Q&A 8.25.22


I have been with MTI for the last five years or so and absolutely love the programming. I know you have done the ‘Busy Operator’ and ‘Busy Dad-Limited Equipment’ series, so I wanted to reach out.  I have recently moved and left my very nice, fully kitted out gym. In exchange I have access to the fitness center in my apartment complex which was not designed around functional fitness training.

1. Equipment I have:

– Dumbbells up to 60 lbs.
– Pull-up bar
-Stair Climber
-Sandbags and ruck sack I brought with me

* No barbells, KBs, or box for box jumps or step ups.

2. My background and goals:

– General mountain / hiking / running athlete. I am 5’6’”, about 150 lbs. and probably fall under your ‘Mountain Professional’ build and strength standards.
– I have about 1 to maybe 1.5 hours to train per day during the week given my job.
– I live in the SF Bay area, so have access to solid hills when I have more time on the weekends.
– I don’t have any specific goals or climbs planned for the rest of the year, but I’m looking at the GC Rim to Rim and Presidential traverse for next season.

Do you have a plan packet suggestion that I can follow for limited time, limited equipment, that maintains good endurance and rucking ability? Currently I follow the ‘Running Improvement’ plan and mix in some extra DB / SB work and burpee intervals and stair climber work, maybe similar to Humility V2 plan.

Thanks in advance for the help and no sweat if you don’t have a solid answer, I know it’s a bit of an oddball request.


Plans/order in the Great Plains Packet beginning with Apache.
– Rob


I was hoping you could help out with some training guidance. I’m looking to compete in the Sniper Adventure Challenge in Sept 2023. This would consist of rucking to various points/events with a rifle and 40-50 pound pack covering around 30 miles/day over two days with possibly +6K’ climb best I can estimate.  I’ll be competing in Leadville this August but after that I’d like to start training with more of a focus on building up my ruck capacity while also being able to compete in 50-100K trail races as possible throughout the year. Any recommendations on big picture training iterations/plans to program out starting in Sept 2022?


This event is similar to the Long Walk at SFOD-D Selection, so I’d recommend the 12-month, SFOD-D Selection Training Packet to prepare. You’ll want to complete the last plan in the packet, the SFOD-D Selection Training Plan the 10 weeks directly before your Sept. 23 event.
– Rob


I have completely become unfit over the last 2 years (gained 35lbs of fat during covid and can’t shed it).
My ultimate goal is to backpack Philmont next summer with my 2 boys at a fitness level that will make the trip totally enjoyable.  That being said, I am looking to start “Backpacking pre-season” in March and follow with the “Thru-hike Training” to end right before departing for Philmont.
Right now my daughter and I are working thru “Soccer base” and will move on to “Soccer Build” once completed (finish 10/1).  I am seeing a difference already in my body composition from this training.
My question is about the in-between time (between soccer & backpacking).  I was looking to probably complete the military unfit programs.  Should I start with fat loss then bodyweight foundation then military on-ramp?   Or what order do you recommend? I’ll be 43 in September and have access to a full gym.
Any other recommendations for this in-between (between soccer & backpacking) period?


I’d recommend the plans/order in the Wilderness Professional Packet beginning with Jedediah Smith.
Weight Loss? – 95% of the battle is at the table, not in the gym. Here are our nutritional recommendations – follow these and you’ll cut fat.
– Rob


Getting ready for backcountry  elk hunt and was wondering if yall had a sand bag plan that would work? I got two sand bags and two kettle sand bags thanks appreciated it! Also love 357!


Sandbag Training won’t prepare you for the bulk of backcountry hunting – which is mountain endurance, esp. uphill movement under load.
If you don’t have 8 weeks, I’d recommend the Peak Bagger Plan.
– Rob


I’m an 18X contract scheduled to ship out to basic soon and will be starting Wk 3 of your Ruck Based Selection Plan tomorrow – I’ve completed weeks 1 & 2
I hit a wall on session around session 10 and my times have been dropping. Any information you can provide and recommendations moving forward would be helpful. I have been including 2 extra weight lifting sessions plus a light mobility session per week in addition to the program. On session 10 I opted for a 6 ml run in the foothills instead of the prescribed (2) 2 mile run on the plan and completely gassed out around mile 2… It was unusual because even if I don’t feel 100% I’m usually able to at least complete the run but this time nothing. Session 11 was extremely difficult and session 12 my ruck time went from 2:47:00 for 10 mls to 4:00:00 for 12. This week the temperature has gotten significantly hotter and I’ve been in 95 degree heat for my workouts.
What do you feel is going on? Is it because of the extra weight lifting sessions or because I changed up the workout slightly? Could it be the heat? Any information you can provide would be helpful. What should I do moving forward?


