Q&A 11.5.23


I am a mainly endurance athlete that is trying to get back in shape. I know I need to add strength training to add durability more than anything. I am an adventure racer so I bike ride and run and would much rather do those things. I would love to find a workout routine that I could add to to the endurance stuff that I enjoy but doesn’t take forever. I was thinking strength training but really an all encompassing plan would probably be a better idea. I have looked at your adventure racing plan but the days don’t line up with my availability during the week and I wasn’t sure how much the days can be changed around. Do you have a plan that would work for that?


Got it. In your off-season, I’d recommend Daily General Fitness Training Subscription. This is a fundamental base fitness programming stream with 4-5 week cycles. While you’re in-season or beginning to prepare for it, transition to the In-Season Strength for Endurance Athletes plan.


Do you find any use for the FMS?  The reason I ask is I’m a 49 year old retired police officer that still loves to get after fitness.  Over the years I’ve had my share of injuries from playing football in HS, college and 24 years plus as a cop in a large city.  Not to mention hip surgery and foot surgery a few years ago.  I have been trying to keep up my fitness but it seems that minor injuries etc seem to side track things every time.  I have adjusted my training and currently do alot more of MTI sandbag and band training than weight’s especially in the summer.  I get it with age your fitness road must change or adjust to your age etc.
I’ve recently been reading up on FMS just to see what areas I need to work on in hopes of preventing some injuries and strains that ruin my progress.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Short answer – no. Rob actually wrote a piece on this specific topic… ‘The Tyranny of the FMS‘. Recent academic studies support this.

You’re on the right track with how you’re approaching training. Rob and I authored ‘The Training Lifecycle‘ which goes over training adaptations as we age, injuries pile up, and natural physiological changes occur as we age. Monitoring volume and intensity, movement adaptations, and being smart about warming up become increasingly more important. I recently spoke to a Doctor of Physical Therapy who mentioned that there is a debate within her professional community on whether movement issues stemming from chronic or old injuries should even be corrected, as it may be the body’s best way of protecting itself for overall physical function.
The best answer – stay fit. If you get banged up while training, reduce loading and volume, and find lower-impact ways to still achieve your baseline fitness goals. Eat healthy, cut down on booze, and prioritize sleep.


Hello, I got the new email about the new programming streams. I  wanted to see what the difference was between that and something like the SWAT gunmaker packet that has been put out? Thanks and I love your programming.


Thanks for reaching out. The programming methodology for the new LE SWAT/SRT and Gunmaker Series is mostly the same, but it’s all new plans. We’ve worked off of the lessons learned from athletes who have completed Gunmaker plans and applied them to this new programming in addition to our Research Teams.

We work off the same needs analysis specific to the demands of the job and program accordingly. The main differences are:
– All new programming
– Tested with local and federal SWAT/SRT teams prior to publication
– A more affordable price point that you can cancel whenever required
– 4-5 week cycles
Hope this helps. Happy to answer any questions.


I’m 55 years old with high blood sugar and approximately 60 pounds over weight (6’1″ 260lbs). I’m extremely out of shape, barely to do more than 1 push up, can’t do a pull up and running more than short distances is difficult.
My goals are:
Lose weight/fat
Drop blood sugar
Obviously get into shape and acceptable fitness level.
My question is what courses do you suggest for me?
I basically need to get fit enough to move on to your more
advanced courses.
I would appreciate any advice you can give me.


Best recommendation is to start with the Fat Loss Training Plan and get your nutrition in order. Don’t overcomplicate the nutrition aspect… cut out the junk.


I’ve used your plans with great success in the pas to prepare for run and rucking events and obstacle races. Next year in November, I plan on doing a 50 mile ultra with 12k of vert for my 50th birthday. What plans should I use between now and then?  Unfortunately, I’m pretty de-trained at the moment.


Glad you’ve had good success with our programming! Sounds like a great way to celebrate a 50th birthday. Here’s what I recommend:


Hello, I’m hitting you up with need of a little direction.  I plan to be taking my AMGA Ski Guide Exam this upcoming spring. As such, I’m am considering stacking your Backcountry Pre-Season course and following up with the Guide Couse training plan.  I currently have a good base from mountain running/training (~10-12hrs/wk for 4 months) and want to continue increasing my overall performance.  I guess I’m asking if my intended purchase matches my goal. Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


I would recommend going with the Daily General Fitness programming and then going straight into the AMGA Backcountry Ski Course prior to the course. Doubling up pre-season ski prep is going to be redundant and likely not have any added benefit.


Just noticed your time crunched training sessions in your last newsletter.
I have a question.  I been training hard on the SF and mountain programming plans over the past year.  That combined with my change in diet has helped me lose 40 pounds.
However my work schedule recently changed until the end of the year and because of the travel and schedule I am only able to get three full workout days in…sometimes a SHORT fourth.
My diet is still on point.  But I am wondering what plan or advice you suggest to help
Me stay on point on my workouts until I can get back to a full six day workout week around January 6th.


Congrats on the weight loss – that’s huge. The advice would be to stay the course and complete the programming in order. So, Sessions 1-3 Week 1 and Sessions 4-6 Week 2 based on your schedule. Get in a short run, bike, or hike at a moderate pace on your fourth day if the time allocated is too short to get a full session in. Keep nutrition on point, and you’ll be fine.


I am a soon to be 40 yo woman, who in the past has had multiple low back injuries and 4 kids. I haven’t really worked out since my youngest was born 2 years ago. My husband loves these plans but wanted to see what you all would recommend. I was debating between the lower back fitness or the beginner body weight. Do you have another suggestion?


Thanks for reaching out. I agree, the Bodyweight Beginner Training Plan is the perfect place to start.


I’m currently in Army AIT and due to my situation I have time to be able to work out in the gym/track after the period of instruction is over. I’m about 5 months away from SFAS what workout plans I start with? I have the ruck based selection packet.


5 Months = 22 Weeks. Here’s What I recommend:
Weeks         Plan
1-7               Humility
8-14             Valor
14-22           Ruck Based Selection Training Plan – 8 Weeks directly before SFAS
– Rob


I’m a senior at the US Naval Academy, and I’m looking to best train up for TBS later this summer. I’ve always been a decent (~19min 3 mile time) runner but am looking to put on some size and strength (5’10” 165lbs with probably highish teens bf%) before I show up without losing too much endurance base. What do you think would be the best progression of training plans for me? Also, how do I best jump into daily operator sessions. If I were to jump in today would I start at the beginning of September or halfway through the plan? Thanks for everything, love your guys’ programming.


Get on the Operator Sessions now. The programming attacks strengthl hard to build foundational strength specific to military needs while building endurance and work capacity. To jump into those sessions, start from the beginning of the Sept. programming. I keep 2 months of programming published so guys who started halfway through won’t lose access. Once you’re 6-7 weeks out from checking into TBS, do the USMC TBS Training Plan. Best of luck in your senior year.


I have heard great things about your plans just trying to find what the best one for me is. Currently in Ranger Regiment so that might explain the fitness levels I need, I do want to gain more mass but still be running a sub 35 minute 5 mile. Currently I am 180lb and want to be pushing 195, be able to keep that 5 mile time while still building that overall strength and size but being able to max all the PT tests needed


Based on your goals of gaining mass, increasing overall strength, and maintaining a sub 35-minute 5-mile run, I recommend the Greek Hero Packet. This packet includes a series of plans designed for military infantry/sof and covers a wide range of fitness attributes, including strength, endurance, work capacity, and rucking ability. It will help you build the necessary strength and size while also improving your running performance.


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