Arete 5.4.23

Military, National Defense, Foreign Policy First Responder / Law Enforcement / Wildland Fire/ Homeland Security, Wilderness Professional Mountain/Outside Health/Fitness/Nutrition Interesting  

MTI Collective: Leadership vs. Management

  How would you define leadership and management? What are the differences conceptually and in action? “You lead people and manage things. Keep people calm and provide directions in order to achieve an objective. ” “Management is control of self and attention and leadership is characterized by action and detachment and situations awareness and calm […]

Mini Study: 1x/week Training Results in Grip Strength Endurance Improvement & Disappointing Burpee Work Capacity Results

BLUF Training Work Capacity and Grip Strength 1x/week with hobbyist jiu-jitsu athletes results in 2.24% average increase on the Burpee Beep Ladder, and a 28.85% increase on the Gi Grip Assessment. Background We’ve seen a significant interest in training program options which work within time-constrained parameters. Careers, family, or hobbies mean training time can be […]

MTI Collective 4.4.24: Strength and Conditioning Lessons Learned

  “What are your biggest lessons learned in Strength and Conditioning training over your lifetime? How have you implemented those lessons? ” Stretching. Putting more of an emphasis on stretching. It want until my third Ironman did I start stretching and it expedited my recovery considerably. Doesn’t have to be elaborate or complex, but my body […]

New MTI App Launching This Week!

We’re excited to announce that MTI’s new App will be launching this week. Built on the foundation of MTI programming and MTI Athlete feedback from previous surveys, we’re confident this will be a major improvement to the MTI training experience for athletes worldwide. We will send out an email when the app is launched this […]

MTI Collective Responses: Fitness Wearables and Pro/Cons

We’ve been curious about the use of various fitness trackers and their viability for MTI Athletes. We’ve used fitness trackers for our own internal research with various units and teams within the military, fire, and law enforcement. The results have been mixed, and the feedback below seems to support our experience thus far. At the […]



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