Q&A 7.1.23


I have had good success with your running and rucking improvement and your ruck improvement training plan. My overall rucking, and running is as good now if not better than when I was 20. I am now over 40, so thank you!
I’m assuming due to all the cardio, is why I have lost 20 lbs. I’m looking to make strength gains in overall power. If I gain weight, that’s fine, if not that’s fine as well. Climbing over walls,  combatives, rope climbs, and deadlift are where my challenges are currently. What do you recommend? Thank you for your time.


Nice work on the weight loss!
Big 3 Strength + 1.5 Mile Run Training Plan, now. Max Effort Strength, including dead lifts, and 800m repeats!
– Rob


Is the low back plan an accessory plan?  Do I just add it on the my regular workouts?  How long are the workouts


No – it’s a full time plan.

If you want to do something that is accessory, and you could add, do 4 Rounds of the Low Back Complex 3x/week.
– Rob


I have an injury that ended up being a game ender for running. The Dr’s have nixed any kind of running (sprint, shuffle, distance). I have been doing my best to sub for the mtntactical for quite some time, but it’s pretty hard to know if my substitutions are effective, ESPECIALLY in regards to distance utilizing the calculators for pacing.
Can you give guidance on using alternative exercises? Specifically, (A)I have a rower I can use for running…but the calculator Mtn uses distance pacing doesn’t work well…the math for a 1600m run broken up into 400m 1/4’s doesn’t translate well to a 2000m row that is broken up into 500m 1/4’s) (3 mile run (4800m) vs 6000m row). And (B) I have a rogue sled that I can, and do, substitute. But I have no idea how to pace that for sprints or shuttle alternatives.


You’ll need to do the assessment on a Rower, then use our Rowing Calculator for the intervals.
And the way to think about making the sub isn’t distance, but time …. so if the plan calls for 1 or 1.5 mile run, row 2000m and do 500m intervals. If the plan calls for a 3-4 mile run, row 5000m and row 1,666 meter intervals.
Same for shuttle sprints …. if the plan calls for 4 rounds of 300m shuttles every 2:30, row at a threshold pace for 1:15 and rest for 1:15 …
Sled … if you can take the sled for a long walk, you can use it instead of a long moderate or easy pace run …. so if the plan calls for a 6-mile run at a moderate pace, assume 9-10 minutes, and pull for 30 min one direction, turn around and pull back …. and load the sled up so the effort is “comfortable, but not easy” … without needed to jog or run.
You can always email and I’ll help.
– Rob


I am emailing to inquire what plans I should do if I do not leave to BORTAC Selection til April of next year? Would I do the ruck selection packet or something else? Please advise. I subscribed to all plans.


By my count you’ve got 49 weeks until April 15, 2024. I’m assuming you’re fit now. Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks        Plan
1-7             Valor
8-15           BORTAC Selection Training Plan
16              Total Rest
17-23         Big 3 Strength + 5 Mile Run Training Plan
24-30         Fortitude
31-37         Humility
38-40         Resilience (First 3 Weeks)
41              Total Rest
42-49         BORTAC Selection Training Plan – 8 weeks directly before Selection
Doing the Selection plan early will give you a no-bull snapshot of your physical and mental fitness. Then, doing it again, directly before selection will allow you to see the improvement you’ve made in both in the months of prep.
Good luck!
– Rob


I heard about your programs through one of my friends that I serve with in the Marine Corps. I was curious if you suggest what programs a person should look for. I am a police officer and a marine corps reservist. I am looking to improve my overall fitness, especially with quick movements and body weights. I have tried many different apps before, but I feel like I am not getting the workouts I need from them.


What’s your age, height and weight? 25, 6’0”, 225
What training are you doing now? Hypertrophy weight training and cardio
What equipment do you have to train with? Full gym and ruck
Time to train, daily? Usually around noon
I’d recommend the plans Spirits Packet for full time LE Patrol/Detectives. These are multi-modal training plans designed to meet the day to day fitness demands of LE and concurrently train max effort strength, work capacity (sprint focus), chassis integrity (functional core), tactical agility, upper body hypertrophy and short endurance.
It would be best to start with Whiskey … but you can do the plans out of order and if you want to get away from the barbell and do some bodyweight strength training for a cycle, start with Bourbon.
Train for your full time job …. then if you have a specific military event coming up, drop out of the Spirits programming and use the applicable training plan for the event (USMC CFT for example) … then after the event, go back to the Spirits plan.
Also, at 6′, and 225# you’re too heavy. I’d like you at 185-195#. At this weight you could still pack around some upper body mass for intimidation, but you’d be quicker, more explosive, and just as important, long term, cutting that 30# of weight will save your knees, low back and hips. Not sure if your packing fat or too much muscle, but dropping weight will make everything better and you faster/quicker/healthier.
– Rob


I just finished the hypertrophy for skinny guys plan and looking to build on gains. Want something that pushes me to continue building muscle mass.


