Q&A 9.8.22


I’ve had a look at your training plans and I thought it would be wiser to ask the professional what training plan I should be following before I commit to it.

I’m planning to train myself for about a year to prepare myself to join the Army, I do not know which country yet since I have a few options in mind.

If I were to prepare a weekly plan for the preparation what would be the best option for me?

I’m 27 years of age, my general fitness is above average since I train around 5-6 times a week for rock climbing and been doing so for about a year.

I’m also employed full time working 5 days a week Wednesday – Sunday 5:00pm – 3:00am and I try to sleep minimum 4 – 6 hours sleep between my work and training.

So I have time before my work to fit in AM training (12:00pm – 4:30pm) and after my work to fit in PM training (3:00am – 5:00am).

My weakness would be anything water related which I want to specifically improve on by getting swimming lessons and diving licenses.

I also haven’t done much running that would be another weakness of mine as well that I want to improve much on.

If you guys have PT available I’m happy to have a chat with you about what option would be best for me. I would really appreciate it


I’d recommend the plans/order in the Virtue Packet, beginning with the Military OnRamp Training Plan.
Good luck!
– Rob


I was looking through the site and I could use a little help.  I am 37 and I have been lifting weights since I was a freshman in high school, I want to transition to a more tactical workout that’s geared more towards leaning up and building endurance, I am active duty military, but the workout isn’t for any kind of sof work, I just want to lean out, problem for me is I had a torn acl in the past and I have had a bulged disk twice from deadlifts so I need to avoid those pit falls.  Any help is appreciated.


I’m assuming your fit now, and if so I’d recommend Valor.
Valor has a work capacity and short endurance emphasis.
– Rob


Wondering if/what plans your recommend for Goruck Selection. I’m well underway (4-5 months) and relatively confident in my training, with 60 days to the event. With that said, always looking to improve and elevate it if possible. Thanks!


First 7 weeks of the GoRuck Selection Training Plan, then skip to week 10 for the final week before your event.
– Rob


What would be the best plan for British army pathfinder selection?


I don’t have a specific plan for this selection, but from what I do have, the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan is closest.
– Rob


I just finished my last difficult adventure race of the season & don’t have anything serious planned between now and the start of nordic ski season in December/January. I live in a mountain resort town and will be mountain biking a couple of times per week as long as the weather holds out. I have a sandbag, plyo box, full set of dumbbells, weight vest, pullup bar at home. I could go to a local gym if need be but would still prefer not to because I’m high-risk for Covid.
What plans would you recommend for Sept – Dec/Jan?


I’d recommend some general fitness to include strength, work capacity, endurance and chassis integrity. From our stuff compete Apache and Sioux from our Great Plains Tribe Limited Equipment Plans.
– Rob


My background, I’m 42 and am currently married, I have two toddlers and a grown child from my practice marriage. I spent 14.5 years in the military as a 68W and then 18D. After that I did mountain guiding school, commercial fishing, aid work, carpentry, and military contracting (CSAR). I have now found myself in the position of a full time Flight Paramedic, Security Contractor, and TAC Med/Defensive Tactics Instructor. I’ve sustained a number of injuries that affect my training including cervical discs ruptured, fractured lumbar vertebre, torn shoulder, and laxity in my left knee. All have been treated with physical therapy but require constant maintenance and care in training. Currently I am healthy and half way through the Military On Boarding programming.
I have some time management questions as to moving foreword with the Greek Hero programming. I need to incorporate shooting, striking, and ground fighting into my training. Is there a prescribed scaling method so I can accomplish all of these things without it taking up more of my day than I can afford with 2 jobs and a family? I work on average 60-70 hours a week. Thanks for your patience. I hope this is not too much or inappropriate to ask. I’m not asking for free programming to be clear. Just guidance on how to scale prescribed sessions with combat skills training in a 1-2 hour a day realistic training regime. Thank you.


I’d recommend switching to the Busy Operator Plans – which are designed to be completed in 30-45 minutes.
The Greek Hero plans are mostly designed as 60-minute sessions.
– Rob


I used to he incredibly fit, did squad comps in the national guard. I did a 6 hour long race and placed second amongst rangers…but I’m not that at all anymore.
Since covid hit, gained some weight, didn’t have a job…lived off Ramen and spam. 7 months went by and finally got a job making $12 an hour. Got me by.
Flash forward, I had 2 injuries. One to my hips (army related) that caused my back and hips to go out. I went through months of chiropractic work and twice a week. I still have hip and lower back pain but nowhere near severe as what it was. I also had an injury to my knee at work. 400-somthing pounds crushed my left knee. I’m making great money, don’t get me wrong, but I’m low on time. I work 12.5 hour swings. I would like to find a workout plan that offers me stability and strength building, as well as cardio, but with little time. Any recommendations? I would love to get back to how I was, feel better about myself, and live pain free…and I know the only way I’m gonna get there is to workout again.


Depending upon your equipment, I’d recommend either our Busy Dad, Full Gym plans or our Busy Days, Limited Equipment plans.
– Rob


Rob, I enjoy reading the articles that you publish and send out to the community, from the researched and data driven studies to the gear you are currently using, they are insightful and beneficial.  Also a thanks for your programs and testament that if you get in the gym and and push yourself through them you will see improvement.  As I tell my kids in PE, daily improvement, thats all I care about, is them getting better every day.  Anyway thanks to your programs, I was able to hike into the thorofare and catch some beautiful, heavy fish, and hiked Cloud Peak in and out in a day.

