
The workouts are going great!

The workouts are going great!

Overall – Your workout plans are varied and interesting enough to keep me engaged and thinking, repetitive enough within each set so that I don’t have to focus too hard on what I’m doing. I have been focusing on the general section of the subscription, and I have found that they are hard enough that I can get them done and know that the hardest part of my day is behind me by 7 am.

The program does seem to be working. I feel like I am getting stronger, and am getting a ton of comments out of my wife about body shape, size, and leanness.

The training session flow is not confusing. I am following it pretty well. I can say that it does take a little bit of thinking to get the progressions down when I start each set, but after one round, I have it down and can just plow through the exercises in that set. I really love that aspect of the training plans.

Accessing the program is super easy. I look at it on my phone and on my computer when trying to learn  what I’m going to be doing. I’m the type that plans my workout out before going to the gym, so I watch all the videos, and I write everything down on a small 3×5 card so that it’s easy to see, color coded, and compact. I don’t like having to constantly look at my phone for instructions, but that’s just me. When I do get a little lost (i.e. unsure of number of reps), I can pull up the app and review the plan without hardly any time lost, so I’d say it works really well for access.

The videos are HUGE!!! I found a handful of exercises that were completely foreign to me only to find the videos easy to find and easy to follow. There are some instances where the links aren’t directly in the weekly programming, but you have a ton of stuff out there, so it would be insane to expect you to have the link at each place I want it. When the link isn’t there, searching for the exercise is pretty damned easy, so I have zero complaints here. Wait, except one. Your Alligator Pushups don’t denote whether each individual pushup is one rep, or one pushup per hand being forward (i.e. 2 pushups) counts as a rep. Given the way that you calculate some reps in the most painful and growth full way possible, I’ve been doing the latter (2 pushups as a rep). That’s the only thing I have ever found lacking in the videos thus far.

IN addition, I love the emails with the mini studies, essays, and all the information, including the Arete. I love having a source of health and life information independent of CNN and all the other crappy news outlets. Men’s Health is intriguing, and does hit the nail at times, but man, some of that crap is just fluff. So, I really love all that extra stuff. And the clean eating, I still drive my family nuts with it, but my wife really enjoys it when it counts.

All in all, great programming, and it is really working for me. Thanks for setting all of this programming up and sharing it. It’s huge for old nerds like me that realized fitness needed to be a core part of life later than optimal.

Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions about what I’ve said above.



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