Q&A 12.22.22


Out of curiosity how have you found multimodal endurance training to be helpful as opposed to straight up single modal endurance?


We haven’t tested these directly against each other. We have found that multi-modal endurance efforts do increase endurance. Click HERE.
I’d wager, however, that if you want to improve running endurance, a running focused program would outperform a multi-modal endurance program – for increasing distance running performance.
– Rob


I’m considering purchasing this program however I want to make sure I’m getting the best program for what I need.
I’m currently training for the Cruel Jewel 50 mountain ultramarathon for next May. I already have a very solid running plan but I need to implement strength training to supplement the running because I lack any terrain such as significant hills or mountains to train on. I attempted the race this past May and reached 30 miles with 7,000 feet of gain but immediately knew that leg muscular endurance for climbing was my issue. Im active duty Army so I don’t feel I need and general fitness plans. I want to work on a solid plan to build strong leg strength and endurance without putting on any unnecessary weight.
It looks like this is a good plan for me. I just want to make sure it focuses on the right areas. I have a garage full of equipment so that’s not an issue for me.


No, it’s not. You don’t need leg strength for uphill and downhills – you need leg strength endurance – which is different for the uphills (concentric) and downhills (eccentric).
I’d recommend the Tuesday and Thursday “vertical strength” sessions from the MTI Mountain Marathon Training Plan. 
– Rob


I just took my first ACFT and scored a 507 (28, F, 165#):
MDL- 160#, 86 points
SPT- 7.3m, 94 points
HRPU- 15 (dealing with shoulder injury), 72 points
SDC- 2:06, 96 points
Plank- 2:30, 81 points
2MR- 19:14, 78 points

I train very sporadically due to time constraints and prepped minimally for this test. I want to focus on building my consistency and improving my score to max everything except the run (I know my limits) but I want to avoid training TO the test. I also work a civilian job that is very time consuming.

My problem has always been consistency with working out- not because I don’t like it but because I’m bad at finding the time and prioritizing to make it happen. We are prepping for deployment right now and the optempo is through the roof.

I just bought the Busy Dad 1 plan, for the hope that time efficiency of a program will increase the chances that I’ll be consistent with it. Do you think that if I am consistent with it, that Busy Dad 1 will also contribute towards increasing my ACFT score? Is there anything I should add to the program or focus on specifically within the program to help out the ACFT side (event technique, etc)?


By far, the best way to improve the ACFT is to do our ACFT plan.
However, you want to do the ACFT plan the 7 weeks directly before your next ACFT. You don’t want to train for the ACFT all the time – you’ll plateau and the training will become stale.
The Busy Dad program is a focused, efficient, “base” fitness plan. Will it transfer to the ACFT? Yes … but improving the “base” place from where you start the ACFT Plan. But it won’t replace the ACFT plan for specific training.
The med ball throw from the ACFT is the most technique-related event. The dead lift is the most strength-related event. You could add in trap bar deadlifts and hand release push ups to the busy dad plans.
– Rob


I’m working my way through the APFT plan and it’s going great! I’m also looking to build my pull ups for an upcoming selection, in March of next year, and I can’t do any at this point. I saw you have several plans, do you have a recommendation on which one might be beta if I’m starting at zero?


You can add in pull ups to the APFT plan …. just do a max rep pull up assessment and follow the exact same programming as the push ups.
Can’t do a pull up currently?  For the first assessment, replace vertical pull ups with horizontal pull ups – and do a max rep horizontal pull up assessment, and then do horizontal pull ups for the progression.
Then, for the mid-cycle assessment, do regular pull ups …. and follow the progression from there.
– Rob


I am interested in purchasing a Swat Selection Training Program or the Athlete’s Subscription. I saw to email if I have over 9 weeks until selection. I have more around the time frame of 6 months and possibly even up to a year. Would I be able to cycle this program continuously ? Or would there be a better option? I’m currently a firefighter and powerlifting enthusiast (not very much cardio or BW); training for selection for SWAT medic purposes. Thank you.