Follow the programming as prescribed. It is far too intense to add any additional training or lifting. My first guess is your additional work is too much.
In general, athletes struggle through the first 3 weeks of the plan – few are used to the volume.  But their fitness improves, body/mind accomodate to the volume, and the last 5 weeks the fitness comes.
Trust the programming and … Just. Keep. Grinding.
– Rob


I used an on-ramp program of yours way back in 2014 when I was transitioning from competitive swimming to a general athletic background. I’ve de-trained a bit since then but I’m still in decent shape and hoping to gain a higher baseline using a systematic approach based on one of your programs.
That being said, I’m having some difficulty finding the right program as your offerings have expanded significantly since then, and I’m hoping you can recommend a strength and endurance program built around kettlebells, sandbags and rucking to approach my fitness growth more systematically. Your Great Plains packet looks like a close fit but I think I may require a 5-7 week bridge of some kind to get me into that training bracket.
I have a marked preference for rucking over running. A. I’ve never been much of a runner (willing to work on that). B. I seem to injure myself while running way more than while rucking (I’m a clutz). I can knock out 2-5 mile runs but I have a preference for rucking because I live in a rural, mountainous area without access to a track. I do trail run, but I can more easily minimize chance of injury and asses performance against the clock while rucking.
Regarding equipment, I have:
Full set of kettlebells
Sandbags 40#, 60#, 80#
Pull-up bar
Box for step-ups/jumps
Large rocks
You have my thanks for any recommendations regarding programs that would suit my situation!


Start our stuff with the Bodyweight Foundation Training Plan, then drop into the Great Plains Tribe Plans, starting with Apache. Follow the Tribe plans in order.
– Rob


I thoroughly enjoy your website, solid and knowledgeable. Keep up the good work. I am a 53 year old male with a decent training background. I live at the Jersey Shore and spend a lot of time at the beach and just recently got an opportunity to be a lifeguard. I would like to continue next summer but I am not sure of what training programs would help me prepare. Because of my age, I would like to be able to hold my own with the younger guards. I have limited equipment. I would appreciate any suggestions, thank you


Best would be our SF50 programming. SF50 Bravo and Charlie are limited equipment, but SF50 Alpha requires barbells.
Next best would be our Great Plains Tribe packet of plans – which are limited equipment.
These plans will provide solid base fitness for you … with the exception of the swimming. None of these include swimming.
So, I’d recommend these plans in the offseason, and in-season with some swimming and treading on your own mixed in.
Pre-season, I’d recommend our Swimming Improvement Training Plan.
– Rob


I bought last year the SFAS ruck-based selection plan which gives great results after 6 months. I just finished the Fortitude training plan thus starting the Valor plan today.

I would like to incorporate the SOFD-D plan into the SFAS one.

How should I do ?

  1. Finish the SFAS => starting the SOFD-D Build + SOFD-D Selection


  1. SOFD-D Build => Ruck-based selection => SOFD-D Selection


Finish the Ruck Based Selection Training Packet, take 1-2 weeks full rest, then drop into SFOD-D Build, followed by SFOD-D Selection.
Understand, however, that if you’re training for SFAS, the SFOD-D plans won’t prepare you for that selection.
– Rob


Hello guys, I have a quick question for y’all regarding overtraining. I am currently a Ranger at a Ranger Battalion and am training up for a special mission unit selection, I am about 4 weeks into your program. While the program is great and very beneficial it also is extremely difficult to find time to dedicate 2-3 hours per day and can lead to feeling burnt out. I was curious and wanted to reach out, because I’m sure you guys have dealt with guys who have a high training tempo but also are following a program that is extremely intense, and I wanted to get your input on what to do when you can’t complete a week’s worth of workouts or are simply too burnt out. I appreciate all you guys do and I look forward to hearing from you.


Just. Keep. Grinding.
Sorry … there’s no other answer for you here, other than to know that depending upon the selection you’re going to, you can expect 2-6 weeks of the same, plus added in stress and sleep deprivation.
– Rob


I’m preparing for SRT selections which will take place the beginning or middle of March, 2023. There might be an earlier selection in October which is tentative. SRT selections will last for three days with minimal sleep. It’s will consist of long runs and rucks which will be completed wearing combat boots and tactical pants. I was informed that the rucks is 12 to 15 miles with a 65lbs rucksack. I was also informed that the runs would be just as long. PT will consist of body weight movements, logs, level 4 plate carrier and a lot of smoke sessions. What plan would you recommend for SRT selection?


I’d recommend the Ruck-Based Selection Training Plan the 8 weeks directly prior to selection.
Now … work through Humility, Valor and Fortitude.
– Rob


I am a subscriber to MTI and have had great success so far. I am an 18X candidate. I want to ask what phase of training for the ruck based selection packet you would advise.
Here are my baselines and circumstances.
• I have the 6 week preparation course starting August 22. Following the course I will attend selection. This course is conditioning-centric instead of strength training.
• My current 3 RM on week 5  of Fortitude.
Bench press 195
Back squat 245
Craig Special 165
• My push-ups are at 64 (using grease the groove plan)
Pull ups are at 12 (grease the groove)
2 mile is 13:50 (goal is sub 13. I ran 12:45 4 months ago)
• I am coming off of a minor hip injury that kept me from running for 3 weeks following airborne school. No longer an issue
• 6 mile ruck 60lb (45# dry) 1hr 19min
• I have 5 weeks to prep
I want to know how to best use my time and your programming leading up to the prep course and selection. Any help would be appreciated.


– Rob


Which plan do you suggest to prepare for the HSI/ICE Criminal Investigator PFT.

The PFT-P consists of four tests administered in the following order:
32 sit-ups in 1 minute or less
220-yard sprint in 47.73 seconds or less
22 push-ups in 1 minute or less
1.5 mile run in 14 minutes 25 seconds or less


It’s not perfect, but it’s close … the FBI SA PFT Training Plan is what I recommend.
– Rob


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