By Rob Shaul & Mintra Mattison
What’s the difference between purchasing an individual training plan and buying a subscription?
Purchasing a training plan gives you unlimited access to that single training plan and all of the updates we deploy to the plan in the future. It is like buying the DVD of the first Rocky movie, and then receiving all of the updates to it – Rocky II, III, IV, V, etc.
Purchasing an Athlete’s Subscription gives you access to all 450+ of our training plans across Mountain, Military, Law Enforcement, Fire/Rescue, Injury and General Fitness, as well as our daily programming for military and law enforcement athletes. If you cancel your subscription, you lose access to the plans. It is like subscribing to Netflix.
How do I decide what’s best for me, individual training plan or Athlete’s Subscription?
How much is fitness a part of your professional and/or personal life?
Our stuff is designed for Mountain and Tactical working professionals who are “professional” about their fitness and understand and embrace the principle that work-specific fitness is a critical professional responsibility. If you are such a professional, MTI’s Athlete’s Subscription is for you and will be your partner through your career for day-to-day fitness, PFT’s, missions, schools, deployments, long motel stays and mountain objectives, injury recovery, and recreation.
If you are a serious recreational mountain athlete who’s sports changes with the season, an Athlete’s Subscription is for you. The plans included will prepare you for each specific sport before the season and maintain your “mountain base” between seasons.
Are you simply a committed gym rat who’s always been doing some type of training? An Athlete’s Subscription will open your world to cutting-edge fitness specific programming such as bodyweight, relative strength, endurance, concurrent programming and the exercise selection and progression intricacies of mission-specific programming and Mission-Direct research.
Are you a Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach or aspiring one driven to do the best for your athletes? MTI’s programming is the Tip of the Spear for Mountain and Tactical Athletes, unique in its design, innovation, creative, mission-directness and results. Subscribe, devour and learn and deploy with your athletes.
Are you tactical professional looking to prepare for a specific PFT, selection or fitness attribute like running or rucking? Purchase the appropriate individual training plan.
Are you a single-sport mountain athlete willing to make a significant fitness investment in your sport-specific fitness? Purchase the appropriate individual training plan.
What we’ve witnessed over the years is our mission-direct programming inspires many athletes who began with an individual purchase to make fitness a bigger part of their life and eventually subscribe and use MTI’s programming as a partner moving forward.
How many plans come with a subscription?
Over 450 individual Mountain, Military, Law Enforcement, Fire/Rescue, Injury, General Fitness and Legacy training plans. Below is an extract of the training plans which come with an Athlete’s Subscription.
Mountain Plans:
- 100 Mile Ultra Training Plan
- 30 Minutes/Day Dryland Ski Training Plan
- 50-Mile Ultra Training Plan
- Alpine Rock Climb
- Alpine Running Training Plan
- Alpinist Fitness Assessment Training Plan
- AMGA Alpine Guide Course Training Plan
- AMGA Rock Guide Course Training Plan
- AMGA Ski Guide Course Training Plan
- Backcountry Big Game Hunting
- Backcountry Ski V2
- Backpack Pre-Season
- Big Mountain V2
- Big Wall Climbing
- Core Strength for Runners
- Denali Training Plan
- Dryland Ski Training Plan V4
- Expedition Ice/Mixed
- Fall Dryland Ski
- Free Ski Training
- Ice Climb Pre-Season
- In Season Ski Maintenance
- Monster Factory
- Mountain Base Alpha
- Mountain Base Artemis
- Mountain Base Atalanta
- Mountain Base Bravo
- Mountain Base Charlie
- Mountain Base Climbing Alternative