I do have a question, I have started your big game program, that last one in the packet.  My first season opens 9/1, and will have seasons coming and going til Dec 21st.  I will mostly be a weekend warrior with a couple long weekends here and there.  My question is what would you recommend for maintenance training during this time?  I am a little worried that if I continue with your big game program I will be sore as heck on the weekends when I am trying to hunt and performance will suffer.  Is my thinking wrong?  Any input would be greatly appreciated.  The programs I have of yours are:  Bodyweight Foundation, Ultimate Meathead, Peak Bagger, Blackwater, Mann Gulch, and Storm King.  Thanks as always.


You could work through the Wildland Fire Plans (Blackwater, Mann Gulch, Storm King) during your long hunting season.
Follow the programming sessions in order, but take Mondays off full rest, and just train Tue-Thurs, and take Friday’s off full rest. It will just take longer to complete the plans.
– Rob


I hope you are doing well. I wanted to quickly check-in here. I am moving along with the programming as prescribed. I just finished the 4 weeks of the military on-ramp program and just started the first week of Fortitude. Thank you again for your help / guidance.
I have 3 questions for you that I wanted to seek some guidance on:
  1. I think my pushup needs work, as that has been an area that is particularly challenging for me. I was getting 31 hand release pushups in 1 minute as part of the Military On-Ramp programming, but I was pretty gassed at the 1 minute mark. Given that most of the introductory testing will be the ACFT, I just want to make sure I’m giving that specific movement attention. Would you suggest any push up specific workouts I can do in addition to the Fortitude programming to work on this or have any other suggestions of how I can improve pushups alongside the prescribed programming? Or if you think I will be getting enough related work in the Fortitude and RBSP I will continue as prescribed
  2.  As it relates to the run/ruck, do you have a general ballpark of what I should be aiming for time-wise for the 45# rucks, to the extent that there is a benchmark I should be aware of right now? For the 35# rucks in military onramp I was doing 9-9:30 minute miles and for the 45# rucks I am doing 11-11:30 minute miles. I’m just trying to find the balance between pushing myself hard and trying to master technique at this stage / avoiding (to the extent possible) any overuse injuries via bad technique. I found the MTI video on rucking technique which was super helpful with showing form, but that pace seems slow for the run-ruck. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Do you have any supplemental grip strength exercises you’d recommend? I have been trying to get 30-45 minutes of extra grip strength work post-workout, inclusive of dead hangs and various single arm and double arm sandbag and kettlebell carries / farmer walks but I would love to hear if you have any input.
Thank you so much for your time.


1. The issue with adding any additional push up work is it will negatively affect the programming. However, for Fortitude, you could do the Grease The Groove Push Up Protocol and not have it be an issue. However, do not add any additional work to the RBSTP.
2. Ruck pace depends upon distance. We’ve had guys run 8:30 miles for 3 miles at 45# …. and I understand a 10 min mile for a 12-mile ruck is a high end pace.
But … for Fortitude, if I remember correctly – just ruck-run at a “moderate” pace – comfortable but not easy. I following plans and the RBSTP you’ll be running threshold intervals based on a threshold test.
3. Farmers Carries for Time … Not sure you need 30-45 minutes, of work, however. I’d recommend 5 Rounds of 3 minute farmers carry (constant movement – but it can be a slow walk), 1 minute rest. Start light (i.e. 25-35#) and see if you can make all 6 rounds. If so, increase the weight by 5-10# for the next effort. Train 2-3x/week. Keep increasing weight after you make all 5 rounds.
– Rob


I’m looking at the ranger school packet plan. I’m between 7 and 8 months out ( depends when we return from our rotation) from my perspective date.

Im decently fit decently strong. Last acft in April was mid 500s. Swapped to shorter body weight hiit  workouts and runs over the past month or so due to schedule but it won’t be an issue on the deployment.

Ideally I would complete all plans in the packet. Which plan would you recommend omitting if I can’t complete the entire packet? I plan to start the Mil onramp Sep 1 and our projected return is end of march – mid april… ish. Thoughts? Also are the virtue series still the way to go for this goal over the Greek Hero plans and capping with ranger?


7 months = 30 Weeks, here’s the plans/progression I recommend from the Ranger School Training Packet:
Weeks.       Plan
1-7              Humility
8-14            Fortitude
15-21          Valor
22                Total Rest
23-30           Ranger School Training Plan – 8 weeks directly before reporting.
– Rob


I’m currently getting ready for selection for the army.my date is in may and I need to get ready. I have 9 months to prep. My running is at an all time low and I know I need to start on Miles to prepare. If you have any recommendations on where to start and build up from with programs please let me know. ASAP. Thank you so much


I’d recommend the plans/order in the Ruck-Based Selection Training Packet.
Many have used this progression successfully for SFAS.
The packet is 52 weeks long … cut Resilience from your programming, and reduce the weeks in Valor to fit your schedule. Make sure to complete the final plan in the packet – the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan the 8 weeks directly before selection.
Good luck!
 – Rob


I’m 68 this September. It’s difficult aging, and I’m looking for anything that enhances my fitness and fights aging. How can I come to your institute and train. How much, what type program, and how long..?


I’m sorry – but I no longer offer in-person training.
From our existing programming, I’d recommend the SF60 Packet Plans. You’re a little outside the prescribed age range … but if you’re fit for your age these may work.
– Rob

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