://mtntactical.com/shop/jaguar/ – Fire/Rescue Leopard: http://mtntactical.com/shop/leopard/ – Rob QUESTION…

Q&A 4/16/15

…to achieve it. The proposal is the following: -deadlift 2x body weight -overhead press 75% body weight -12x chin-ups (minimum) -400m run in 75 seconds I’ve been a skinny, cross-country…