Q&A 10.20.22


33 y/o Deputy US Marshal and reserve EOD tech. After a real stressful year I put on 35 pounds and ended up in abysmal shape. I am finishing week 5 of bodyweight beginner, looking for direction with limited equipment plans. My running base isn’t where I would like so I was looking at the running improvement plan, but my base isn’t back up to those long easy run mileages yet. During BWB I broke the endurance sections down into run/rest intervals and am currently at 14 min run 1 walk. I was looking at bodyweight foundations but am looking for a second opinion. I have a pull up bar, some dumbbells, and a ruck. I’m not opposed to buying a sandbag or some kettlebells. Unfortunately a full gym isn’t available. I’ve tuned in my diet and am already down around 15 pounds.


Apache – from the limited equipment Great Plains Tribe plans.
You’ll need a pair of dumbbells and a sandbag.
– Rob


How would you think would be the best protocol for improving the Burpee Beep lader?


8 Rounds …. every 90 seconds.
20% max rep burpees from the assessment.
Do this 2-3x, then increase to 25%, then 30%, then re-assess.
– Rob


I was wondering what your opinion is on the MTI Nutrition Guidelines and how they relate to vegetables like tomatoes and onions; as well as meats like pork (loin, porkchops, ribs, etc.) and dark cuts of chicken (leg, thigh). Thanks.


Don’t read anything into our guidelines – avoid sugar and wheat/rice, etc. and you’re good.
– Rob


I am a commissioned marine officer awaiting orders to TBS. I will be reporting in either March or June of 2023. I am currently training for a marathon that will take place in October, but after that I would like to put all my training focus on TBS prep. I assume you would recommend the TBS plan prior to reporting, but what else from your stuff would be helpful in the meantime?


Complete plans/order in the Virtue Packet until your 6 weeks out from TBS, then complete the first 6 weeks of the USMC TBS/IOC Training Packet.
– Rob


I have been doing your programs while I was in the 75th RAnger Regiment, and I have recently got out of the service. I liked your obstacle race programs along with your virtue series because I focused mainly on being an endurance athlete. I am currently doing fortitude. But I am looking for a program that has Olympic lifts (power cleans, hang powers cleans, and others like these), step ups, and speed training for short to medium distance endurance training. I am transitioning to firefighting and don’t need to be as much of an endurance athlete for longer stuff.

As a single dad my time is limited and am look to try and find a program that will allow me to focus on short full effort speed and endurance with a long run here and there because I find them relaxing and fun, while getting strong (strength and power) with Olympic lifting, with step ups/stair stepper work outs, pull ups, and training under load.
I am always a tactical athlete, but realize I don’t need to be the type of endurance athlete from my special operations time. If you have a program like this or can give me a recommendation, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Plans/Order in the Big Cat Series, beginning with Jaguar.
These are our day-to-day programming for full time Fire/Rescue.
Good luck with your new career!
– Rob


First, I’d like to begin with some kudos. I started MTI programming a little over a year ago to supplement my training throughout Army BCT -> OCS -> IBOLC -> Ranger. I began your programming just as I was starting OCS, and tried my best to keep it up throughout the rest of my Army training. Where it paid dividends was the lead up to IBOLC. I completed Humility just as IBOLC was getting started, and it put me at the front of my class for our RPAs (Ranger Physical Assessment). Humility took my 5 mile from low 34s down to 30:15, finishing consistently top 3 in my class. All of my peers throughout OCS and IBOLC would hear me rave about MTI programming, and a few said they hopped on board as well.

Here I am, post Ranger School, having graduated August 19th after going 62 and through. I’m currently in week 2 of airborne school, and when I graduate Airborne next week I’ll have about 3 more weeks here on Benning before I PCS to Fort Campbell to become a PL. Aside from Air Assault and Pathfinder schools when I show up to Campbell, I shouldn’t have many interferences with my daily workouts like I’ve had the past year and a half of initial entry training. What should my current course of action be? I’d like to hop back into your base programming, whether that be Daily Operator Sessions, Virtue, Greek, etc.

Please advise what my next steps should be. My Athlete Subscription is reactivated and I’m ready to get to work!


Thanks for the note and glad we’ve been able to partner with you as you’ve worked through your schools/courses!
Programming? Start with the Greek Hero Series and Hector.
– Rob


I’ve been doing the LEO On Ramp program and my (already not great) knees are having trouble all the lunges.