Here’s what I’d recommend:
Now …. Humility – this is an intense program with a work capacity/endurance focus that will be a hard break from powerlifting.
Then, SWAT Selection Training Plan – it’s early, doing the plan now will give you a good idea of your current fitness/mindset.
Then, Plans/Order in the Gun Maker Packet. These are designed as day to day fitness for full time SWAT and concurrently train strength, endurance (run/ruck), work capacity (sprint focus), chassis integrity (functional core) and tactical agility.
Then, 9 weeks directly before selection, repeat the SWAT Selection Training Plan.
– Rob


I recently purchased a 6 month subscription to your programming. I’m trying out for a guard Pararescue position and need to prep for a 2 day selection.
Day 1:
PJ IFT (18 pull-ups, 60 sit-ups, 60 push-ups, run 1.5 in sub 9:47, 4x underwaters on 2 min, 1500m swim), then 2ish hours of water con
Day 2:
8+ hours of hard ass work, maybe some rucking, lots of water con, etc. changes tryout to tryout.
I tried out October 3rd, passed the IFT (18,63,63,9:42,31min), did ok through most the water con but definitely not great, then failed a “buddy brick” event. Understandably, I wasn’t invited to stay for day two but told I was invited to try again.
So, I have around 5.5 months until next time. I picked your programming because the PJ selection prep looked much better than what I was doing and dug the weekly extended training days.
I need to return with better IFT numbers and be more capable in the pool with water con stuff. My plan is to definitely run your prep course before the event but torn on what to do in the mean time. I feel like my strength base is pretty good; 425 Deadlift, 345 Squat, 245 bench and power clean @ 5’11/185. I’m 36y/o with a long training history with CrossFit, endurance, Kettlebells, etc. I’ve been hitting it hard for around a year after 5 years of getting out of shape.
Water confidence:
I feel pretty good usually. Comfortable with long distances but could definitely speed up. Self-taught, no school or club swimming. Just YouTube videos for technique.
Suggestions? I have access to most common globo and CrossFit stuff (no assault bike) pool, and will buy a sandbag or whatever needed.


By my count you’ve got 24 weeks to train. Here’s what I’d recommend:
Weeks.          Plan
1-4                Weeks 1-4 of the USAF CCT/PJ/SR Selection Training Plan
5-10.             Barbossa – from our Pirates Packet of plans for full time SOF with water-based mission sets
11-15.           Black Beard
16-23            USAF CCT/PJ/SR Selection Training Plan – full plan, the weeks directly before selection
– Rob


First of all, thank you for your programming that you’ve made. It’s been a good help pushing through the “bodyweight foundation” program.
My question, which you’ve probably gotten a million times I imagine, haha, as I’m moving into the “Military On-Ramp” plan is what kind of sand would you recommend using in the sandbag v2? I bought it a little early to pre-prepare, and so I could use actual sand, but didn’t get around to getting the sand yet. I’m new to the sandbag and weight-use scene, and didn’t want to just go buy a random kind of sand if one is better than the other, or if one may cause future problems due to being compressed and not being as flexible anymore.
I’ve seen you recommend going to a nearby beach, but I don’t have the luck of living near one, haha.


I just use regular sand. You may also chose to use “play sand” – which I think is made from rubber. Both are available at Home Depot.
– Rob


I retired back in May from Navy SOF and started the next chapter in my
life. I want to continue training, but obviously for different reasons.
However, my current schedule doesn’t afford me much free time. If there
was something i could to achieve maximum strength and cardio, what would
you recommend? Tire flips, rucking?


We’ve got a couple sets of plans for this: Busy Dad Full Gym and Busy Dad Limited Equipment.
Sessions are 30-45 minutes, and they deploy fluid periodization … and thus concurrently train strength, work capacity, short endurance and chassis integrity.
If you don’t want to do a plan, it would be hard to beat doing 45 min each day of this circuit: 10x Tire Flips, 8x Pull Ups, Run 200m.
– Rob


I am a recruit police officer in British Columbia Canada and I just had some questions about some of your programming. I am a new dad and so lots of my workouts have to be done at home and its difficult to go for a run on days that I’m watching the kid. I have a sandbag and a couple of dumbbells that I currently use. My question is if you have or can recommend some of your programming for someone in my situation. My long term goal is to make onto ERT (canadian SWAT) but I need to figure out how to be a regular cop first, however my fitness is something that I can have ready.


