…ask if you have a program I could recommend to my father.  He’s 57 and while not unfit as such, could stand to lose a lot of subcutaneous fat.  He…

What Supplements I Use and Why

…(12 Oct 2014) Everything You Need To Know About Creatine. Retrieved from     You Might Also Like MTI’s Fat-Loss Training or MTI’s Hypertrophy Plan for Skinny Guys  …

Q&A 1.26.17

…the end of your crossfit stuff. Also, at 5’10”, you’re about 50 pounds heavy from my perspective as a tactical athlete. This doesn’t mean you’re fat – it could be…

Q&A 5.25.17

fat loss be a problem? ANSWER Not because of sleep, that I’m aware of. Cut the cheat day from the diet. – Rob QUESTION As an overall outdoor enthusiast I…

Q&A 6.1.17

…work on it to help develop a healthier life. She also realises and knows that she will never be super sporty, fit or active. I have looked at the fat

Q&A 6.15.17

…with 19% body fat. I started only bodyweight training in April 2016, lost my size and I am now 72 KG with 14% body fat but i gained more strength….

Q&A 8.31.17

Fat Loss followed by Bodyweight Foundation (two days left). Will take a two week break with biking, hiking, etc with family on vacation. Our group that works out each AM,…

Q&A 9.28.17

…very consistent 177lbs around 5-7% body fat. The heaviest I’ve been is 188lbs with the same body fat coming back from Afghanistan in 2016 after several consecutive months of Wendler’s…

Arete 2.1.18

…OR 2018 “Best of Show” Awards, Freeskier   Fitness/Nutrition/Health Flipping the Switch: Dietary Fat, Changes in Fat Metabolism May Promote Prostate Cancer Metastasis, Science Daily Soy Milk Is Best Plant-Based…

Q&A 11.8.18

…times. A little about myself. 52 years of age, weight 188 and 14.5% body fat. I lost 30lbs and 7% body fat since January 1, 2018 to September 17, 2018….



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