Q&A 9.21.24


My brother is looking at joining the Army National Guard in the next couple of months. His most likely report date for basic training is early January 2025. I would like to point him towards some MTI plans to get him ready for Basic and AIT between now and then.
Little background on him. He didn’t grow up planning sports, but he’s been going to the gym doing “bro-lifts” for about 2 years. He’s 67 inches tall and around 155lbs. His strength is pretty good, but his endurance just isn’t there. Can’t speak on his work capacity or TAC-SEPA.


Fortitude followed by Valor, then Humility into AIT.
He’ll be overprepared, but it will be fun for him to train this new way.  This is 21 weeks of programming and there are 15 weeks until Jan 1…. add another 2-3 depending on his AIT date and he’ll be able to get 1/2 way through Humility.
– Rob


Do you have an alternate exercise for your BJJ plan’s gi grip assessment for no-gi competitors?
I exclusively train without a gi and looking for something I can use to progress along with my plan.


We’ve used the Gi Grip Assessment and progression to increase grip strength for general athletes, mountain athletes and tactical athletes … the grip strength gained will absolutely transfer to non-gi BJJ. You can use a towel instead of a gi.
If not, do 5 rounds of max effort dead hang (unloaded) for time from a pull up bar, with a 60 second rest between efforts. This sucks too… but is also a super effective and simple way to train grip strength.
– Rob


I just finished the SFQC. I am headed to 5th group in 6 months. I have contacts at the direct action company there and that’s where I want to go. I want to ask what plan or packet you recommend to prepare for a team or a direct action specific team.

ACFT is standard upon arrival as well as 12 mile ruck.


26-28 weeks in 6 months. Here’s what I recommend:
Weeks        Plan
1-7              Humility
8-14            Valor
15-21          Foritiude
22-28          SFCC Training Plan
Humility, Valor and Fortitude are multi-modal plans designed as day to day fitness for SOF operators. These plans are intense, 5 days/week, and concurrently train strength, work capacity, military endurance (run, ruck) and chassis integrity (functional core).
The SFQC Training Plan includes focused training for the ACFT and 12 mile ruck into your reporting to 5th group. You’ll want to flex the schedule for Fortitude depending on your actual report date. Complete the SFQC plan the 7 weeks directly before reporting … week 7 is an unload week.
This assumes you’ll be taking the ACFT and 12 mile ruck assessments the first week you report and that you are super intent on maximizing your ACFT and 12-mile ruck scores. Know that the fitness demands to max the ACFT and 12-mile ruck are not the same as being an direct action operator … for example no well-rounded strength, no sprint training, no short loaded rucking and sprints.
Congrats and good luck!
– Rob


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