Q&A 8.17.24


I am in the USMC on the reserve side of the house. I was curious if you recommend a way to follow your CFT training plan with a knee injury. I ran my PFT in June and suffered a right knee injury. Went to the doctor recently and they are planning on giving me gel shots in the coming weeks. But I desperately need to prepare for the CFT and need to be conscious of my knee but would really like to follow your plan. I purchased the PFT plan and was following that and was feeling good going into test day. I appreciate any help or insight you can provide. Thank you, have a great day! Semper Fi!


No magic bullet for you.
In general, I think athletes should train “injured” but not “hurt.”
“Injured” = training won’t make it worse.
“Hurt” = training will make it worse.
In terms of subs, the best sub for running is spinning – or biking.
To sub for the 880 yard run, do a 1.5 mile spinning sprint, then .5 mile intervals.
Ammo Can lift – you can do the programming.
Mvt under fire??? no sub for this that I can think of.
– Rob


I am interested in knowing more about your training offerings for my son who is a High school senior. He is interested in applying to the academy. Let me know if we can connect on this


Our CFA Training Plan is designed to prepare academy candidates specifically for the CFA …. which I assume will be after your son has applied to an academy, received a congressional endorsement, etc.
This is a fitness plan designed to be completed the 6 weeks directly before your son takes his application CFA.
This is the only service we offer to protential academy candidates.
– Rob


I’m so sorry if this is a double email. I emailed your customer support email then just saw this one in the plan.
I just purchased the Air Force PFT plan. My test is in 9 weeks but I need to buckle down sooner since this is my first test since having a baby, do you have any suggestions on which week(s) are best to repeat or how to alter the plan to be able to still gain and maintain progress I’ll make since I have 3 extra weeks of buffer.


Repeat weeks 4, 5, 6.
This plan is assessment based, so you take the PFT, then the following progressions are based on your most recent PFT scores. As written, you would have taken the PFT 3 times. Now you’ll take it 4.
Email questions.
– Rob


Looking for a recommendation. I’m planning on up/down in one day Mt.  Whitney, weather permitting, on November 2. Peak bagger or big mountain? Or is there another better option?
Also, Have recently run through all of the SF 50 series. Do you think you will add future delta, echo, foxtrot series. The 50 series was excellent.


Peak Bagger for Mt. Whitney.
No on more SF 50 Plans. Pivot to the 45+ Daily Programming Subscription.
– Rob


We only have 4 weeks until our rim to rim hike. I just learned about your program from a podcast.
We are hoping to get last minute reservations at Phantom Ranch but would like to be physically prepared to complete the hike in one day, if needed. We will carry as little as possible.
I see your plan is for 8 weeks … could we modify that? What  training plan would you recommend?
We would like to be as physically fit as possible to be able to enjoy the experience. Complete misery is never fun.
I completed a rim to rim solo last year with an overnight at the ranch. This is my partner’s first trip to the inner canyon. We live in New Hampshire so will be acclimating to heat and altitude several days prior to the hike.
Any guidance you can provide will be much appreciated!


Complete weeks 1-3 of the plan, then fast forward and complete Week 8 (unload week) the week directly before your Rim to Rim.
– Rob


I have one observation and one question.
First, I am currently running the Smoke Diver program and I noticed the training sessions are listed in the following order: week 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7. Looks like just a slight error, but I wanted to bring it to your attention.
Second, my grip strength is lacking, and that has proved very evident in this program. For several of the workouts the prescribed exercise is:

6 Rounds, Wearing Firefighting Gloves …
60 Second Farmer’s Carry @ 55/75# Dumbbells
60 Second Rest

I have access to up to 60# dumbbells and kettlebells at my firehouse and 90# dumbbells at home. I find that I am unable to make it through all 6 rounds with just 50# dumbbells with the fire gloves on. Is there some added grip strength exercises I can do to improve this without taking away from the program?
Thank you!


Thanks for the note on the week order in the plan. Should be fixed now.
Grip Strength?    Do the 6-Round Circuit of Famer’s Carry and rest once per day, and/or every other day. If it’s not prescribed in the training session, add it on your own at the end of the session.
– Rob


Currently working through the military on-ramp plan and wondering how much rest to take between different parts of a workout. For example, part 1, “6 rounds” and part 2, “15 minute grind” on week 1 session 2. Is whatever this time is the same for different parts of other workouts and training plans? Thanks.


None … move from one part directly to the other. Work steadily, but not frantically. Aim to finish the gym-based sessions in 60 minutes.
– Rob


I have had your Chassis Integrity plan for a while now. I cycle through it with some of my general weight sessions. I’ve also listened to a few of your more recent podcasts.
My background is 49 year old male, ex pro triathlete, no real injuries. I don’t need tactical plans, and my hunting is TX Whitetail bow and rifle hunting. I will do a backcountry sherpa for a 74-year old in Colorado Elk Rifle 1 season this year. I’m in Texas and mostly whitetail hunt. 5’9″ and about 150#.
I still exercise daily, but I am looking at your SF 45-50 plan for general health.
How much will I lose if I do not have a fully functional gym? Since covid, we have used adjustable dumbbells and kettle bells at our house. I’ve got a sandbag, and backpack/rucksack.


The biggest thing you’ll miss is the ability to train maximal strength. Dumbbells/kettlebells, sandbags, bodyweight, etc. just can’t train 1RM strength like barbells – simply because barbells can load up in 5# increments and can carry several hundred pounds. There’s no good replacement for them.
That being said, you can get plenty strong with dumbbells/kettlebells … but I’m not sure you could reach 1.5x bodyweight bench press and 1.5x bodyweight front squat or 2x bodyweight hinge or dead lift.
I’m 56, and as we get older, we lose muslce mass – and strength. For years I haven’t really injoyed lifting super heavy, but this past summer did 3RM training for both the back  squat and hinge lift – and think my durability and overall foundational fitness improved.
The other option is to simply get a rack and barbell at your house.
– Rob


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