- Mountain Base Danae
- Mountain Base Helen
- Mountain Bike Preseason Training Plan
- Mountain Guide Pre-Season
- Off-Season Training for Endurance Athletes
- Peak Bagger
- Rainier Training Plan
- Randonee Race
- Rock Climb Pre-Season
- Surf Preseason
- Ultra Pre-Season
- Warbonnet
Military Plans:
- Afghanistan Pre-Deployment
- Air Assault
- Airborne School
- APFT Plan
- Army OCS
- Battlefield Airman Assessment Training Plan – TACP
- Beep Test Training
- Best Ranger Competition
- British Officer Selection Board
- BUD/s V2 Training Plan
- Busy Operator I
- Busy Operator II
- Core Strength I
- DEVGRU Selection
- Fortitude V2
- Gratitude
- Humility V2
- KSK Selection
- Marine Corp OCS
- Military Athlete Endurance
- Military On-Ramp
- Operator Achilles
- Operator Actaeon
- Operator Apollo
- Operator Hector
- Operator Pentathlon
- Operator Perseus
- Operator Ugly Train-Up
- Operator Ulysses
- Pirate Series Barbossa
- Pirate Series Blackbeard
- Pirate Captain Morgan
- Pirate Madame Cheng
- Potential Royal Marine Course
- Q Course Training Plan
- Ranger School
- Resilience
- Ruck Based Selection Plan V5
- Rucking Improvement
- Sandhurst Competition Training Plan
- Sapper Training Plan
- SASR Selection
- Service Academy CFA
- SFRE Training Plan
- Shipboard
- Upper Body Round Robin
- Urban Conflict Pre-Deployment Training Plan
- US Navy PST
- USAF CCT/PJ/CRO Selections
- USCG Rescue Swimmer Plan
- USMC Basic Recon
- USMC Recon Challenge Program
- USMC TBS/IOC Training Packet
- Valor Training Program
General Strength and Conditioning Plans:
- “Curly” – Dumbbell Kettlebell Plan
- “Larry” – Dumbbell Kettlebell Plan
- “Moe” – Dumbbell Kettlebell Plan
- 357 Strength
- Big 24 V4
- Bodyweight Build
- Bodyweight Foundation
- Chassis Integrity Training Plan
- Core Strength Bodyweight Only
- Eccentric Strength Training Plan
- Fat Loss Plan
- Hypertrophy For Skinny Guys
- In-Season Strength Training For Endurance Athletes
- Meathead Marathon
- MTI Relative Strength Assessment Training Plan
- Rat 6
- Run Improvement
- Sandbag Ethos
- Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Training Plan
- SF45 Alpha
- SF45 Bravo
- SF45 Charlie
- SF45 Delta
- Single Limb Strength
- Stuck in a Motel
- Super Squat Strength
- Swimming Improvement
- TLU Strength
- Ultimate Meathead Cycle
- Ultimate Work Capacity I
LE Plans:
- Cooper Test
- DEA FAST Selection Training Plan
- Law Enforcement Academy Plan
- LE Fitness Assessment
- LE OnRamp Training Plan
- LE Patrol/Detective Bourbon
- LE Patrol/Detective Tequila
- LE Patrol/Detective Vodka
- LE Patrol/Detective Whiskey
- SWAT Selection
- SWAT/SRT Beretta
- SWAT/SRT Glock
- SWAT/SRT Ruger
- U.S. Marshalls SOG Selection Training Plan
FR Plans:
- CPAT Training Plan
- Fire Academy Training Plan
- Fire Rescue Assessment Training Plan
- Fire Rescue OnRamp
- Fire Rescue Tactical I
- Fire/Rescue Jaguar
- Fire/Rescue Leopard
- Fire/Rescue Lion
- Fire/Rescue Panther
- Fire/Rescue Tiger
- HotShot/ Smoke Jumper Pre-Season
- Smokejumper Rookie
- Wildland Firefighter
Obstacle Race and GoRuck Plans:
- GORUCK Challenge
- GORUCK Heavy
- GORUCK Selection
- Spartan Sprint
- Spartan Beast
- Spartan Ultra Beast
Injury Plans:
- Arm Injury Training Program
- Leg Injury Training Program
- Low Back Training Plan V2
- Post Rehab Leg Injury Training Plan
Legacy Plans:
- 3-30 Work Capacity Training Plan
- 369 Work Capacity
- Atlas
- Bataan Death March
- Bodyweight I Training Plan
- Bodyweight II Training Plan
- BUD/S V1 Training Plan
- Courage
- Dryland Ski Program V3
- Falcon Training Plan
- Gym Based Stamina
- In Season Girls VB/BB
- Kayak/Paddling Pre-Season
- Kettlebell Strength
- Mountain Athlete For Crossfitters
- Patrol Officer Training
- Pingora
- Range Fitness Mid-Range Carbine
- SF45
- Spartan Sprint Race
- Squad PT
- SSD for Crossfitters
- Stamina Training Cycle
- Strength And Honor
- Tough Mudder
With an Athlete’s Subscription comes access to daily programming Military and Law Enforcement. What are those?
