Online Training Plan Improvements

By Mintra Mattison

MTI Customers have made several requests in regards to accessibility and user-friendliness of our online training plans.
Below are your requests and the changes we’ve made accordingly.

(1) “I want to be able to print out the workouts so I can take them with me.”

You can now print out every week of your training plan simply by hitting Print under the file tab of your internet browser.
It is set up so the whole week will fit on a standard letter size sheet. You might have to adjust your printer layout settings to Landscape.

(2) “When I log in, I have to search for my Plan first, then for the Session. I want to be able to start right where I left off.”

We created a bookmark so you can get to your session within one click.
In order to bookmark a session click once on the flag at the top right of your screen.

After clicking on the flag, it will then turn green to verify that your session has been bookmarked.

Next time you log in, you will be directed to that exact session by clicking on the notification at the top of your screen.


(3) “It would be great if there was an easy way to look up exercises I am not familiar with.”

You can now easily access our Exercise Library through the View Exercises Button on the top right. It will open a new tap and you can look for unfamiliar exercises.

As always we need you to get better.

Got any questions, feedback or requests? Please email us at

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