Writers Wanted: “Advice to My Younger Self”

By Rob Shaul

We’re calling for essay submissions from the MTI community – mountain, tactical and other types of athletes, with the title, “Advice to My Younger Self.”

Here’s you’re opportunity to reflect on past failures and successes, mistakes and accomplishments, and share your lessons learned with other tactical and mountain athletes.

Please limit your topics to tactical/mountain/professional related advice to include technical issues, fitness training, technical training, leadership, followership, professional habits, safety, situational awareness, gear, etc.



  • Minimum of 500 words, but no more than 1,500.
  • Not a natural writer? No worries – I’ll personally help with editing and clean up. Just get your thoughts down.
  • Email submissions to rob@mtntactical.com


See this Article for Inspiration  Advice To The Young Tactical Athlete: Things I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then…


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