Q&A 7.4.24


I bought the LE patrol training plan. When I open the workout there are multiple months and workouts to start from. Since this is June should I just start at the beginning of the month or is there another starting point I should start at?


Thanks for reaching out.
You are correct.  Start with week one of June.  If you aren’t perfectly aligned with the date, that is ok.  Once we roll into July, you will still have access to complete the June programming.


I hope all is well. Just a quick shoutout… your programs are awesome… they are very detailed and well thought out! I do have one specific question. I’m currently using the DEA academy program and I’m having an issue with my intervals. I scored a 13:30 on my 1.5 mile run and based on the interval calculation, I should be running between 3:57:36 and a 4:03:00 for an 800m interval pace. When I try to hit that interval per the 800meter rounds, I find it extremely difficult to keep it at that pace. I usually fall in between an 8/9 minute pace. Is this normal? At the same time I’m trying to drop some weight while doing this and I’m assuming it’s because I’m just a bit on the heavier side at 226lbs? What would you recommend I do to reach that pace for those runs? I’m working hard at this and I am not giving up. Thank you for any suggestions!


Generally, athletes will at least be able to make the first 1 or 2 intervals at the prescribed pace. You’re going 1/3 the distance of the assessment, and the pace is 20% faster than your assessment pace.
It should be hard … it’s not easy.
Try to make the prescribed pace, and if you can’t just go as fast as you can for each interval.
– Rob


Ok I’m officially overwhelmed like in a good way but still
At home i have a 25# ruck vest, a 40# sandbag and a 30 & 40# kettlebell. I know i can do a lot with those things just don’t know which training would work best for it specifically.
Im starting with Bodyweight Foundations but after that I’ll have those things.
Female/33/145# personal trainer, pretty fit and train for functional fitness.


– Rob


I’ve been using your plans for the past couple of years to get ready to climb various routes on Rainier (successfully last year, and unsuccessfully this year due to weather). I used the Greek Heroine plans followed by the Rainier plan. I felt better (stronger and able to recover WAY faster) this year vs. last year. I’m 45 years old.
My next goal is to do Denali in 2026, with some smaller peaks and adventures next year (Baker, Adams, Wonderland Trail – 93 miles around the base of Rainier, etc.)
My questions are:
  • What is the best way for me to continue to build on my fitness so that I can go into the next couple of climbing seasons even stronger?
  • Since I don’t have as specific goals for next year, should I transition to the Mountain Elite Training Subscription, and then go back to the other plans when I start to train specifically for Denali?
  • If I transition to the subscription, when should I transition back to either the Heroine training plans or an event specific plan (like Denali)?
  • Are all of the workouts in the subscription based off of the alpine test?
  • How is the subscription periodized?
  • What if you miss a day/week/etc.?


What is the best way for me to continue to build on my fitness so that I can go into the next couple of climbing seasons even stronger?
Mountain Elite Daily – use this as your “base” training programming or …. now complete the Alpinist Fitness Assessment Training Plan to jumpstart your fitness. The issue is your current outdoor recreation schedule …. the fitness assessment plan is intense! …. and might be better to complete in the shoulder season (September/October if you don’t hunt)>

Since I don’t have as specific goals for next year, should I transition to the Mountain Elite Training Subscription, and then go back to the other plans when I start to train specifically for Denali?
Yes.  …. 9 weeks out … complete the Denali Training Plan the 9 weeks directly before departing for the climb.

If I transition to the subscription, when should I transition back to either the Heroine training plans or an event specific plan (like Denali)?
Anytime for the Heroine Plans if you want … .these have the same basic programming approach as Mountain Elite. Event-Specific? – it depends on the length of the event-specific plan. The Denali Plan is 9-weeks long.

Are all of the workouts in the subscription based off of the alpine test?
No. There is much more variety
How is the subscription periodized?
Using MTI’s Base Fitness Fluid Periodization Model. In general, the Daily Mountain Elite programming has a slight endurance emphasis, but also trains strength, work capacity, chassis integrity and climbing (rock) fitness. No climbing gym? Alternate programming is prescribed.