The Skinny-Guys plan is the only I have which purely focuses on total body hypertrophy. I don’t have another mass-building plan.
For LEO’s upper body mass can be an intimidation tool – and our base fitness programming for LE Patrol/Detectives includes upper body hypertrophy programming.
But, lower body mass isn’t needed and extra muscle weight in general makes you slower, and adds unneeded stress to your knees, hips, ankles and low back.
So …. MTI Options: Plans/order in the Spirits Packet of plans for full time LE.
Also- the Ultimate Meathead Cycle, which trains lower body mass effort strength (heavy weight, low volume (reps per set)) and upper body hypertrophy.
Or…. to re-do the skinny guys plan.
– Rob


I am wanting to prepare for a pft for a tactical team. The pft that has a 50 push-up minimum and a 12 pull-up minimum. I currently can only do 38-40 pushups and 12 pull-ups with good form. I’m 6’2” 200lbs. My bench max is around 245-250 and deadlift is around 380.
My question is what workout regimen would you recommend? I’ve looked at supplementing my current workout regimen with the push-up and pull-up and improvement plan and the relative strength assessment training plan.


I’d recommend the Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan, but replace the Bench Press with Push Ups in the plan. Do a Max Rep push up assessment and then follow the same programming for push ups as is completed for pull ups.
You don’t want to double up bench press and push ups  …. they’ll work against each other.
Also – does your PFT have a run component? If so – are you set on it?
– Rob


Was writing for some further guidance after completing your 7 week on ramp program. I am training for army warrant officer candidate school in 11 weeks.  I have saw your plan available specifically for that school. However , I am kinda of divided in that I need to be training specifically for the demands of my school starting in august, but also I have about 20 lbs I need to shed. What would be your thoughts on this ? I know bodybuilding body recomp training lends it self to shed excessive body fat but I also have specific outside the gym military style training needs. Also , would the wocs plan be step down or up in training intensity from the military on ramp program.


You have 11 weeks until the course. Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks        Plan
1-4              Fortitude – Weeks 1-4
5-11            US Army Warrant Officer Candidate Training Plan – 7 weeks directly before school
Fortitude is a multi-modal plan which concurrently trains strength, work capacity, endurance (run/ruck) and chassis integrity. It’s a no-joke training plan which will jumpstart your fitness.
Weight loss? -90-95% of fat loss is diet related. Fix your diet – here are our nutritional recommendations.
– Rob


I currently have the athlete’s subscription and am using SF40bravo for general physical preparation and maintenance. I have been perusing your training plans for some planned adventures later this year and next year (backpacking and obstacle course racing). I wanted to ask which training plan you would recommend for the following: a summer trail running 10k, with approximately 1200 feet of elevation gain and similar downhill for a total of 2400 feet of elevation change, some parts of the trail are fairly technical with some scrambling and/or running across rocky, uneven terrain with plenty of tree roots (usually leads to a lot of high knees style running and careful foot placement in those sections). Which of your training plans would you suggest I follow in preparation.


Peak Bagger Training Plan …. but do all the step ups unloaded.
– Rob


I am former costumer and planning to come back to you soon.
I have completed the fbi hrt selection plan once and planning to do it again but I think I need some more preparation before I start this time. So my question is what plan/plans do you recommend as a good preparation for the fbi hrt plan?


Complete the plan and order in the Gun Maker Packet. These plans are designed as day-to-day programming for full time SWAT/SRT and concurrently train strength, work capacity, endurance (run/ruck), chassis integrity and tactical agility.
– Rob


I had a question about the FBI Academy program. I don’t have a start date yet, but I am predicting ill start the academy in about 5 months or so. I understand this academy prep is 6 weeks out but I would like to get onto a program now and be as prepared as possible for when I actually start the academy. Should I start your academy program now and just keep repeating it? Or is there another program I should do in the meantime? Not sure if it matters but, my PFT scores are extremely high so I am not worried about that. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.


Now I’d recommend you work through the plans/order in the Spirits Packet, beginning with Whiskey. These plans are designed as day to day programming for full time LE Patrol/detectives and concurrently train strength, work capacity, upper body hypertrophy, sprint-based work capacity and short endurance.
6 weeks out, drop out of the Spirits plan and complete the FBI Academy Plan directly before reporting.
Congrats on the academy!
– Rob


I trust you’re well. I’m considering SF45 Beta and just wanted to check whether it was limited equipment or similar to Alpha? I see from the sample that there’s no lifting, but does that change later in the program?
Just come off SF45 Alpha followed by a few weeks of Big 3+3. Basically I’m looking for something on the limited equipment side of things to tide me over until I start TLU in mid July. I won’t have access to a gym in the interim and have used the Great Plains programs in the past.
Any advice would be appreciated.


You’ll need a pull up bar and and 60# sandgag, is all.
– Rob

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