MTI’s Multi-User Subscription


By Mintra Mattison


The Multi-User Subscription gives groups of athletes e.g. platoons or departments access to the entire MTI library at the same time without being limited to just one training plan. This way, the athletes can either follow the programming on their own time schedule or simply do different training plans, as they might be on different fitness levels or are training for different goals/schools.






Included with the Multi-User Subscription is access to almost 300 Training plans for Mountain, Military, Law Enforcement, Fire/Rescue, and General Fitness. For a complete list, click on the links below.


In addition, the Multi-User Subscription includes access to our daily training session across 2x programs:

  • Military Athlete Operator Sessions: The daily Operator Sessions at Military Athlete are our day-to-day training answer for military special forces personnel, high-achieving regular soldiers, and others this level of tactical-focused fitness. These sessions train strength, work capacity, Chassis Integrity, TAC SEPA (Tactical Speed, Explosive Power, and Agility), military-specific endurance (running, rucking, ruck running) and stamina. The Operator Sessions are the most intense day-to-day training we offer and achieve to address the “burden of constant fitness” through athlete engagement and training variety. Most sessions are 60 minutes long. Click here for a sample session
  • LE Athlete Officer Sessions:  Is our day-to-day training answer for patrol officers, detectives, and other law enforcement personnel. Fitness attributes trained include strength, upper body hypertrophy (mass), TAC SEPA, and work capacity. Most sessions are 45-50 minutes long.   Click here for a sample session


Multi-User Price:

  • 2-15 Athletes  = $299/month ($20/athete)
  • 16-40 Athletes = $599/Month ($15/athlete)
  • 41-100 Athletes = $999/Month ($10/Athlete)
  • 101-300 Athletes = $1499/month ($5/Athlete)


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