What if you miss a day/week/etc.?
If you miss it to rest or recover or complete outdoor recreation, don’t worry about it. If not … do the sessions in order as prescribed.
– Rob


I’ve been looking at your programs for a while now and finally have the opportunity to train for what I want and not what military courses I’m going to next. Currently at 2nd Ranger Battalion and looking for a program that encompasses it all. Sort of like a hybrid athlete program that incorporates rucking and the more tactical side of it. I obviously want to life heavier and run/ruck faster than everyone else and still look good. Is there any recommendations for programming? I looked at the operator hector and think that one is the best one for me, any recommendations?


Our military athlete base fitness programming concurrently trains strength, work capacity, chassis integrity, endurance (run/ruck) and chassis integrity (functional core).
1) Hector – individual plan that deploys base fitness programming for military athletes.
– Rob


I’m using the LE spirits package.  Whenever I do power clean + push press, I quickly develop some lower back strain, especially during work capacity events.  I don’t get this with deadlifts or squats.  Am I maybe jerking the bar too much, or something else?


The push press demands a lot of low back stability – and my guess this is what you’re feeling.
There’s no quick fix or answer … – but you shouldn’t keep doing something that strains your low back.  I’d recommend either decreasing the barbell weight signiicantly, or just doing the power clean and skipping the push press.
– Rob


I recently started the program for the FBI PFT. I have a question about the running portions. At the start it’s very difficult to run 3 miles at once, or even 800k without stopping. My timeline for completion is by next April, 2025. So I have until then to pass. My current height is 5’ 10 Weight is 258

Is it recommended starting out to light jog/walk when reaching points of exhaustion during those longer runs? I know the goal is to be able to reach those, but starting off what’s recommended?


My current recommendation is to shelve the FBI PFT efforts because of our runaway until you need to take it. We will tackle that in February 2025.
For right now, I recommend our Fat Loss Training Program. This program has many benefits and addresses issues such as the inability to run for longer distances.   Diet is 90% of the battle, so do your best to limit carbs and booze.


’m a high school track and field athlete who specializes in shot put and discus. I’m going to be a senior this 24-25’ school year and I am really looking to take my training to the next level. I want to become as strong as I can be, physically and mentally. I love lifting weights and doing powerlifts, but one thing I struggle with is conditioning… along with self image and confidence. I want to become an absolute UNIT in the ring and throw absolutely as far as I can. And I guess my other goal is to become the strongest, leanest version of myself. I’ve tried many times before, but when it comes to running and losing body fat, I always seem to give up. And I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have interest in joining the military, and I’ve talked to recruiters. But I also want to become a doctor; so as of now i decided that I’m going to go do that first and then enlist. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to push myself and develop the mental strength, physicality, and values of a soldier! I would love to talk to you about a training program!


Thanks for reaching out.
An excellent program to get you strong for shot put and discus is our RAT 6 Program.
Once track and field season starts, do you have a Strength and Conditioning you work with?
If you do decide to go the military route and need assistance in getting ready, feel free to contact us.


What is the difference between Law Enforcement Academy Training Plan and LE On-Ramp Training Program?


  • Law Enforcement Academy Training Plan builds a solid level of “Base Fitness” for those preparing to enter Law Enforcement Academies.
  • LE On-Ramp: The training plan is designed to build a solid level of “Base Fitness” for unfit to moderately fit Law Enforcement Athletes and prepare them for the volume and intensity of MTI’s daily LE Athlete programming and other training plans.
Let me know if you are looking for something specific.


I’m looking for two plans, one to prepare for the police pft and the academy. I really like how your company has alot of plans tailoring to different areas. By comparing to other places they look like there’s been alot of research put into each of them.
Unfortunately I don’t have a gym membership just been working out at home with a bench and dumbells. I’m willing to buy sandbags, pylo box, weight vest and barbell. Although I don’t have room for a rack in my living apartment. Would these plans still be doable without a commercial gym?


The short answer is yes. In addition to all the items you mentioned you have and are going to purchase, you would need these other items for those two programs.


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