Q&A 2.17.22


It appears most of the running/rucking in the selection plan for CCT/PJ/CRO is at a threshold pace with the 800 repeats, 2 mi repeats, and ruck repeats and I am curious if it is okay to have my average HR above the aerobic range for the bulk of the weekly mileage since most of the cardio is interval training with no easy runs. Thanks I’m advance.


Yes. Many others have used our approach successfully for multiple selections.
– Rob


Thank you for the continued refining if your Back Country pre-season program… been following it for some years and appreciate it despite the inevitable start-up pains!!

I am not so good with the vertical meters math for backcountry calculations / trips and wonder if you could help me make some sort of approximate pace measurement with a goal I have for a trip connected to this training program.

What are some ways I might be able measure if I am getting close to a pace of 400 vertical meters per hour?

Would this be best measured with the end of the week step-ups on day 5, with the weighted pack? And how might I make a close estimate of my pace?

I am working on 45cm / 18” bench.

I also have one question about a quasi replacement exercise for the Scotty-bob? I love the exercise, but I have disc problems in my lower back which causes a need to do pushups from the knees… (quite a compression if doing regular pushup position)…so I don’t get the hip / core rotation for the pull of the dumbbell after the push up. At least not smoothly. It’s doable…but feels a little less effective.


Never tested this … i.e. step up performance vis. vertical feet per second in the real world. Anecdotally, those who are good at step ups are the fastest hiking uphill, but in terms of a direct calculation I can’t help you.
Scotty Bobs from the knees is ok.
– Rob


Used some of your programs in the past and they have been fantastic.

I am trying to set my daughter (17) on solid footing for her future. She is currently playing lacrosse, 12 weeks before the season starts, and needs to improve her strength and overall speed.

Is there a program that you have, that you feel would help to achieve those goals?


Weeks        Plan
1-7             Girls Soccer Build
8-12           Girls Soccer Preseason Peak (first 4 weeks, then skip to week 7 for the week directly before the season starts.)
There will be a lot of transfer to LaCrosse – esp. if she’s never strength trained.
– Rob


I’m 41, 6’1″, 185lbs, have 17 max pullups, and my biggest weakness in a spartan race is the running. My last spartan race 5k, in November, I didn’t fail any of the obstacles, and completed the 3.8 miles in 47:18. To improve I think I need to keep improving my work capacity, but most of all improve my running. I’d be passed by faster runners and then gain time back or pass them on the obstacles and weighted carries.
I have a 5k spartan race coming up and got 21 weeks. I already have your Helen v3, and the 4 Game Warden/Ranger Plans.

Should I do:

-some kind of run improvement or work capacity plan?
-then the short distance obstacle race plan?
What plans should I do between now and the race? I’m assuming that’s the plan I do right before the race, but what would you recommend leading up to that plan?



1-7            Apache
8-16          Souix
– Rob


I am interested in becoming an officer in the USAF (non-special warfare).  I am curious if MTN Tactical has offered a comprehensive program that contemplates a 6-12 month preparation timeframe. My fitness goal would to max out the physical standards set by the OTS program.  I would be starting from a solid baseline.

Thank you for the consideration and please let me know if there’s any additional info that would be helpful.


I’d recommend the plans/order in the Virtue Packet of training plans until you’re 6 weeks out from OTS, then drop out of the Virtue programming and complete the USAF OTS Training Plan directly before reporting.
– Rob


I am 41 years old and looking for some recommendations from your website. I enjoy barbell work and also running as well as functional work. I just purchased a 60# sandbag and have a well equipped gym. My fitness level is pretty good as I have done crossfit in the past among many other workouts and can comfortably run 3-5 miles. I started the hypertrophy for skinny guys and really liked that but I would like something with more of a mix of functional work and runs. Preferably 50-60 min.I have navigated through some of the catalog and many plans look good. I tried the SF40 Alpha day 1 today and felt like I had plenty of gas left in the tank. I did an extra round and threw in a tabata to round out about an hour of work.
Can you recommend a couple plans based off of this


Plans/Order in the Country Singer Packet, beginning with Johnny.
– Rob


I’m a little confused about the wording for the Air Assault course prep. It says that it’s designed to be completed 6 full weeks before the course. So does that mean if my course is June 6th I would have to start the program on March 5th and complete the program on April 24th? Or does it mean that if my start date is June 6th I would have to start the program on April 24th so I can complete it on June the 5th the day before zero day?


You’ll want to finish the training plan on Friday, June 3, which means by my count you begin it on April 25.
– Rob


Hello, I am completing the FBI PFT program.  I expect to take my PFT in March.  I had two questions…..

I am currently running slow, but improving at a decent rate.  The test is more than 6 weeks out but I am completing the 6 week plan.   Do you recommend I just continue at week 6 during the time between then and my test, and include a few days rest before the test?
Also, I am struggling to get my 300m sprint speed up.  Do you recommend I just keep working the program, or should I incorporate weight training?  I don’t want to overtrain, but I also feel like I have more in the tank.


You can run the plan back to back … but know most of your gains will be the first time through it.
Weight training? No – best to focus on the PFT events and completing the plan alone. What you can do is add in a moderately-paced distance run, 3-6 miles, on Saturdays.
 Be sure to clean up your diet – losing even 5# of fat will improve everything- including running. Here are our guidelines: https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/nutritional-guidelines/
– Rob


 I wanted to know if you have any statistics or standards that you have set for your six week body weight programming.  I’m looking to put a similar plan into practice as the standard GPP (general physical preparation) for my high school athletes as a foundational program that they all go through regardless of training age.  I feel it would be a good kick off each year for team bonding, movement learning, movement economy, and base level of fitness.
Obviously,  I will be able to pull statistics/standards as I run more athletes through the programming but figured you may have some quality insight on this.


I’m assuming you’re looking at the Bodyweight Foundation Plan?
I don’t have “standards” for the assessments in this plan, but in general, the more fit athletes coming in see the least improvement, and the less fit athletes see the most improvement. Most see a 5-20% improvement on the assessments.
– Rob


Starting the fat loss training plan to beef up my running and shed some lbs.

I’m an experienced cross fitter but was intrigued by trying to do the virtue series packet. Good idea? Bad idea?

Let me know and thanks for all you do.


Many of our athletes graduate to MTI programming from CrossFit. You should be good to go.
– Rob


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