Rat 6 Strength
- 8 weeks, 5 days/week
- Strength (neuromuscular) focus, with short, intense work capacity sessions to maintain conditioning
- Focused around six strength lifts based on 1RMs
- This training plan is one of the 182+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
The primary focus of this 8-Week Training Plan is increased strength, but it also includes short, intense, work capacity efforts, as well as a high emphasis on core strength, mobility, and durability – hallmarks of MTI programming.
This design program is based on a super successful strength training cycle we first deployed with our tactical lab rats in 2013. In the years since we’ve deployed Rat 6 progression multiple times in our programming for mountain and tactical athletes.
You will train 5 days/week for a total of 40 training sessions. The intention is that Monday through Friday are training days. Saturday and Sunday are rest days.
This is the third version of this plan, update Spring, 2017.
This is a percentage of 1RM-based strength training program build around the following 6x Strength Exercises:
- Bench Press
- Front Squat
- Military Press
- Squat Clean
- Hinge Lift or Box Squat
- Power Clean
- Monday Strength
- Tuesday Strength
- Wednesday Short Work Capacity and Core
- Thursday Strength
- Friday Short Work Capacity and Core
How long should the training sessions take?
Around 60 minutes. Some of these sessions will run short – around 45 minutes. Some may take up to 75 minutes.
How Should I Work up to my 1 Repetition Maximum?
Bench Press, Military Press, Front Squat, Hinge Lift or Box Squat – After the warm up, load up the barbell with a weight you can lift 5x. Then add weight, and complete 3x reps. Then add weight and start doing singles, adding weight rapidly until you reach your 1 Rep Max (1RM). Record your 1RM.
Squat Clean and Power Clean – After the warm up, load up the barbell with a weight you can lift 3x. Then add weight, and complete 2x reps. Then add weight and start doing singles, adding weight rapidly until you reach your 1 Rep Max (1RM). Record your 1RM.
Use Common Sense – Be smart and safe while working up to your 1RM. Don’t risk injury. Be smart and safe. And don’t linger – you need to complete each session in 45-60 minutes.
How long should I rest between Rounds and Circuits?
The strength circuits (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday) each include a stretch or durability exercise. Consider the stretch or mobility exercise your rest between rounds. There is no more rest between circuits more then what is required to change equipment and load barbells. Understand the strength circuits are not mini CrossFit-like WODs. Work briskly, not frantically.
Wednesday and Friday’s training sessions include Core Circuits. Don’t sprint through these. Work briskly, not frantically.
What if I can’t keep up the Monday to Friday Training Schedule?
If for any reason you cannot keep this Monday-Friday training schedule, do not skip a training session. Rather, complete all the training sessions in succession. Whatever the schedule, always take two days a week, ideally together, as total rest.
Why are there two numbers listed for the exercises with assigned loads?
The lower weight is the prescribed weight for women, and the higher is for men.
Are loads given for both Kettlebells and Dumbbells?
Yes, for example, “5x Swings at 20kg/45#” means 5x Swings with a 20kg kettlebell or 45# dumbbell.
What if I don’t have access to kettlebells or dumbbells?
Don’t worry about it – they can be used interchangeably. The plan calls for dumbbells – here is a conversion for kettlebells:
Kettlebell / Dumbbell
8kg / 15#
12kg / 25#
16kg / 35#
20kg / 45#
24kg / 55#
What if I miss a day?
Begin where you left off when you return to training. This program is progressed – each session builds upon the prior session – so don’t skip a session or skip around. Follow the training sessions in order, regardless.
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE. The Run/Ruck Calculator is listed as an exercise.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
Can I see sample training?
Yes. Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming.
How do I access the plan?
Access is online, via username and password. You can log in either through our website or through our app (Mtn Tactical Fitness) available for IOS and Android.
Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes – you can print a week of programming at a time.
More Questions? Email: coach@mtntactical.com
Required Equipment
This training program can be completed in a commercial gym, with basic free weight equipment, but it is much easier to complete the program using Olympic weight lifting equipment, especially rubber bumper plates for the Squat Clean and Power Clean exercises.
If you are working in a commercial gym without access to a lifting platform and bumper plates, you can still complete this program by making the following exercise substitutions:
- Substitute Hang Squat Clean for the Squat Clean
- Substitute Hang Power Clean for the Power Clean
Sample Training
Below is Week 1 from this Training Plan:
Obj: 1RM Assessment
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
- Barbell Complex @ 45/65#
- Instep Stretch
- Lat + Pec Stretch
(1) Work up to 1RM Power Clean
(2) Work up to 1RM Bench Press
(3) Work up to 1RM Front Squat
Total Rest
Obj: 1RM Assessment
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
- Barbell Complex @ 45/65#
- Instep Stretch
- Lat + Pec Stretch
(1) Work up to 1RM Squat Clean
(2) Work up to 1RM Military Press
(3) Work up to 1RM Hinge Lift or Box Squat
Total Rest
Obj: Work Cap/Core
Warm up:
5 Rounds
- 8x Box Jump @ 20"
- 8x Push ups
- 8x Sit-ups
- Instep
(1) 6 Rounds
- 8x 40-foot Shuttle sprints every 60 seconds
(2) 4 Rounds
- 10x Weighted Sit-ups @ 35/45#
- 10x EO's
- 10x Face Down Back Extension
- 5x Seated Russian Twist @ 25#
(3) 4 Rounds
- 5/10x Dips or 3/6x Ring Dips
- 10x 2-Legged Poor Man's Leg Curl
- 60 second Farmers Carry @ 35/55# dumbbells.