This training represents the most recent evolution of MTI’s programming design and is deployed and tested with our Lab Rats here in Wyoming. They often include Coaches’ Notes and Comments as well as Videos. Daily programming includes 4-5 Training Sessions per week.
- Military Athlete Operator Sessions: The daily Operator Sessions are our day-to-day training answer for military special forces personnel, high-achieving regular soldiers, and others aspiring to this level of tactical fitness.
- LE SWAT/SRT Sessions: Designed for full and part-time SWAT/SRT at the local, state, and federal level or those in Law Enforcement who need a fitness solution for physical high performance.
- LE Patrol Detective: For frontline LEOs, targeted fitness to ensure the highest performance and durability for a long career.
- Urban Fire/Rescue Sessions: Built to the task of preparation for the highest demands of the Fire Service, or those seeking a solution to prepare for a career in fire.
- General Fitness Sessions: The General Fitness sessions are designed for non-tactical athletes who want to pursue a high degree of performance-driven fitness.
- Jiu Jitsu/Grappling Sessions: Designed as a supplementary strength and conditioning for performance and durability on the mats
- Busy Dad: 30-45 minute sessions for those with a general fitness requirement, in a time-constrained format.
- Wildland Fire: Periodized programming based on wildland season start and end dates for a year round fitness solution
- MTI 45+: Fitness training for older, high-mileage, high-impact athletes for performance and long-term durability
How Often do you update Your Plans?
Our plan update schedule is driven not by a time period, but by programming evolution and improvement. For example, we’ve re-thought and simplified our running endurance programming and recently updated our Running Improvement Training Plan. We’ve also updated the APFT Training Plan, USMC PFT Training Plan, DEA PTT, Resilience, Valor, Fortitude, and several others.
MTI is driven by constant improvement and this is reflected in our plan updates.
How Often do you Design/Publish New Plans?
Constantly. We are driven by “holes” we see in mountain and tactical programming as well as athlete requests.
A few of the new Training Plans (currently in the queue) include:
Recently Added/Upcoming Tactical Plans
- SOCOM Fitness Assessment currently conducted by Exos coaches
- 724th STS Selection
- Canadian Army FORCE Fitness Test Training Plan
- Tactical Speed and Agility Training plan
- Border Patrol PFT & Academy
- USSS Physical Fitness Evaluation
- North Carolina OPAT
- Smoke Diver Training Plan
- Wildland Firefighter Assessment and Training Plan
Recently Added/Upcoming Mountain Plans
- Grand Traverse Training Plan (Grand Traverse in the Teton Range)
- Backcountry Mountain Snowmobiling Pre-Season Training Plan
- Adventure Race Training Plan (Run/Hike, Bike, Paddle)
- Rim to Rim (Grand Canyon) Training Plan
Recently Added/Upcoming General Fitness Training Plans
- Sandbag Logos and Pathos
- Gym-Based Endurance Training Plan
- Pull Up Improvement Training Plan
- Push Up Improvement Training Plan
- Ultimate Work Capacity II and III
- Pregnant Woman Training Plan
We’re busy, and our time here is split in many directions, but in general, we’ve been able to build 2-3 new plans/month. This is in addition to programming the daily sessions and updating existing plans.
Common Questions
What are the “Legacy” Plans?
We’ve been designing sport-specific training plans for over a decade and these plans have older programming but are proven, athlete favorites available only to subscribers.
An Individual Athlete’s Subscription costs $35/month – but I want a subscription for everyone on my team. Do you offer bulk subscription discounts? Yes. Click HERE for multi-user pricing.
Do you have a money-back guarantee for your programming?
Yes. Please read Our Stuff Works. Guaranteed.
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
Can I see sample training?
Yes. Search for your desired plan, then click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming. You are encouraged to do it before purchasing.
How do I access the plan? Pdf? Online?
All of our plans are online. You can access them via username and password.
Can I print out sessions to take to the gym?
Yes. You can print a week of programming at a time.
More questions? Email coach@mtntactical.com