I’d recommend starting our stuff with the plans/order in our Busy Dad Limited Equipment training packet.
These plans concurrently train strength, work capacity, short endurance and chassis integrity (functional core). They should work with your goal to improve base fitness, and time/equipment constraints.
– Rob


I’m 34 and going to tryout with the Alaska guard pj’s as a long term goal. I figure I’m at least a year or two out but the job really looks like fun.

I didn’t realize how far I had to go until I started working out with someone who had a failure to train on day one.
I have access to a full gym and someone to watch and make sure I’m doing excercise right.
I have access to a pool.
I’m not an athlete. I have been working at this for 3 months. 6’1 and skinny with a beer gut. 180lbs.
I worked my way from no excercise in 8 years to where I’m at now which is still a long way off from my goal.
I’m up to 10 strict  pullups. I worked up to 5 miles at a 9:30 pace then stopped running a month ago due to pain in achilles that still hasn’t completely gone away when I try jogging. 15 minute pace for 3 miles at 65lb ruck. Pushup’s 27 in a row. 7 dips. I don’t recall my situps.
I am weak. I had never stepped into a gym before 2 weeks ago and I’ve been having someone teach me how to use weights. 195dl, 135 squat, 95 bench. Those were end of 5×5 set weights that i worked up to. I’ve never tried maxxing. I’m still working on getting good form.
I’m bad at swimming and don’t like water. No formal swimming training or experience. I can only swim 100yds straight with freestyle, then I’m smoked for a few minutes. I do water confidence every other week and doing buddy bricks was one of my least favorite experiences in the last couple years of recent memory. I only made it most of the way across the pool once and had to breathe twice in the deep end while the other guy sat on the bottom. We did some other stuff he experienced at tryouts and none of it was pleasant. I actually had a little bit of anxiety about water the day after our last session.
I kept getting confused on which plans to go with and got through 1-3 weeks of some of the plans then stopped since I couldn’t really figure out what I should be working on first.
I should have just asked before I got started but I wanted to make sure I could keep myself motivated to work out since I’m usually more of a video game and tv kind of person.


Start our stuff with the Military OnRamp Training Plan.
Email back after Swimming Improvement.
Also – fix your diet. Here are our guidelines: https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/nutritional-guidelines/
Finally, there’s no shortcut or secret. Show up, do the work, and you’ll improve.
Just. Keep. Grinding.
– Rob


I’m hoping to find some substitutions for running. I’ve got Dr’s orders to not run/cut for the rest of my life. Right now I’m doing Rat 6 and was hoping you could help me out with the short length running (sprints, shuttle runs, etc.) for all of your programming. Typically, I program that stuff myself using the tools that I have, but I’d like to see what you’d do instead. I have a pretty good garage gym, with most everything I need for most of your workouts…including a rogue echo sled and a concept 2 rower.


You can sub in sled pushes and rowing for the work capacity/sprint/run work.
Easiest is to match the event interval or work rest ratio with the sled or the rower. For a sub on the rower, assume a 200m run = a 250m Row, and onward.
For the sled, you’ll need to load it heavy enough so when you push/walk it get’s your heart thumping. If the plan calls for a 200m run, assume a 2-minute sled push, (etc) and load accordingly.
You can also do kb swing intervals, or snatch intervals, or burpee intervals, or box jump intervals, or jump rope intervals, etc.
– Rob


Im located in las vegas and have started the max effort marathon plan. I live in an area where there are some good hills on the road for  running and some half mile stretches of road but the only issue is its pretty much surrounding a garbage plant and dump site. I ran around the area once but the smell is harsh as hell. Havent ran there since then. Ive moved all running exlusively to indoors on the treadmill. I have been using the assault runner treadmills for all workouts. I need some feed back here. Will i get benefits from programming only on the treamill? What do you think about running near a damn dump site huffin n puffin all those stinking fumes?


Treadmill transfer? No idea. Have never tested this, plus it will be boring as hell.
Garbage fumes? Cant’ help there.
I assume you own a car or bike and can run somewhere else, outside. Be resourceful.
– Rob

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