Q&A 10/23/14

…weeks out from your event. (2) Purchase the Ruck-Based Selection Training Packet (http://mtntactical.com/shop/ruck-based-selection-training-packet/) and follow it until 10 weeks out, then start and complete the GoRuck Selection Training Plan. QUESTION…

Q&A 12/19/14

…be around -4F – -40F (-20 – -40 Celsius) Your PJ plan looks solid but based on what I have described do you have any other plans that might better…

Q&A 1.8.16

…weeks long. So here is what I recommend….   Weeks Plan 1-4 Fortitude (http://mtntactical.com/shop/fortitude/) 5-11 Humility (http://mtntactical.com/shop/humility/) 12 Unload/Taper   Fortitude combines gym-based strength training with military endurance – ruck…

Developing A Work Capacity Standard Part I: Power Calculations and CrossFit

…Physiology of an Elite Rower. 1996.   Power Calculator Websites http://www.catalystathletics.com/resources/power-output/ http://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers/training/calculators/watts-calculator http://www.topendsports.com/testing/running-power.htm     You Might Also Like Developing A Work Capacity Standard Part II: Crossfit, Rowing and Cycling…

U.S. Military Methods for Fear Inoculation

…want to answer. Questions Comments, Feedback? Email coach@mtntactical.com   Sources http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR700/RR750/RAND_RR750.pdf http://mtntactical.com/strong-swift-durable-articles/rock-climbing-exposure-mini-study-can-measure-fear-part-2/ https://www.policeone.com/training/articles/52461-The-Anatomy-Of-Fear-And-How-It-Relates-To-Survival-Skills-Training/ https://www.t-nation.com/training/combat-psychology-and-sports-performance https://psmag.com/a-state-of-military-mind-9f16f4ec885#.l1g1q7h1r http://www.trngcmd.marines.mil/Portals/207/Docs/TBS/MCRP%203-0A%20Unit%20Training%20Management%20Guide.pdf?ver=2015-04-07-095519-693         You Might Also Like: Foreign Military Methods for Fear Inoculation…

Q&A 4.22.16

…You can use the “ledge”- plates – for these drills also. Squat to Stand: http://mtntactical.com/exercises/mnt676-squat-to-stand/ Ride it Down: http://mtntactical.com/exercises/mnt887-ride-it-down/ 3rd World Squat: http://mtntactical.com/exercises/mnt1388-3rd-world-squat-stretch/ I don’t have a specific plan for…

Q&A 7.22.16

comms warrant officer now and miss showing up those young whipper snappers. Thanks ANSWER I’d recommend you start our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan: http://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-foundation-training-plan/ Don’t be fooled…


…Plan in the Mornings: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=55&cart_ID=36   Ruck-Improvement Training Plan in the Evenings: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=56&cart_ID=110   3) Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=56&cart_ID=103   4) 357 Strength in the Mornings: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=55&cart_ID=69   Run Improvement Train Plan in the…

Q&A 3.16.17

…leg blasters from an article in this article at backcountry.com https://www.backcountry.com/explore/train-eccentric-leg-strength-for-alpine-skiing I want more. I would prefer a conversation but without one, which program would you recommend? ANSWER Couple Options:…


…Guys- 4 weeks 357 Strength Training Plan- 6 weeks Work Capacity Training Program- 7 weeks Rat 6 Strength Training Program- 8 weeks Ruck Based Selection Program- 8 weeks Bataan Death…