Do you have an alternate movement/substitute recommendation?


Reduce the range of motion …i.e. don’t go all the way down – and see if that helps.
– Rob


First I want to thank you and your team for what you do. I have been searching for a long time for a training methodology that builds and maintains the fitness I need for my job and competitions and I believe MTI is that system.
I am an athletic trainer for a small high school in rural Indiana and compete a few times a year in 5Ks, Spartan races, and various CrossFit events.
My goals are to run a sub-20 minute 5K and finish my next Spartan Sprint in under an hour. Eventually I want to be in a place where I can win these events and be able to lift at least my bodyweight (175 pounds at 5’10”) in the major lifts.
Also, how can I learn more about MTI’s methods? Your material that I have found on Youtube about Strong Swift Durable, nutrition, and Base Fitness have been intriguing.


It’s a little unclear is you’re asking for a programming recommendation?
If so, I’d recommend starting with the Big 3 Strength + 3 Mile Run Training Plan. This hits directly at your goal of strength and 5K improvement.
In terms of methods, much can be cleaned from our online articles and resources. And, from time to time I’ll teach a programming course which we’ll advertise in Beta – our weekly newsletter. Subscribe if you haven’t already.
– Rob


I am going to purchase a plan from mtn tactical, and would like some advice.
Currently I am currently not up to selectional par aerobically, strength and endurance wise. I am looking for a “good place to start” to build back up. I’m currently 6’ 195lbs with close to 20% BF.
My end goal is functional fitness and durability (I am preparing to enlist in the Navy as an EOD), I’m currently 29 so I have about a year and half until I won’t meet the age requirement.
I’ve been in decent shape before, and I feel that I am a lot better at listening to my body and preventing injury than before too.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


I’d recommend the plans/order in the Virtue Packet – beginning with Military OnRamp.
– Rob


First of all, let me say I really enjoy your thought-provoking essays and approach to your work. And, I like the multi-faceted approach to fitness you have.

I am a 56 year old male currently training by making up my own stuff. Usually mostly bodyweight but I have kettlebells and a sandbag I just bought from Mtn Tactical. I’m not necessarily “fit” but I do something most every day even if it’s just a 30 min walk.

As far as MTI programs to try, I’m stuck between Bodyweight Beginner and SF55. I don’t have access to a full gym and currently workout outside at the nearby track/soccer field. So, SF55 won’t really work. But I’m not sure 6 days/week of Bodyweight Beginner would treat me well as I seem to need a little more recovery.

Would using workouts from Bodyweight Beginner on an SF55 weekly schedule (Strength M,Th; Conditioning/Chassis T; Endurance F) be a useful adaptation?

Also, I’m currently dealing with some elbow tendonitis, is there a substitution you recommend for pull-ups? That’s why I’m mostly bodyweight/calisthenics right now but I hope to move on to KBs/Sandbags, etc. by the time winter arrives here in NE Ohio.

Thanks in advance for your input, keep up the inspiring work!


I’d recommend you try the first week of SF55 Alpha. Click the ‘Sample Training’ Tab and you can see the entire first week for free – so you can try it without purchasing it.
See how it goes … and if it goes good, purchase and complete that plan.
If it doesn’t go well and you get smoked, do Bodyweight Beginner first.
Pull up sub? No good sub that won’t also hit your elbow … so Just skip them.
– Rob


Currently training to climb Mt Shuksan in about 2 weeks. I’ve been use the Big Mountain V.2 program to prepare(which has been really good). Once I get back I will be looking to prepare for a guided Everest base Camp trek. Total trip time is about 18 days of travel. I believe the total distance is about 80 miles from Lukla to EBC and back to Lukla. I’m told its about 3-5 miles per day with total elevation gain during the trek of 8200ft. In addition, I will also be climbing Lobuche on the way back from EBC which adds an additional 3k ft of elevation climbing. Pack load should be light- no more than 25 pounds I beleive.

Thoughts on what program and timing?


– Rob


Loving the Half Marathon plan right now. But life has got in the way a few times so I am slightly behind.
Race is 25th September, today I finished session 19 in Week 4 (which would normally have been Monday this week).
As I approach race week, what should I do?
Carry on with plan as normal, but have 3 days taper before the race? Carry on until the last week, then jump forward to taper week? or something else like drop the odd session each week maybe?


Carry on to the last week, then jump forward to the taper week.
– Rob


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