BLUF: Your programming is definitely working for me!
I want to give you a little context so you understand why I am so pleased with the programming. I am an active duty Marine Corps officer stationed overseas. Before that, I was an enlisted infantry Marine. An 0311, rifleman. I say this so you know that I am no stranger to PT, the weight room, and overall general fitness. However, a couple of months ago, I started to feel like I was in a rut, and I was about to be on a ship for awhile. So I signed up for MTI and, naturally, started with the Shipboard program for my time at sea. With Shipboard, I maintained bodyweight, but leaned out considerably until I arguably hit the best shape of my life.
But here is the real reason I am writing: the gains that I have seen in the first half of RAT 6 are unbelievable. I just finished the Week 5 1RM Assessment, and I am thoroughly impressed. I am only giving these numbers to give you a clear picture of the noticeable improvement.
Week 1 | Week 5 | |
Power Clean | 245 | 255 |
Bench Press | 355 | 360 |
Front Squat | 295 | 335 |
Squat Clean | 255 | 265 |
Military Press | 205 | 205 |
Box Squat | 405 | 475 |
I have never seen these types of number shifts in just 3 working weeks. So thank you for the programming that you are doing. I contribute a lot of this improvement to the great Combat Chassis that we built during the Shipboard program.
Great stuff, really, thank you.
Kudos to RAT 6, its given me a great boost in strength, overall performance, and confidence in moving heavy weight. All my lifts increased. Ill send you my final numbers once finished. I am very happy I have a year subscription to Military Athlete. Wishing you well from Iraq. Thanks.
Coach, I wanted to say nice job on Hypertrophy & Rat 6.
Started the two right after SFAS, at 150lbs. Ate everything during Hypertrophy, finished it at 165-168 depending on time of day. Ate clean, but lots of carbs through rice. Did a 1 week deload, then started Rat 6. Weights are before-after
Bench 245-275
Strict Press 135-165
Power Clean 200-225
Clean & Jerk 200-245
Front Squat 220-295
Deadlift 315-375
*I replaced squat clean with full c/j, and hinge lift with full deads.
Current weight is about 175, below 10% body fat.
Planning on doing valor again next then restarting the 3 over again in order.
Thanks again coach!
You and I have spoken on multiple occasions about different events(GORUCK Challenges), SFAS prep and just over all training. I've even trained briefly at your affiliate in Colorado Springs last year before deploying. I am not special operations (far from it) but wanted to reach out and tell you the impact your programming has had on my team.
My team consists of a 39 year old, 34 year old and myself, 28. I've been lifting off and on since I was 14 due to high school football. I found Crossfit in my early 20's and later MA and have dabbled in it and other training methods. My co-workers on the other hand have never lifted in their lives outside of the extreme basics and even that was some what of a challenge in the beginning. The men I work with are both 6'1" like myself but one weighed(when we started) 134lbs soaking wet with rocks in his pockets and the other 155lbs. I've always been between 200-215lbs depending on my eating habits that month.
We started Rat6 back in May. Both of them could barely bench 115lbs and squat 135lbs. I won't get into all or the lift numbers but I wanted to tell you it's max week and these are the results.
39 year old-165#
Starting bench: 125#
Starting Squat: 135#
Post RAT6 Bench: 190#
Post RAT6 Squat: 235#
34 year old-160#
Starting bench:105#
Starting squat:135#
Post RAT6 bench :195#
Post RAT6 squat: 250#
28 year old-205#
Starting bench: 245
Starting squat: 385
RAT6 bench: 275
RAT6 squat: 405(for two, dropped 410)
Needless to say your programming works! We're starting the next phase of the strength packet soon and are excited to see where we go next!
As always thanks for all the help,
Rob -I felt so weak after getting back from selections it was scary. After four weeks of Rat 6 I've put back on 30+lbs on almost all the six lifts. And I don't feel completely lethargic during the day. The work capacity/core days are a nice change of pace and keep your cardio in check. The hinge lift took a few weeks to get used to but it definitely helped my squat by incorporating the posterior muscles more efficiently.
Bottom line is this program is the shit.
Here's my 1RM improvements. Week 1 to week 5:
Power clean: 205, 255#
Bench press: 275, 315#
Front squat: 205, 245#
Squat clean: 195, 245#
Strict press: 145, 165#
Hinge lift: 355, 405#
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